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Recent content by Gorck

  1. Gorck

    D&D General What is the right amount of Classes for Dungeons and Dragons?

    I know you didn't ask me, but my answer would be: on the one hand, I find Sorcerers to be most closely related to Psions because both of their powers are internal (something within them that they are born with). As opposed to Wizards whose power comes from studying books, or Warlocks who make a...
  2. Gorck

    D&D General The Evolution of the Monster Stat Block

    I especially appreciate how they list sample encounters. Simple and small enough not to take up too much space. Edit: Oops, that’s technically not the stat block; just the monster’s page in the manual.
  3. Gorck

    All the Different Types of Goblinoids

    I also blame the "Similar Threads" at the bottom of each page.
  4. Gorck

    All the Different Types of Goblinoids

    And ENWorld now categorizes this thread as Undead.
  5. Gorck

    D&D General What is the Quintissential D&D Mascot Monster?

    Typo, or intentional?
  6. Gorck

    D&D General What is the Quintissential D&D Mascot Monster?

    “Do you see what I see?…” Which is precisely why I think the most quintessential D&D mascot is a dungeon inside the belly of an enormous sleeping dragon. Edit: I guess that would be the mascot of “Dungeons in Dragons”
  7. Gorck

    D&D General How Do You Handle Falling Damage?

    Heck, 1d6 averages 3.5 damage and a Commoner only has 4 HP.
  8. Gorck

    A Preview of The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977

    I believe you mean “crebadility”
  9. Gorck

    D&D 5E What Do You Not Like About The 2014 5E DMG?

    I was just flipping through the DMG for the first time in forever, and I noticed that Legendary Actions are listed in the Monster Features table on pages 280-281, and it describes how to adjust the effective CR when adding them. Who knew? But that still leaves out Lair Actions.
  10. Gorck

    D&D 5E What Do You Not Like About The 2014 5E DMG?

    One thing I’d love to see in this chapter is a list of potential Legendary/Lair actions, and how adding them to monsters affects the final CR.
  11. Gorck

    D&D 5E Should Explicit Monster Roles Return?

    I voted yes, but with a caveat: as long as the roles are merely suggestions, not mandatory. I would love to see the stat blocks in the 2025 Monster Manual contain things like roles, typical terrain, and groups (solo, small pack, large mob, etc.) to help unseasoned DMs like me plan encounters...
  12. Gorck

    D&D General Why Do People Hate Gnomes?

    You know what I like about gnomes? They like to dig. And every once in a while they dig up a thread that's been buried for a couple years.
  13. Gorck

    D&D 5E What Level To Hunt A Great Wyrm?

    So, in that case, they'd have to be level 18 (18 x 1.5 = 27). But that formula doesn't take into account the number of party members. 2 single level 18 characters would get slaughtered by the Great Wyrm, while 8 level 18 characters would mop the floor with it (even though both groups would...
  14. Gorck

    D&D 5E What Level To Hunt A Great Wyrm?

    If a Chromatic Great Wyrm is CR 27, then using @SlyFlourish lazy DM deadly encounter guideline, 4 level 14 characters would have 56 total levels, half of which would be 28. So that would make a CR 27 less than deadly (unless they were completely spent at the end of an adventuring day).
  15. Gorck

    D&D (2024) Understanding "nostalgia"

    The fundamental flaw in this hypothesis is that people tend to listen to music all throughout their lives; whether intentionally (playing records, cassette tapes, CDs, streaming files) or subconsciously (background music in stores/restaurants/movies/TV shows/TV commercials). Whereas people who...