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  1. Bullgrit

    4 Fundamental Reasons You're More Of A Jerk Than You Realize

    From Cracked.com http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-4-fundamental-reasons-youre-:):):):):):):)/ #4. We Dismiss Everything A Person Says If We Disagree With Them About One Thing #3. We Think That If Someone Makes A Mistake, It's Because They Suck #2. We're Trying To Protect Ourselves From Other...
  2. Bullgrit

    Is the term "racism" being stretched too far, applied to too many things?

    As the title says: Is the term "racism" being stretched too far, being applied to too many things, nowadays? Is wearing a cultural costume for a photo, racism? Can an African man wear lederhosen while holding a stein of beer for a photo without being racist? Can a Swedish woman wear a kimono...
  3. Bullgrit

    Movie trailers that spoiled the movie

    The Terminator Genisys thread prompted this thought. What movies had (or seemed to have) important or shocking items spoiled by their trailer? Was your viewing of the movie affected in any way by knowing the spoiler? How do you think you would have reacted differently if the moment hadn't been...
  4. Bullgrit

    Space is . . . difficult

    Scroll down to the #1 entry in this article: Official NASA Transcripts http://www.cracked.com/blog/4-randomly-hilarious-pieces-found-comedy-internet_p2/ Bullgrit
  5. Bullgrit

    Do you remove your shoes in home?

    This whole question and discussion assumes that your shoes aren't particularly dirty/muddy/whatever. Of course you don't trudge mud through the house. When I was a kid, I don't remember having to take my shoes off to come inside the house. I remember keeping my shoes in my room where I put them...
  6. Bullgrit

    The United States of Europe

    Given that the USA was early on more a confederation of independent states than one unified country, sort of kind of like what Europe has become with the European Union, what are the chances that the EU will eventually become a single united nation of states? In the US, it pretty much took a...
  7. Bullgrit

    Metalheads turned out OK

    The thing that struck me the most, (after noting the essentially worthlessness of an online survey of less than 400 people -- "using snowball sampling from Facebook"), was how the different media outlets presented the information...
  8. Bullgrit

    The Confederate Flag

    I recently posted this on my blog: ***** We, Southerners, have to accept that the Confederate flag must be taken down. It has become too tainted with negative attachments to ever recover. It’s like a beloved family pet suffering from rabies. As much as it may break your heart, it must be put...
  9. Bullgrit

    Preparedness for a home invasion

    The subject of home invasion came up in another thread... If someone were to break into your home while you were inside, how prepared are you and is your home for defense? Are you capable, (physically and mentally) to fight? Do you have weapons available, (dedicated or improvised)? Would you...
  10. Bullgrit


    I posted this to my blog back in January: *** I don’t believe human life begins at conception. The idea that a few microscopic cells can be considered human life just doesn’t make sense to me. Depending on what statistic you read, 1/4 to 1/3 of known pregnancies end in a miscarriage. That’s...
  11. Bullgrit

    Claims you've never actually heard spoken

    This isn't intended to be political or religious, but I realize my opening example here could be taken as one or the other even though it's not my intention for this to be a political or religious discussion. There are many random things that I've heard people complain that other people say and...
  12. Bullgrit

    Who would tell you that you look stupid?

    The Donald Trump pics in another thread brought this thought to my mind. My wife and I have an agreement. If we think the other one looks bad in some way -- bad haircut, bad clothes, bad shoes, onion breath, whatever -- we not only have the permission to point it out (politely), but we have the...
  13. Bullgrit

    Best simple purchase you've made

    My office is always cold. It's especially bad for me in the summer because outside is 90-100 degrees (32-37 Celsius), so a light short sleeve shirt is needed. But that makes me freeze in my office. So a few weeks ago I bought a simple black zip-up hoodie sweater to keep in my office. Such a...
  14. Bullgrit

    Death -- a religious institution?

    A discussion in the Gay Rights thread brought up how some (many?) consider marriage a religious institution because it is often performed in a religious forum by a religious leader. How about death and funerals? My mother and step-father hadn't been a part of any church for as long as I can...
  15. Bullgrit

    Online Game Trolls -- what's the psychology?

    Last night I was playing some Team Fortress 2. One server I got on had a guy spamming the chat with inane stuff. Nothing vulgar, nothing mean, or anything like that. Just constant stream of useless spam in all caps. I mentally tuned it out, but it was persistent. Then someone initiated a vote...
  16. Bullgrit

    Beating the old bag

    We haven't talked about our fitness lately (a couple years?), so let's start a new thread on it. I've started working on a hanging heavy bag at the gym, and I'm finding it very enjoyable. I bought a pair of MMA gloves, and I punch around the bag for 20 minutes a few times a week. I really like...
  17. Bullgrit

    Alien Intelligence

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhE7sgvwipo In the above video, NdT brings up an interesting point for discussion. Intelligence in the evolutionary record. Maybe our level of intelligence *is* a unique thing in the universe. Considering it doesn't seem evolutionarily necessary for wide and long...
  18. Bullgrit

    Smiley face replacement for "bad words"

    I just made a post with a "bad word" in it, and the editor changed the word to smiley faces. This is fine with me. I copied and pasted the post in without really noticing the word, but when I reviewed the post here, I saw the smileys. I started to edit the word, but then stopped, thinking...
  19. Bullgrit

    Gay Rights

    Originally posted on my blog back in January: ***** Gay/lesbian/bisexual/transgender folks — I’m fine with them all. I don’t really give any thought or care about a person’s sexual preference, orientation, or identity. I’ve known only a few openly gay folks in my life, and although one was kind...
  20. Bullgrit

    Politics -- do you have a favored side?

    I posted this to my blog back in January: ***** I don’t consider myself a Republican. I don’t consider myself a Democrat. I don’t consider myself a conservative or a liberal. Nor do I claim to be a Libertarian. I am registered unaffiliated. This opening paragraph may be a big surprise for some...