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Search results

  1. Jd Smith1

    What is your wishlist?

    Not products you are waiting for, but stuff you dream of finding. Mine: 1) A good hardcore modern system in the style of Phoenix Command, Millennium's End, Aces&Eights. 2) A good, detailed, well-mapped setting in pike&musket era. 3) A detailed post-apoc setting that isn't zombies (tired of)...
  2. Jd Smith1

    Dark Sun versions

    Which is the better depiction of the Dark Sun setting: the original boxed set, or the 4e version. Not system, just the setting.
  3. Jd Smith1

    Good Modern Systems

    I'm talking about serious, probably crunchy, systems with a high lethality that intend to portray WW2-present day era combat. Not junk like Modern d20, Shadowpunk, Cybderpunk, or the 'action movie' drek. There's Twilight 2000 series (4th Ed is not bad) and the spinoff, War Stories. Behind...
  4. Jd Smith1

    I need a good non-D&D fantasy campaign

    So looking ahead, I'm thinking after my current campaign ends, I would run Hackmaster 5e again. I'm looking for one of those products that takes players from level 1 to 10+. I don't want D&D because they are too commonly known, and the PCs in D&D are too overpowered. Pathfinder has great...
  5. Jd Smith1

    Hostile AI input & suggestions

    So, I am looking at a scenario involving a smallish space station where forbidden research on an old AI went wrong, and the the AI (shocker) has gained control. The PCs are sent to investigate (another shocker) OK, so the station has no robots or androids, and other than simple internal...
  6. Jd Smith1

    Campaigns that don't get the love they deserve

    I'm referring to campaigns, not settings or systems. Published scenarios that are intended to cover extensive periods of PC development that dont get the recognition they deserve. Starting it off: Dark Tower: probably the best of Judge's Guilds offerings, a solid back-story, multi-layers...
  7. Jd Smith1

    Prop question

    I want to have a symbol crop up several times in a campaign, and to provide it to the PCs as an (electronic) prop (jpg, etc). Problem is, I need it in various styles (crisp, blurry, drawn crudely, etc). I have limited MS Paint skills. Is there a method to do this for a low-tech guy?
  8. Jd Smith1

    Symbaroum setting

    Anyone familiar with it? I'm looking for a fantasy setting (not system, will use Zweihander), and I liked the look of the map and the rich but compact history, but I haven't gone too deep. Are there any decent published campaigns/scenarios? Does the setting hold up in play? Recommendations?
  9. Jd Smith1

    Ways to annoy my players in a semi-post-apoc city

    Its the Digenesis setting, sort of 'emerging from post-apoc'. The PCs are going to be spending ten weeks of downtime in a major city pursuing a project. I've got some politics and intrigue for RP purposes, but what I really want is some minor annoyances to give the period some color and...
  10. Jd Smith1

    Any advice for a new Legend of the Five Rings GM

    So I'm considering running a 50-odd session L5R 4th Edition campaign. I've long admired the setting, but have never run anything in it. Been GMing since '79, though. Any advice for a first-timer in the Emerald Empire? EDIT: we play online with Roll20.
  11. Jd Smith1

    Native tribe harassing outsiders

    So, its the usual encounter: PCs travelling through howling wilderness encounter native tribe. Natives are not actively hostile, but take the opportunity to force the PCs to do stuff in other to 'earn' the right to travel through their land. Its an old trope. Violent games, getting them to eat...
  12. Jd Smith1

    Need a particular product

    I need a supplement, preferably fantasy, system immaterial, of a trade event (think Mountain Man rendezvous), or a refugee camp, or a shanty town, or Burning Man type event. Basically a non-permanent or semi-permanent gathering of a couple hundred people. brought together by common cause for...
  13. Jd Smith1

    Looking for a chart for deranged behavior

    Normally, there's a chart in RPGs for anything, but Google-fu has let me down. I'm looking for a chart that would let me depict people (who were violent cultists before) who have suffered from failed brainwashing efforts, leaving them unpredictable and randomly illogical. Its not something I...
  14. Jd Smith1

    Need a d100 space combat system

    Planning on running a Fading Suns campaign later this year or early next, using a modified CoC 7th Ed as the system, because FS's sucks. CoC works very well as the system, except that there are no sci-fi versions, so I need a space combat system to port in. d100 would work best. Any...
  15. Jd Smith1

    Long campaigns, Besides D&D and Pathfinder

    What systems put out long campaigns besides D&D and Pathfinder? War Hammer has the undying Death on the Riek/Power Behind The Throne, which is sort of long. What other systems produce a product or series of products which potentially take you from beginner all the way to 'I'm too old for this...
  16. Jd Smith1

    Anyone had any success with class, profession, or organization secret signs/runes,cant?

    It seems like every rules set/setting that isn't historical has some group, class, race, organization, etc with secret runes, symbols, cant, etc which are intended to allow members to warn each other, kind of like hobo symbols from the 1890s-1950s. I've always been interested in the...
  17. Jd Smith1

    Anyone tried The Expanse RPG?

    In the series the ship movement was somewhat realistic. Does the RPG replicate this, or is it just the usual WW1 dogfighting in space?
  18. Jd Smith1

    Is there a decent renaissance-era setting?

    Don't even say 7th Sea. And to save time, I'm not interested in 'you could easily convert setting X' It doesn't have to be historical, but definitely post-feudal, matchlock/wheelock, decline of armor, emergence of a middle class, and so forth. System has no impact, but I already have the...
  19. Jd Smith1

    What is the current Star Wars game?

    I know there's been several over the years.
  20. Jd Smith1

    A question about Hunter The Vigil

    Does it use the same ruleset as Vampire the Requiem? I've been reading reviews, but they are not clear. The reason I ask is that Roll20 has produced a VtR PC sheet, but not a Hunter sheet.