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Search results

  1. plisnithus8

    Is it fun to plan a heist?

    I keep hearing (mostly YouTubers) saying that planning a heist is problematic so suggest Blades in Dark or similar games with rules to skip over it. Some say players don’t have the expertise to rob a bank any more than they know how to wield a sword and shield. Other stated reasons include: it...
  2. plisnithus8

    D&D 5E Locate Creature Question

    Let’s say Locate Creature is used by the party to try to find a mind flayer. The caster has seen one before and begins following the direction the spell directs toward a mind flayer within 1,00 feet. Then it begins moving away from the caster as other mind flayers move into range, some closer...
  3. plisnithus8

    WotC Three Black Halflings Interview Kyle Brink (OGL & more...)

    His name has popped up on a couple of responses to the OGL controversy lately. Here's an interview that gives a wider perspective. https://headgum.com/three-black-halflings/watch-what-i-do-not-what-i-say-interview-with-dd-executive-producer-kyle-brink#player "Today's episode features one of...
  4. plisnithus8

    WotC DND Beyond AI DM

    Roll for Combat is reporting Hasbro is planning to have DND Beyond subscriptions tiered up to $30 a month per player that will come with AI DMs (explaining the OGL, purchase of DNDB, hiring or programmers):
  5. plisnithus8

    D&D 5E Keys from the Golden Vault

    “Keys from the Golden Vault” is just a few weeks away — Amazon has a 2/21 release date. Has there been any more info/discussion about this? A cover photo? Is it tied to the movie at all, because of “heist”? Isn’t this unusual for a book to not have much of a publicity push before release?
  6. plisnithus8

    D&D 5E Distance Estimation

    Do you as a DM (or does the DM you play with) always tell specific distances of objects, creatures, or location from a player? For instance: “The goblin is 35 feet from you.” Or are distances estimates or left to PC’s to figure out? I tried using estimations while using minis on a gridless...
  7. plisnithus8

    D&D 5E Crawford’s “Court of the Raven Queen”

    Could this be a clue to upcoming WotC products? Anyone know if it will be recorded and shown on YouTube after the fact?
  8. plisnithus8

    D&D 5E Using Suggestion To Thwart Zone of Truth

    If Suggestion is used to make a creature believe something is true, can the spell be used as a means of bypassing a Zone of Truth since the creature has made itself believe the falsehood is truth? Can a creature cast Suggestion on themselves in order to accomplish this?
  9. plisnithus8

    D&D 5E Where is Lucille in BG:DiA?

    Quick question: Where is the fat white pit fiend named Lucille in the Baldur’s Gste: Descent into Avernus book?
  10. plisnithus8

    Spelljammer 5e Adventure in Space (Spelljammer)?

    I’m looking for 5e adventures in space (preferably physical books). I’m wanting an option for my party to repair the Id Ascendant in RotF. I’ve prepared the helm from Dungeon of the Mad Mage and read Volo’s Nautiloid entry. I have 3rd party books such as Esper Genesis, Dark Matter, Arcana of...
  11. plisnithus8

    D&D 5E Grim Dark Recommendation

    I was thinking about purchasing either Grim Hollow, Nightfell, or perhaps some other grim dark supplement. Any recommendations?
  12. plisnithus8

    D&D 5E removed

    sorry, taken down
  13. plisnithus8

    D&D General How to 3D Battlemap (Roll20)?

    I have a specific Roll20 space ship battle question, but it’s applicable to aerial D&D and other situations/combat as well... I’ve just started DMing an Ultramodern5 Redux/Esper Genesis mash-up sci-fi campaign. We’re using Roll20 and importing maps to grid battles online. Players just got in a...
  14. plisnithus8

    D&D 5E Marut: Sigil's Hall of Concordance?

    My players' characters are 21st level (using 2CGaming's Epic Legacy). I decided to DM my son and his friends on Roll20 while quarantined -- we play twice a week, and I let them level up at the end of each session (now at epic levels, just once a week -- too many plot threads and too little...
  15. plisnithus8

    D&D 5E Book (printed) Recommendations?

    What books can you recommend for 5e from 3rd parties? I can recommend Ulraunt's Guide to the Planes: Acheron; it's a massive hardbound beauty with over 300 pages of lore, beautiful art, and plenty of crunch for players (subclasses) and DMs (monsters) alike. I have been doing Roll20 with my son...
  16. plisnithus8

    D&D 5E Possibility of 5e Godzilla

    Since Magic the Gathering has now had some official crossing over to 5e, we might get an official Godzilla and friends (Mothra, etc.) in the future since MAGIC: THE GATHERING - IKORIA, LAIR OF BEHEMOTHS BUNDLE has been announced. Anyone ready to fight kaiju...
  17. plisnithus8

    D&D 5E Should Intuition be a skill/ability?

    What would be the pros/cons of implementing Intuition in the game? I’d like PCs to have a 6th sense to guide them, a way as a DM to give them gut instincts, flashes of warnings? I can't decide if it would be a new ability or skill (if so, attached to Wisdom?). Or should be...
  18. plisnithus8

    D&D 5E What is the opposite of a Modron?

    If Modrons are the embodiment of lawfulness, do creatures exist in the opposite balancing extreme of chaos? Obviously, they would be harder to define by definition, not fitting into the structure of Mechsnus. It seems like these should exist — if so what are they and where can they be found...
  19. plisnithus8

    D&D General Multiply Die?

    Is there a significant mathematical reason not to multiply a single dice roll by the number of dice, such as multiplying one 6-sided die by 5 instead of rolling 5 six-sides dice? I know it creates quantum jumps in numbers leaving out granularity, but does it unbalance the results?
  20. plisnithus8

    D&D General D&D Band Names

    My group is playing Eberron with a silly tone. Their group patron is a law firm, but they are going to be representing various musical performers. I’d appreciate your help by: 1. Adding to the list of band names (see below). 2. Filling in funny/relevant details about a band/performer such as...