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    WotBS Dying To Reach The Scourge Prison

    Dramatis Personae Basel, an Innenotdaran (aka grey) elf evoker from Gabal's school with his familiar Star, daughter of Naizelasa. Dämmek, a brainy and brawny human swordswoman with keen senses and the Torch Leon, a human spellthief wielding a double spear. Seda, a spellcasting Seela, with...
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    WotBS "if the heroes dally, Kreven can continue to attack" (spoilers in the posts -- go away, Basel!)

    Hi, everyone. Our group finished the Temple of Echoed Souls last year(!) and have been preparing to assault the Frost Needle's Eye since this February when the blizzard elementals attacked. It's well past time Kreven pushed the issue, but I'm at a loss as to what he should do next. A rerun of...
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    WotBS DMing "Mouth of the Earth" in Phorros Irrendra

    So, I'm confronted with the possibility of running the Mouth of the Earth encounter in Phorros Irrendra in the near future. How did other people handle this location? Did you actually try to prepare a map, draw one up on the fly, or fake it by vigorously waving your hands?
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    WotBS Anyone need a lift?

    Can someone please clarify this bit about the lift traps in Castle Korstull? The 3.5 version says, "Each trap is either immediate or lasts three rounds, and then stops for the fourth round as the lift reaches the next level." Does that mean, for example, that the summoned monster disappear the...
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    WotBS Findle the Betrayer

    Hi, everyone. Something I don't understand: In the discussion of Findle accompanying the heroes to hunt down the scroll to help Gorquith in the 3.5 version of the campaign, the text suggests that Findle might try to betray the heroes to Griiat. Uhm...just how is he going to do that? Does he have...
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    WotBS Feaster of Flesh and Fun

    The 3.5 version of The Tears of the Burning Sky says, "The trapped soul can take no actions other than to scream horribly as it is consumed." In other words, with a single hit and a failed save, one character gets shut out for the duration of the encounter, barring the casting of a spell from a...
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    WotBS Incomplete NPCs in 3.5-edition "The Trial of Echoed Souls"? [spoilers, probably]

    One of my players has offered to put together some NPCs for other reasons. Since he's playing 3WR, and that's the next chapter (they've still only just started exploring Castle Korstull), it makes sense that he'd know some of the people from that area. Is there anything in that chapter that the...
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    WotBS Aggression At The Gates of Castle Korstull (serious spoilers)

    Hi, everyone, I seem to have put myself in a bit of an odd corner: One of the PCs has the ability to detect trillith and detected one near the entrance to Castle Korstull. The detection ability is pretty limited -- it only lets you know if there is a trillith within 60 feet -- but it wouldn't...
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    WotBS Bill T's Second War of the Burning Sky: The Mad King's Banquet [with a smorgasbord of spoilers in the posts]

    Dramatis Personae Basel, an Innenotdaran (aka grey) elf evoker from Gabal's school with his familiar Simon, a cat from Seaquen's docks. Dämmek, a brainy and brawny human swordswoman with keen senses and the Living Blade. Lucius, a human wielding a pair of short swords and a silver tongue. Seda...
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    WotBS Bill T's Second War of the Burning Sky: Shelter from the Storm [more spoilers than you can shake a stick adorned with ribbons and kerchiefs at!]

    Dramatis Personae Basel, an Innenotdaran (aka grey) elf evoker who has been attending Gabal's school and previously made his living as a baker. Dämmek, a human swordswoman with keen senses and a great sword. Gusle, a seela bard who recently escaped captivity from a circus. This player has been...
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    WotBS Bill T's Second War of the Burning Sky [Spoilers, spoilers everywhere]

    Dramatis Personae Basel, an Innenotdaran (aka grey) elf evoker who has been attending Gabal's school and previously made his living as a baker. Gusle, a seela bard who recently escaped captivity from a circus. This player has been through the first few chapters already, so she's aware of the...
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    WotBS Burning Sky prequel?

    Hi, everyone, I'm looking to put together another group to play War of the Burning Sky, and at least one of the potential players has vaguely hinted that before-session session might be in order. Does anyone have any suggestions on what such a prequel might look like? At this point I'm vaguely...
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    WotBS The Mad King's Banquet Invitations

    I'm puzzling over how to run the actual banquet. I still need to figure out how to make the banquet go on after I mistakenly let the heroes find evidence of the meal being poisoned. However, what this post is about is the list of occupants in the room. The list shows eight nobles plus the king...
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    WotBS Question about map of Dassen

    On the map of the Kingdom of Dassen near the start of adventure 4 (3.5 edition), it sort of looks like the map show's the Kings' road on the west side of the river north of the Pitchwood. Am I reading that right? I somehow convinced myself that the road was on the east side through Megadon, but...
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    WotBS Glibglammer Gulp

    Our group just finished their audience before King Steppengard. One of the questions that came up both before and after the encounter was Glibglammer's history. She doesn't strike me as someone who is particularly patient -- did she just show up one day as Steppengard's trusted advisor, or is...
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    WotBS A funny thing happened on the way to Dassen

    As I mentioned in another thread, my players are convinced they are going to be waylaid by Ragesian agents as they make their way from Seaquen to Bresk at the start of the fourth adventure, so they're putting together Clever Plans to avoid and/or gain advantage over these predicted agents. Now...
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    WotBS Bill T's WotBS campaign, reincarnated

    Adventure IV, Prolog Dramatis Personae Amelia, a human spellthieving acetomancer Erielle, an elven archer ranger Kjolmar, a dwarven dungeoncrashing deepwarden Amelia hails from Gate Pass -- she is, in fact, the Katrina's and Rantle's sister. She briefly attended Gabal's school, but was...
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    WotBS Integrating "A Harvest of Hope Forlorn" and "The Mad King's Banquet"?

    Hi, Everyone, In today's session, Ari and Erina managed to get themselves killed by Damatarion after having easily defeated Lee and mopped up Paradim. Only Fitz was smart enough to step away (ironic, given that his character has the lowest intelligence), and he got a real laugh out of the other...
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    WotBS 3.5 Scions of Gate Pass (SPOILERS IN THE POSTS)

    Following Mrpereira's excellent example, this thread is to share my group's experience as I DM them through the War of The Burning Sky saga. We started playing in late 2014 but switched campaigns and DMs a time or two since then. At this rate, we should finish the saga by the end of the decade...
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    WotBS Shouting "fire" in a burning theater

    Hi, everyone, I'm DMing our group through the 3.5-edition version of the War of the Burning Sky. They've just made it (back) to Seaquen after taking Nathan Lowduke back to Naizelasa but otherwise missing the point of the side quest, and I'm about to inflict the council meeting on them. I...