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Recent content by Fifth Element

  1. Fifth Element

    "The term 'GNS' is moronic and annoying" – well this should be an interesting interview

    I suggested a better way to present the book - that it makes an argument. Which is what it does. Your first paragraph here is an argument from authority. Your second paragraph is a blatant misrepresentation. In fact what I said was WHAT IF someone doesn't consider that work authoritative...
  2. Fifth Element

    "The term 'GNS' is moronic and annoying" – well this should be an interesting interview

    This is a blatant misrepresentation of my post, of course.
  3. Fifth Element

    "The term 'GNS' is moronic and annoying" – well this should be an interesting interview

    And if one does not accept this as authoritative? A better description would probably be "argues that games are a form of art." That doesn't carry the connotation of necessary correctness.
  4. Fifth Element

    Ken Burnside on how screwed Asmodee is

    There were acquisitions between those two events. So the set of assets sold in the two transactions were not the same. That would explain at least part of the difference.
  5. Fifth Element

    David Wesely: The Man Who Accidentally Invented RPGs

    Sure, if you ignore the actual context of this discussion, this might be relevant. In this discussion, however, "fantasy" is clearly being used in the "elves and wizards" sense.
  6. Fifth Element

    Daggerheart 1.3 playtest dropping Tuesday.

    I for one am very surprised to learn that some people who play RPGs prefer to play them in ways that I don't, but at least I can rest assured that I'm the one actually playing the game while they're just doing something that I can poo-poo.
  7. Fifth Element

    David Wesely: The Man Who Accidentally Invented RPGs

    I don't see anywhere where they're claiming that Braunstein is fantasy.
  8. Fifth Element

    David Wesely: The Man Who Accidentally Invented RPGs

    That Braunstein is in the fantasy genre.
  9. Fifth Element

    David Wesely: The Man Who Accidentally Invented RPGs

    Did they claim that? Were they not referring to D&D?
  10. Fifth Element

    Modiphius Announces Star Trek Adventures 2nd Edition

    This response is mind-boggling. The post you quoted explicitly states, multiple times over, that's it's all about their personal preferences. It could not be any clearer that they are speaking for themselves. The fact that you read it otherwise is on you.
  11. Fifth Element

    WotC Who should be the next President of WotC?

    As is the idea that old things are always better than new things.
  12. Fifth Element

    D&D (2024) Comeliness and Representation in Recent DnD Art

    If there are soulless self-aware beings, then souls are clearly not key in differentiating self-awareness. And in such a case, the attitude that they are "just robots" is gross, which was my point.
  13. Fifth Element

    D&D (2024) Comeliness and Representation in Recent DnD Art

    My recollection is that there was a fair bit of back and forth first where people did explain themselves quite clearly.
  14. Fifth Element

    D&D (2024) Comeliness and Representation in Recent DnD Art

    It is not inherently capricious. If you interpret it as such, that's as much on you as the speaker. The solution here is to not assume capriciousness without a real reason to. Don't make assumptions.
  15. Fifth Element

    D&D (2024) Comeliness and Representation in Recent DnD Art

    It was not. It was used to describe the attitude that a being without a soul is somehow lesser.