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Recent content by MatthewJHanson

  1. MatthewJHanson

    Post-Apocalyptic Games

    If I can pitch my own own book, I've written a setting called Broken Earth, which is available for either Savage Worlds or Pathfinder 1e.
  2. MatthewJHanson

    Am I being too optimistic?

    Are you doing more prep than you need to? Yes. Is it likely that you will not use all the material? Probably. Consider another question: Are you having fun? If the answer is no, that all the prep feels like a burden, then slow down and see how things shake out before doing any more. But...
  3. MatthewJHanson

    D&D General How often do you complete a campaign as a player?

    This is mostly based on my experience, but I suspect that the biggest correlations with finishing campaigns has more to do with outside factors managing time and groups that fit well together. There was a a point in time in my where I was trying different gaming groups and had a lot of games...
  4. MatthewJHanson

    D&D General Want to use traps? Make them obvious

    I find this one amusing because what actually makes sense is to not have traps. If you look at real world history, the tropes we see so much in D&D of trapped chests and trapped doors are just not a thing. It's too easy for the wrong person to trigger them, and they aren't actually great...
  5. MatthewJHanson

    D&D 5E Compass and Sextant

    Thanks for the kind words!
  6. MatthewJHanson

    D&D 5E Compass and Sextant

    We at Sneak Attack Press have just released Compass and Sextant, a guide to navigational tools. Heroic adventurers set off on epic quests that take them far and wide: across land, over the sea, and even sometimes through the air. But how do they find their way? By navigating, of course. While...
  7. MatthewJHanson

    D&D 5E What if we got rid of stats entirely?

    I think it would be perfectly easy to do. As others have said, there are other games that do the same. There are even some pros, like having a cleric able to actually remember more about religion than the wizard. I think it would be pretty easy to implement too, but just upping proficiency...
  8. MatthewJHanson

    Pathfinder 2E The starknife hurts my brain

    Yeah, fantasy RPG weapons require some suspension of disbelief (much like dragons being able to fly). If there isn't an actual historical weapon like that there's probably good reason. Even historical weapons are often quite different from how they appear in art. Battle axes, for example...
  9. MatthewJHanson

    D&D General LEGO D&D minifigures -- pics of all 12

    I like that the Lady of Pain has a clear brick underneath her so she can float above the ground.
  10. MatthewJHanson

    D&D 5E 20 New Sentient Items

    20 Talking Treasures is now available! The powerful ring that wants to return to its master. The chaos blade that forces its wielder into a murderous rage. Magic items with a mind of their own are a staple of fantasy fiction. In fantasy roleplaying games they can add conflict or comic relief...
  11. MatthewJHanson

    Stormlight rpg

    I think the Stormlight RPG will do very well, though I would not assume that RPG are less of a niche than fancy editions. Plus it looks like the about half the pledges are for a new "secret project" and not the fancy edition, which is even less niche. Those people just have to be Brandon...
  12. MatthewJHanson

    Trailer Fallout - Official Trailer

    Looks promising. But still no Ron Perlman Voice over? That seems like such a no brainer.
  13. MatthewJHanson

    The Tabletop Adventure Sues Geek Therapeutics For 'Libel, Slander, and Copyright Infringement'

    Keep in mind that it's a pretty abbreviated description of events. There's probably a lot more details that might have prompted. The thing I odd is that it seems like the SRD De authorization debacle is a major component, but that's been resolved now. I think there's probably just a lot of bad...
  14. MatthewJHanson

    D&D General I hate five-foot passages!

    I think there's really two issues: verisimilitude and interesting combat encounters. On the verisimilitude angle, I don't have any issue with it, for all the reasons other people have mentioned. From the combat encounter angle though, I can see it being a problem. If it's just one encounter...
  15. MatthewJHanson

    Tomb Raider Licensed RPG Announced by Evil Hat Publishing

    @evilhat Thanks for stopping by the forums to answer questions. I've never played any of the Tomb Raider games, but Evil Hat being involved means that I might check it out.