• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Meech17

    On Publicly Sharing Paid Content: Legality, and all around Best Practices.

    Good morning EN World. So I started blogging. I want to write, and I need practice. I figured a blog would be a good way to do that. I've mostly been telling stories, and also publishing my Campaign Diaries there. Not only is this proving to be a fun writing exercise, but it's also been a nice...
  2. Meech17

    Introducing a New Character, and Sunless Citadeling

    Good morning EN World. You all have been super helpful in all of my other planning, so hopefully you don't mind me calling on the Dungeon Master Brain Trust once again to help plan out my next session. If you don't care about the back story the TL;DR is that a cinematic moment may have killed a...
  3. Meech17

    What keeps uninterested players showing up each session?

    This weekend I jumped at the chance to play some D&D. I'm part of a LFG type Facebook group and someone posted that they had some players drop out, and were looking to fill spots. I said YOLO and shot him a DM. We got to talking and decided we'd be a good fit and he told me to make a level 7...
  4. Meech17

    D&D General Former WOTC President Cynthia Williams lands CEO role at Funko!

  5. Meech17

    How to Better Cultivate My Crop of Inexperienced Players.

    Good morning EN World. I'm a newer DM, and I'm running a game for five players of mixed experience. My two most experienced players both started in the last year or two, I've got two where they've played one or two sessions prior to my game, and my last player is new-new and this is his first...
  6. Meech17

    How do you all make use of your grids?

    So I'm new to the world of gridded play. I ran my first session using it two weeks ago. First encounter I just drew out an area with symbols for statues and other obstacles. The second encounter I went all out and drew an entire eight room house that the PCs infiltrated. I had drawn it out and...
  7. Meech17

    D&D 5E Would anyone be interested in helping me brainstorm my next session?

    The Story so Far: My party consists of a Half Orc Paladin, a Wood Elf Ranger, a Tabaxi Barbarian, a Gnome Sorcerer, and a Halfling Wizard, all of third level. The Wizard is likely to be a no-show due to some family issues. She may attend, but she hasn't confirmed yet, and I'm assuming she wont...
  8. Meech17

    D&D 5E Feldwar Session 3 Recap.

    This is largely inspired by @Hriston talking about running a game for their kids here. I really enjoyed that thread and would like to eternalize my game sessions in writing as well. I would make a Matt Colville style campaign diary video, but as my dear mother always said, I have a face fit for...
  9. Meech17

    D&D General Is it cheesy to power down monsters? Also, has anyone done "Them Apples" from Dungeon #48?

    I'm a new DM, and I've got a group of mostly new players. (Five players, two with experience, two who have played once prior to my games, and one completely new player.) We're doing some homebrew stuff. Real basic goblins and giant snakes type things. Going into the third session, the party is...
  10. Meech17

    Probably a dumb question, but how do I read the columns?

    Hello, I'm new to EN World. I've been reading on here the last couple of weeks now, and I just made an account yesterday. The problem now though is that whenever I click on a column/article to read it, it just takes me directly to the community page for that article, showing the comments. How...