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Search results

  1. Mercurius

    Economic Board Games?

    I don't know a huge amount about board games, and wanted to crowd-source some ideas from EN World. Basically I'm looking for board games that deal with economics and geopolitics as a whole, that I can play with my teenage students. I know Monopoly, of course, and Catan has a strong economic...
  2. Mercurius

    D&D (2024) So what happened to the new and classic campaign settings? (and what's next?)

    Weren't there somewhat solid rumors about WotC re-issuing a classic setting this year, to go along with the 50th anniversary? With the lead candidate being a true Forgotten Realms campaign book? And what about the new settings they were talking about a couple years ago? And while we're at it...
  3. Mercurius

    Are Superhero films dying?

    So I hear The Flash bombed hard. And I've heard superhero films in generally have been on decline, probably since the MCU Thanos arc wrapped up in 2019 and it lost the most popular actors (including Boseman), oh and plus Covid. Plus, the general aimlessness and over-saturation of MCU and the...
  4. Mercurius

    D&D (2024) So what's with 2024 and beyond?

    I've been out of the loop for awhile, but it seems like we don't know anything more about 2024 than we did a year or so ago. Still three core rulebooks, right? What about the "classic setting revisited?" And what happened to the new setting(s) that were mentioned awhile back? I see a Vecna...
  5. Mercurius

    Best (& Worst) Films and Series of 2022

    The rules: Must either have first aired in 2022 and/or you first saw it in 2022. Your list will be highly subjective, of course (of course!), so feel free to go about it your own way...maybe they were the most entertaining (to you), the most meaningful (to you), the most well made (iyo), etc...
  6. Mercurius

    The Moral of the Story Is....Maybe there's such a thing as (D&D being) too big

    I remember a year or two ago, when we were all basking in the glow of D&D's unparalleled popularity. Some of us remember the Golden Age of the early 80s, when D&D experienced a similar-in-kind cultural blossoming, though in an era before the internet, and probably to a smaller degree, even...
  7. Mercurius

    I'm beginning to dislike Netflix (re: Archive 81, 1899, Warrior Nun etc cancellations)

    For this reason, mainly: https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2023/01/16/netflix-has-created-a-self-fulfilling-cancelation-loop-with-its-new-shows/?sh=260d528e78c3 For me it started with the cancellation of Archive 81, a show I really liked but they cancelled after a single season...
  8. Mercurius

    Imagining a post-OGL world

    Forgive me if this has been discussed already - I imagine it has, if only scattered throughout the hundreds of threads on the larger subject - but I'm a bit of a johnny-come-lately to the discussion. I wanted to start a thread that considers a post-OGL world, namely the RPG community, and what...
  9. Mercurius

    Hollywood's creativity problem and a (ranty) stroll through endless remakes...

    Hollywood has a creativity problem, and one that is, I don't think it is too crazy to think, largely based on the financial bottom line. Regardless of whether or not this is a good thing or not, it is the reality of big business and, like all businesses, the goal is (always) making money, and...
  10. Mercurius

    House of Dragons vs. Rings of Power (and a touch of Wheel of Time)

    While the shows are quite different, and certainly George RR Martin and his world and JRR Tolkien and his world are strikingly distinct from each other, even to non-fantasy fans, presenting archetypes of two major locus points of epic fantasy, it is hard not to compare them, if only for their...
  11. Mercurius

    Nordic Noir (and other European tv series)

    So I've been on a Nordic Noir binge lately...some of them are just great. Very atmospheric, generally excellent acting and characters. Plus, its nice to get away from America and some of the annoying cultural traits and tendencies (e.g. everyone's beautiful, obsession with guns and everything...
  12. Mercurius

    D&D (2024) Based upon what we currently know, what degree of "edition update" is 5.5?

    I think it is clear that it is more than just cosmetic with errata (5.1), and probably more than just rules clarifications and updates (5.2) but far from a totally new edition (6), so what are we looking at? I ask because I'm not doing the playtest and haven't followed the rules discussion closely.
  13. Mercurius

    Ranking all Star Trek and Star Wars films and series...together!

    I'm curious how much people like Star Trek vs. Star Wars, beyond just a simple response ("I prefer X over Y"). How would you rank all the films relative to each other? And what about the TV series? The bottom line criteria is enjoyment; secondary factors could include quality, meaning, etc, but...
  14. Mercurius

    Where I try to binge-watch all of Discovery, Picard, and Strange New Worlds in Seven Days (Paramount+ Trial)

    OK, I don't expect to be able to do that, but I have a very open week coming up with kids on vacation with their mom, and very few other commitments. So that's 55 episodes of Discovery, 20 of Picard, and 10 of SNW: 85 episodes in total, or 12 episodes a day. OK, I can't do it - that would be...
  15. Mercurius

    D&D General Campaign settings that aren't clearly analogous to real-world cultures

    As a bit of a setting junky, I've always enjoyed worlds/settings that aren't clearly analogous to specific Earth cultures. It isn't an easy feat, as all of us are (allegedly) Earthlings, so we can only draw from our own world - or other worlds that were created by people who were inspired by...
  16. Mercurius

    What film(s) have you seen the most times?

    For me it is probably Excalibur. It was my favorite movie as soon as I saw it as a kid back in the early-to-mid 80s, and still one of my very favorite. I re-watch it every year or two, so probably have seen it about twenty times. Then there's a group of films that I've probably seen about ten...
  17. Mercurius

    D&D 5E I know nothing about "First World," but here's an idea I'd want to play...

    Inspired from another thread... A primordial world ruled by titans and dragons, both of whom created offspring as a kind of servant class: giants by the titans and the various lesser draconic beings by the dragons. The titans and dragons have an ongoing war that has gone on for thousands of...
  18. Mercurius

    D&D General 2E Setting Product lines

    Yesterday I was going to respond to someone in a thread about current setting coverage, but forgot which thread it was in, so decided to just start a new thread -- and with a pretty chart! One of the things that struck me when I was going over 2E's vast number of books (as an ongoing project to...
  19. Mercurius

    Five (or so) favorite RPG books for lore/reading pleasure

    Any game, any genre, any type of book. What are favorites for lore and reading pleasure? Meaning, which books could you pick up and get lost in for hours upon hours and either enjoy for considering gaming possibilities, or just the ideas themselves? While such books will trend towards settings...
  20. Mercurius

    D&D (2024) The future of edition changes and revisions

    A comment in another thread got me thinking about the nature of edition changes and how they are received. I wanted to tease out a specific element that I haven't heard discussed before, or at least not recently. If we count major revisions (e.g. 3.5 but not 2E Skills & Powers), the AD&D line...