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Search results

  1. jdrakeh

    ACE (Awfully Cheerful Engine) Supplements?

    I very recently purchased a copy of ACE with some DriveThru publisher credit that I had accumulated. It looks like a great adaptation of WEG's early D6 System (as it existed in Ghostbusters). It looks like it can do a ton of fun stuff right out of the box, but I think I'll probably pick up some...
  2. jdrakeh

    Running adventures in systems that they were not designed for.

    So, I was wondering what adventures you have run in systems that they were not designed for. For example, I plan on running WTF's Witchburner in Fantasy Games Unlimited's Bushido sometime in the near future. The two seem like they were made for each other (even though they specifically weren't)...
  3. jdrakeh

    Good RPG Reads?

    My birthday was the 8th. On the 9th, I got hit hard with Arcturus COVID and am still down (bad). Some of my birthday presents have started to trickle in (Burning Wheel Gold Revised, El Raja Key Archive) and I have a few more on the way (OSRIC A5, Planet Eris, ORCUS, and some WotC 4e setting...
  4. jdrakeh

    Borderlands Film

    I'm no fan of Eli Roth and no fan of video game films in general (thanks, Uwe Boll), but the trailer for the new Borderlands film actually looks like a bunch of fun! I look forward to seeing this one in theaters!
  5. jdrakeh

    Sale Winter 2024 Food Fund Sale!

    I'm trying to fund some real food (Ramen and Stouffer's lasagna only go so far). Lend a helping hand and get some TTRPGs (and adjacent material) for 30% off retail price until March 19 2024! Grab my entire commercial Itch catalog for just under $60! Get it all HERE.
  6. jdrakeh

    What Unofficial Star Trek RPGs are out there?

    I'm aware of Far Trek. Are there any other unofficial Star Trek RPGs that should be on my radar? (I know I missed an excellent opportunity for a pun there.)
  7. jdrakeh

    What do I ask for this Christmas?

    For Christmas do I acquire the Traveller5 slipcase or Empire of Ghouls + Midgard Worldbook?
  8. jdrakeh

    Starfinder What Starfinder stuff should I grab after Christmas?

    I'm not a huge Pathfinder fan, but after my brush with Spelljammer 5e, it seems like Starfinder is definitely the way to go for "D&D in space" with more publisher support than a single (pretty railroaded) campaign (and better support for creating your own adventures). So... I already own the...
  9. jdrakeh

    Bloody Hatchet (A Murder Simulator RPG for Halloween 2023)

    The year is 2023. You are a homicidal killer haunting an abandoned (roll 1d6) 1-2: summer camp, 3-4: mental hospital, 5-6: mansion. When encountering a cocky teenaged urban explorer, roll 2d6. On a 7+ you maul that teen to death. On a 6- the teen gets lucky and injures you. Good news! You're a...
  10. jdrakeh

    Sale Autumn RPG Blowout!

    I've fallen on hard times financially due to a DHS paperwork mishap (my paperwork, despite being submitted a month in advance, was not processed on time) and I need to raise $165 and change to cover expenses for November, so I'm running a 50%-off blowout sale for all of my Itch PDF products...
  11. jdrakeh

    Shadowrun (Unpopular Opinion) + House System

    So, in the unpopular opinions thread, I mentioned that I think the only official books you need to get a good, long-running, Shadowrun campaign off the ground are the Seattle Sourcebook, Shadowbeat, and Sprawl Sites. I didn't include a system, because I don't use any specific system (I've used...
  12. jdrakeh

    Recommend me a system (Head Lopper).

    So, I've recently become enamored with Head Lopper, a series of comics that follows the titular Head Lopper, Norgal, and his companion, Agatha Blue Witch (or, rather, the animated severed head of Agatha Blue Witch). Can anybody recommend a system that: A. Presents a ton of options for martial...
  13. jdrakeh

    Legacy: The War of Ages character sheet?

    Kind of a long shot here, but does anybody have access to a legal (i.e. official) .pdf character sheet for the old Legacy: The War of Ages RPG (pretty much Highlander with the serial numbers filed off)? Battlefield Press somewhat recently re-published a streamlined version of the rules, which I...
  14. jdrakeh

    Which Middle Earth RPG?

    I'm hypothetically interested in trying a new-ish Middle Earth TTRPG. Which of the following should I pick up and why?
  15. jdrakeh

    Kickstarter Six-Hack coming soon to Kickstarter!

    What It Is: Six-Hack is a simple set of guidelines for roleplaying in the spirit of The Original Fantasy Roleplaying Game (1974). It pays homage to that classic game, but introduces some modern sensibilities, as well. For example, it includes a unified action resolution system, an Action Point...
  16. jdrakeh

    Release Six-Hack Mark 17 Released!

    Six-Hack, the game that started off as a hack of OD&D (1974) has had its 17th iteration released under a CC license today. Damage causing spells and healing spells have been added, some of the monster entries have been edited (primarily for brevity, but also to step away from the OGL), and (as...
  17. jdrakeh

    D&D 5E Settings from elsewhere that you'd like to see converted to D&D?

    So, I am a huuuuuuuuuge fan of Powers & Perils's Perilous Lands setting, but not such a huge fan of the system. I do have the fan-created second edition P&P that addresses a lot of the issues with the Avalon Hill original, but it's still not great. The setting, though, WOWZA. It's primarily...
  18. jdrakeh

    Help me name my GURPS Black Ops campaign?

    Help me brainstorm a name for my GURPS Black Ops campaign? I'm actually using Mythic D6 as the rule set, rather than GURPS proper. I also have an idea of where I want the campaign to start and progress (it'll start off using a modified version of the Delta Green adventure Need to Know). I need a...
  19. jdrakeh

    Release Wyrm Game Simulacrum goes commercial (and gets bundled with an adventure module)!

    Wyrm Game Simulacrum, my FKR attempt for use with material for The World's Most Popular Fantasy RPG, has been updated and bundled with a campaign starter adventure module. Although no longer, free, it'll only set you back $3 (US) - the normal cost for the adventure alone. Get it here!
  20. jdrakeh

    Release Law Bringers gets a significant update!

    Law Bringers has received a significant update in the form of referee advice (particularly with regard to setting up conflicts for the PCs to resolve) and clarification on when PCs can declare/change their stance in combat. Still PWYW on Itch.