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Recent content by Stalker0

  1. S

    D&D General What is your favorite "campaign paradigm"

    Not a bit. Now as a session 0 thing I do make sure the characters' motivations are generally aligned with the guild. If the guild is a merc guild for example, but they want to play a pacifist saint....probably not going to work. But because adventurs can be so flexible, I can easily create...
  2. S

    Revisiting AI as a GM Support Tool

    that's a fair point, it is much better at portraits than it is landscapes
  3. S

    Revisiting AI as a GM Support Tool

    Have you tried copilot? Honestly I've been very impressed by the art quality just with very basic prompts. Now if your going for a very specific look than yeah that takes a lot of work. But if you just want a cool npc portrait that puts an image in the PC minds, it is excellent for that.
  4. S

    D&D General What is your favorite "campaign paradigm"

    As a DM once you have gotten a few campaigns under your belt, you might find that certain styles of campaign work better for you and/or your players than others. So what is your favorite type of campaign? For me I keep coming back to the "Guild Mission" paradigm. The party is a member of a...
  5. S


    good movie, not fury road level but still solid. I enjoyed it.
  6. S

    Economic Board Games?

    food chain magnet is a neat idea. That one really highlights harsh market competition
  7. S

    Economic Board Games?

    yeah but its WAY too long for what the OP is looking for. Concordia is a good game, the one issue though is that buying/selling is at the same price so you don't really get those "market forces" you might be looking for, but its an option.
  8. S

    D&D General Which Edition Had The Best Dragons?

    for people talking about 4e dragons. Maybe the monster vault ones, I didn't get use them much myself. I can say the core 4e MM dragons were actually quite bad. they got brought in in that initial batch of monsters before solo design was polished, and those dragons often performed badly
  9. S

    Spoilers X-Men '97 spoilers

    I am hoping that season 2 will slow things down a bit. Probably because they weren't fully confident in how this show would be recieved (as lets be honest, remakes have been very hit or miss with the audiences), they wanted to jazz up the plotlines with a lot of comic meat. In season 2 they...
  10. S

    D&D 5E What Level To Hunt A Great Wyrm?

    Since a lot of people on this thread may not be savvy onto the A5e Elite dragon (which you can find on their site here btw: Great Wyrm Red Dragon | Level Up). This dragon imo is WAY tougher than the normal great wyrm reds for a few reasons, but here is a couple of highlights: This dragon can...
  11. S

    D&D 5E Grappled

    The second a fight contains dangerous terrain or the ability to isolate groups of creatures, grappling becomes extremely effective in 5e because its so easy to do. just grapple and drag them into the bad terrain, or use it to pull 1 PC away from the group and isolate them.
  12. S

    D&D 5E Should Explicit Monster Roles Return?

    roles are one of the best things about 4e, they 100% should make a comeback. 4e recognized that it takes a party to beat a party, and that allowing DMs to create a monster party with role fulfilled created the best overall experience. Or by concentrating on one role it immediately gave you a...
  13. S

    DUNE Movie: Thoughts, Opinions, and Impressions

    I would argue that Paul's constant pulling away from going south throughout most of the movie was his attempts to avoid mass death, and it was only when the fremen were slaughtered that he finally gave in and decided he had to commit to that path to save them. Now did Paul want revenge...
  14. S

    Spoilers X-Men '97 spoilers

    finale was pretty good, not my favorite episode of the season. I think the villains fall flat in this episode in order to wrap things up. Sinister comes across as a puppy. Bastion betrays him and he just stands there all butt-hurt. I expected him to have a few contingencies in the wings for...
  15. S

    Trailer Rings of Power Season 2 trailer

    I do think the second season of Wheel of time is much much MUCH better than season 1, so I'll be optimistic for this one as well.