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Recent content by Paragon Lost

  1. Paragon Lost

    Steve Jackson Games Releases Stakeholder Report for 2023

    In my opinion SJG just doesn't know what to do or where to go and how to market it and it's felt that way since the mid to late 1990s. I also felt it was an error on Steve's part to pass on the Fallout crpg using GURPs. Ah well, I dislike seeing them do poorly.
  2. Paragon Lost

    D&D 5E Meet Some of the 40+ Multiversal Monsters In Vecna: Eve of Ruin

    Definitely not a big fan of the art style in the more recent books. Stylistically it just feels lesser, less interesting. It's a style, just not one I care for. I can get over that easily since the meat for me is always what's written where as the art just helped me visualize if the descriptions...
  3. Paragon Lost

    Into The Wyrd And Wild Makes The Woods Weird

    Agreed, any book over 200 pages on want PoD. The creator posted back in 2021 on the DriveThruRpg link that one was in the works. After that no posts by the creator listed under the thread. I prefer all my pdf files under one library if possible and since he's got the project listed on...
  4. Paragon Lost

    D&D Adventurers League Moves and Welcomes International Premier Organizer

    Got warnings trying to go Greasy Snitches website from the link in the article above from Malwarebytes. The Baldmangames site in the link.
  5. Paragon Lost

    Meet Our Columnists: Dawn Dalton

    Very much enjoying this interview series. I hope that you'll be able to interview the whole EN team, Michael. :)
  6. Paragon Lost

    D&D 5E There's A Platinum Vecna: Eve of Ruin From Beadle & Grimm This Summer

    You mean tchotchkes, right? BTW I had a good chuckle and agree. Edit: Doh, did a search and noted that there are other spellings of that. I Googled it because I started to wonder if it wasn't some other internet slang term that I wasn't up on. New words, acronyms and slang these days crop up...
  7. Paragon Lost

    DDAL D&D Adventurers League Service Rewards

    I appreciate that AL exists. It does open up gaming to even more people. So it is a positive gateway into the hobby. Though for me personally I find it lacking and feeling more like playing an mmorpg. If I wanted that, I'd actually play an mmorpg instead.
  8. Paragon Lost

    Dragonbane Bestiary Release Date Announced

    True. I just felt that the poster was listing "old school games" in the overall sort of way and then breaking down the actual lineage of Dragonbane. Reading comprehension failure on my part most likely, a part of getting old combined with a need for a good strong cup of coffee. heh
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  10. Paragon Lost

    Dragonbane Bestiary Release Date Announced

    Yeah, I should have been more clear on my post when I mentioned goblins and the near tkp. Multiple weaker foes in games like BRP/RuneQuest, GURPs etc tend to be more dangerous.
  11. Paragon Lost

    Dragonbane Bestiary Release Date Announced

    Shouldn't Traveller, Tunnels & Trolls and Empire of the Petal Throne be listed in the lineage of old school games? Regardless, great post and break down. Edit: Picture of my shelf for kicks and giggles.
  12. Paragon Lost

    Dragonbane Bestiary Release Date Announced

    Sounds like a total blast. I agree that with 2 goblins per PC you probably would have had a TPK. I recall a GURPS based campaign I ran back in the late 1980s where the party almost TPKd and the dwarf in heavy full plate did end up dying. He thought he could just wade into the goblins with no ill...
  13. Paragon Lost

    Dragonbane Bestiary Release Date Announced

    A common thing with skill based rpgs like GURPS, BRP/RuneQuest/Call of Cthulhu and Dragonbane. Which means you need to use your head a bit more versus just charging in and attempting to murderhobo everything. heh.
  14. Paragon Lost

    Dragonbane Bestiary Release Date Announced

    I've had pretty good luck with their shipping and customer service. I'd just have passed on the pre-orders which would have allowed the rest of the order to actually ship had I known it would be four plus months later before they ship the "whole" order. At least I do have the pdfs to read. heh.
  15. Paragon Lost

    Dragonbane Bestiary Release Date Announced

    Man, if I could change one thing... I'd not have ordered this and a few other books from Free League back in October. Waiting on the books that were already out for four months sucks. I am a big fan of all things Free League, but I'll never do a pre-order again. Or at least not within the same...