• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Riley

  1. Riley

    D&D Movie/TV Paramount+ Will Not Proceed with Dungeons & Dragons Live-Action TV Show

    The golden age of streaming has passed. Blockbuster effects movies are struggling. There doesn’t seem a place for D&D dramatization at this time. Or a lot of genre stuff. Sigh.
  2. Riley

    D&D (2024) Alternate 2024 DMG Cover features Lolth!

    YES! Apparently I'll be getting the Alt Cover set! (I hope/trust the MM will match these two in quality.)
  3. Riley

    D&D (2024) New Dungeon Master's Guide Cover Features Venger (From the D&D Cartoons)

    Same! It took me a while to see those for what they'd intended. Edit: No, I was initially mistaking his dangling scarf/ribbon thingies for emaciated/ghostly arms.
  4. Riley

    D&D (2024) New Dungeon Master's Guide Cover Features Venger (From the D&D Cartoons)

    I was 13, and I was so disappointed. I snootily thought the show was written for little kids, not mature teenagers like myself. :ROFLMAO: (I've also tried to rewatch it in my adulthood, but still find it uninteresting.)
  5. Riley

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    There were six 23-minute, three-episode stories - two each in Sylvester McCoy’s 24th, 25th, and 26th seasons.
  6. Riley

    Where Do You Get Your Digital (RPG) Books and Materials?

    Hard to avoid DTRPG. They exclusively(?) sell Wizards/TSR pdf’s (and reprints) - and many other companies’ kickstarters, etc. are fulfilled through DTRPG… even companies that sell pdf’s through their own stores. I just spent an hour on DTRPG entering codes for Goodman’s Dark Tower KS, and for...
  7. Riley

    Spoilers Doctor Who 2024 (spoilers)

    I haven’t seen these latest Who episodes yet, so every time I hear/read “Space Babies!” I recall Zorak’s “I’m a Space Baby!” from the ‘$20.01’ episode of Space Ghost Coast-To-Coast: (It’s probably just me, but it keeps me from noticing any major spoilers while dangerously skimming this thread.)
  8. IMG_0778.jpeg


  9. Riley


    I find that hard to imagine, given where Furiosa’s going to end up. (But I’m glad to hear it!)
  10. Riley

    D&D (2024) Check Out D&D's New Gold Dragon Redesign

    Looks great! I’m in favor of a diversity of dragons - both refreshing the official style now and again, and just ignoring it whenever possible.
  11. Riley


    I’m old too, and I thought no one liked Thunderdome. Glad I was wrong about that. (Mad Max 2 was/is everything to me in this series - I saw it at that very, very impressionable age. Then I saw Thunderdome at that age where nothing is ever new/different/edgy enough.)
  12. Riley

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    Holmes was half of my first experience. My first adventure was as an AD&D Ranger exploring the Holmes sample dungeon!
  13. Riley

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    Yes, it's only randomized; but maybe an unpainted version will eventually be available? I haven't figured out how they decide what gets an unpainted release. They haven't promised to release the 1983 Basic Red Box Dragon, but they are releasing a mini of Sutherland's 1977 Holmes Basic Dragon -...
  14. Riley

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    Dunno. I’m old and already have so many general-use minis that I won’t consider buying randomized minis packs. But I would buy several of these 50th anniversary chase miniatures, if they are available individually at non-astronomical prices. I’m particularly interested in buying this one...
  15. Riley

    The Ethics of Two Way Ignore

    I like the firehose-of-everything that is the “latest posts” feed. I’m potentially interested in anything from any of the subforums, and any tag. It’s just the occasional thread that I want to specifically kill - and thus far, ignoring the first poster of that thread is the only method I’ve...