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Recent content by Staffan

  1. S

    WotC WotC can, and probably should support multiple editions of D&D.

    Jakandor is actually the kind of thing they might be able to do today too. It was always envisioned as a limited thing: one island, about the size of Great Britain IIRC, with two rival human cultures and pretty much no other sapients. A total of three books (which would probably be one today)...
  2. S

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    I thought the cleric/priest rules in particular were too open to abuse for letting players run wild with them, but they made a fairly good tool for balancing different priesthoods. I do remember that I thought the cost of spell-like abilities was way overpriced however, and contributed to...
  3. S

    DC20 Kickstarter launch on June 4th

    Huh. I always thought the heart broken was that of the creator when they realize that other people don't appreciate their Revolutionary New Game (which is just D&D but our elves have pointy eyes instead of ears).
  4. S

    WotC WotC can, and probably should support multiple editions of D&D.

    Right. They did have a Star Wars license for a few years though – but that used a version of d20 rather than a whole new system (closer to d20 Modern than D&D though).
  5. S

    WotC WotC can, and probably should support multiple editions of D&D.

    They're great in small doses, but wear out their welcome pretty quick. But in many cases, the things they make fall into one of two categories: Updated version/sequel to an old thing. They keep making Calls of Duty that do more or less the same thing as the last one, but with added features...
  6. S

    Tell Me About DC20

    Eh, it's pretty common to for kickstarters to have a number of really expensive options for those customers who have way too much money and don't know what to do with it. It's basically a tip jar, usually with some sort of actually exclusive reward (e.g. having the creator run a game for you)...
  7. S

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    I figure that having some form of mass combat rules is useful, particularly if you're running a domain-style campaign (at lower levels, you can get away with the "disaster movie" approach – the battle is happening regardless of what the PCs are doing, they just have to get through it and might...
  8. S

    E. Gary Gygax Sr. May Have Had Another, More Recent Will?

    If they had them freely available as PDFs (or text/HTML), they wouldn't have to charge for printers and such. Might still need to pay for the time for someone to look them over for redactions though.
  9. S

    How Many Spells Does a Wizard Need?

    Or as we call it, the Mendoza.
  10. S

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    I don't know if it was different in 1e, but the 2e DMG specifies a cost of 50 gp per page for a regular spellbook or 100 gp for a traveling one, with a max size of 100 and 50 pages, respectively. It doesn't have any cost for scribing other than "having to use the boldest inks" and things like...
  11. S

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    The main difference is, I think, that the cost of AD&D spellbooks is front-loaded. You pay 5000 gp for either a 50-page traveling spellbook or a 100-page regular one, but then there's no cost of scribing spells into it. Starting with 3e, the spellbook itself is cheap (15 gp in 3e, 50 gp in 5e)...
  12. S

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    Thing is, in 2e a spellbook costs 5,000 gp which buys you either a 100-page traditional tome or a 50-page "traveling" spellbook (the 2e rules, at least, are silent on the actual benefits of a traveling spellbook). You're probably going to need multiple spellbooks – a 10th level wizard with Int...
  13. S

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    Xena had a musical episode three years before Buffy. A pretty good one, too, and leaning heavily on the talents of Lucy Lawless and Kevin Smith (no, not that one). When they mentioned that they had been sent off by their rich parents, I got really strong Ark B vibes. Didn't turn out to be...