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Search results

  1. Mistah J

    Luckblade and Luck feats - simplify?

    Hey! One of the characters in the game I lead is a rogue based on luck feats from Complete Scoundrel (including the Fortune's Friend PrC). I figure a small side quest that ends with getting a Luckblade is a sure-fire pleaser. What I am curious about is trying to simplify or harmonize the two...
  2. Mistah J

    Help me fill in this backstory..

    Hey, The Paladin of the party is about to find himself stalked by a Flesh Golem. This is a special golem because it is intelligent - no longer having a creator to control it. It is also special because it was built entirely from the corpses of other paladins. When it came to realize this, it...
  3. Mistah J

    How to trap a Spectre

    Hey all, The party is about to come across a spectre and some of its spectre spawn in our next session. The issue is, they have no means of fighting incorporeal creatures. Now, they don't know it is a spectre yet - part of the adventure is finding that out so once they do, they may retreat and...
  4. Mistah J

    Celestial Monk: prestige class or style?

    Hey folks, One of the character's in my game is a paladin/monk. The player is getting a little frustrated with the multiclassing though and it is only getting worse. We talked about it and discovered that he wants to play a monk with holy powers rather than a paladin who simply uses his hands...
  5. Mistah J

    The Pros and Cons of Guild Membership (Help wanted)

    Greetings, here is the deal: I am planning a new campaign to lead. It is a city-based game centred on thieves guilds and other criminal organizations. The PCs are all novice members of a particular guild and the story will involve planned capers, rival guilds, rival guild-members, and of course...
  6. Mistah J

    Adivce: I thought this was overpowered, not I'm not so sure..

    Hey, I've been working lately on some feat design and I thought of this idea: Imagine a feat that granted a character a +1 growing, or cumulative, inherent bonus for every 4 feats of a certain type the possessed. Examples: +1 inherent bonus to your Strength score per [Combat] Feat. Or +1...
  7. Mistah J

    Be honest: Is this feat a little strong?

    Hey folks, Take a look at this and give me your honest opinion on its strength: SAVING FAITH Your devotion to your faith can see you through the hardest of times. Prerequisites: Wis 13, Skill Focus: Knowledge (Religion) Benefit: Each day that you spend 1 hour in quiet meditation and...
  8. Mistah J

    Would these two feats mix well?

    Imagine: Feat A says "when making a ranged attack, you use your Int modifer instead of Dex" Feat B says "when making a ranged attack you use double your Dex modifier" A player in your game has chosen both feats for her character. Do you think they stack? I.E. the net result is the character...
  9. Mistah J

    Looking for feedback on this [Exalted] feat.

    Hey everyone, So, a player of my game has decided to take the Vow of Poverty for his character. I've got no problem with this except that I find the exalted feats available are somewhat lacking both in strength and number. With all the bonus exalted feats the VoP grants, my player is going to...
  10. Mistah J

    Some rules work: Grappling someone into manacles.

    Hey folks, here is the scoop: The PCs of my game are about to take on the current antagonist - a mad wizard. They have their own reasons but they have also teamed up with an NPC bounty hunter hunting the same target. The bounty hunter has loaned the party his set of antimagic shackles (which...
  11. Mistah J

    Brainstorming a new monk archetype: Archon

    Hey folks, I'm just looking for some ideas on how a monk archetype based on the LG Outsiders would differ from the regular monk class. Things that come to my mind include: - Switching ki strike (adamantine) to ki strike (silver) - Giving the monk the Archon Aura of Menace ability but I don't...
  12. Mistah J

    Help wanted: Panthenon of Celestial Bodies

    Hey all, I'm trying out a few different systems of gods for my homebrew and I came upon this idea: Imagine a world in which there are nine gods. One for each of the standard D&D alignments. Now the people of this world attribute one celestial body, or aspect of the sky, to each god. For...
  13. Mistah J

    Sense Motive: How do you do it?

    Hey everyone, I'm just polling informally to see how other people handle Sense Motive rolls in their games. Namely, if an NPC lies does the GM ask for a Sense Motive roll from the players (which tips their hand) or do the players have to actively state they want to roll Sense Motive (which...
  14. Mistah J

    Longshot: Does anyone recognize this image?

    Hey all, A month ago, during a computer update, I lost a lot of my old D&D related files and archives. Included where some pictures I had found to use as gaming aids - portraits of important NPCs and the like. There was a series that I really liked and had started to use before the loss and I...
  15. Mistah J

    Campaign problem: Too many characters to transport.

    Hey all, Here is the campaign situation: The group I am leading has 5 characters. In the last session, they met an NPC cleric looking for his friends and the party agreed to help. They tacked the missing people to a small village and when the PCs arrived, they saw it was under attack. So they...
  16. Mistah J

    Seeking input: Creating some tough moral choices.

    Hey everyone, In the game I am currently leading, I would like to develop some strong role-playing based side-stories for my players to run along side a main story arc that might be a little combat heavy at times. Allow me to explain the groundwork I've laid so far: Out of a party of 5...
  17. Mistah J

    I have a PC who was turned Blue, how do I undo?

    Hey, There was a mishap with a Rod of Wonder and now the PC in question has turned blue. She's quite anxious to return to normal but there's really no indication on how that is possible. She figures that, because the Rod's description states "the wielder permanently turns blue.." it means the...
  18. Mistah J

    I'm Fishing for Red Herrings.

    Hey all, I'm developing a small mystery in my game - the party knows that one person in the nearby town is a sorcerer with an elemental [Cold] bloodline and that they are being hunted by the villain. They do not know who it is, hence the mystery. Knowing my players, they are probably going to...
  19. Mistah J

    DM advice: Is this fair?

    Hey all, Here is the scenario: A party is travelling through a dungeon. In the 5th room, they come across a statue holding a goblet. There is a small rhyming riddle inscription that suggests if they put water into the goblet, the statue will produce some gold and if they put wine into the...
  20. Mistah J

    Mystic Ranger: More 5th lvl spells.

    Hey all, One of my players has opted to play a "Mystic Ranger" from Dragon #336. (Go! Go! Mystic Ranger!) The class offers 5th level Ranger spells and includes a small list, made up solely of PHB spells. However, now there are a lot of source books out there with new and fancy spells that...