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    GURPS Combat example

    It is fairly common to have people ask about GURPS, sort of the system everyone has heard of but no one has played. Enraged Eggplant has made a combat example video using the goblin ambush from Lost Mines of Phandelver to sort of give a flavor sample. He uses just about every optional rule...
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    Kickstarter Saethor's Bane on Backerkit, solo adventure for GURPS

    If you are like so many more mature (older) gamers, you probably have more desire than opportunity to get your game on. Well, there is a Backerkit campaign for a Saethor's Bane, a solo adventure module (think Choose your own adventure but with GURPS combat). It is a great way to while away the...
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    ZEITGEIST Fleshing out Flint

    Hello all, I am getting ready to run a campaign that is taking many parts of Zeitgeist including much of the setting. That said, Flint is left a bit shallowly developed, understandably, and I was wondering if anyone had used another product as a basis to flesh it out. I don't have time to sooo...