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Recent content by Erekose

  1. Erekose

    Greatest Fantasy Warriors?

    Feels out of place to not say Erekose and all of the incarnations of the Eternal Champion. Also, pretty much every main character in the David Gemmell books, most notably Druss the Legend but also secondary characters like Decado the Ice Killer
  2. Erekose

    Terrible sequels

    Beneath the Planet of the Apes was the first sequel I ever saw and is a great example of just how terrible sequels can be ...
  3. Erekose

    Castles&Crusades: Is this "The One"?

    While I prefer 3.5E DnD, I remember reading Castles & Crusades and thinking it was exactly how we were trying to play 1E DnD back in the day …
  4. Erekose

    Unpopular Geek Media Opinions

    I heard that too - however, I think Connery only worked for about a week on Highlander so it must’ve been either a quick friendship or they bonded afterwards?
  5. Erekose

    Unpopular Geek Media Opinions

    I can see why people like the Highlander TV series but it really wasn’t for me …
  6. Erekose

    Unpopular Geek Media Opinions

    Ironically Highlander 3 is a closer comparison to STV … not a good film but with moments I liked (albeit the moments in H3 were driven by ”nostalgic echoes“ from the first film!).
  7. Erekose

    Unpopular Geek Media Opinions

    Completely agree - I’m still not sure how I’d rank/compare TMP and V as they were both flawed films but for such very different reasons - but at least the original cast got to go out on a high with VI. In the same train of thought, just wish the first Next Generation film had either not had...
  8. Erekose

    Unpopular Geek Media Opinions

    I know what you mean about Highlander 2 - I had such high hopes for how they were going to take the story forward now that Connor had the prize and there were no other immortals. And then they decided to take a decidedly ”unexpected” turn 😲
  9. Erekose

    Unpopular Geek Media Opinions

    Star Trek V isn’t as awful as it’s made out to be … OK there are some terrible parts of it but also some very touching, if a bit cheesy, moments between Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.
  10. Erekose

    D&D 5E We Finally Have a 1st Level Adventure with a Vampire

    The old 1E adventures had rumour tables, I can‘t remember which adventure it was but one rumour suggested vampires were around (it was a relatively low level adventure and the rumour was completely false) but the players were terrified the whole time! Makes me wonder if that was an inspiration...
  11. Erekose

    What is the single best fantasy novel of all time?

    I almost agree with everything you’ve said :) and certainly my opinion is influenced by reading Legend when it was first published. Moorcock is another favourite author for me but I’ve always struggled with Tolkien - I appreciate the impact of his work and broadly speaking like the stories in...
  12. Erekose

    What is the single best fantasy novel of all time?

    Just because Mannahnin mentioned a different book as a favourite, and that no one else seems to have put it forward as their favourite, mine is Legend by David Gemmell.
  13. Erekose

    Picard Season 3

    As a completely off topic comment, and yet still kind of related, there is part of me that wishes there had been the equivalent of the nostalgia-filled three seasons of Picard for … Kirk!
  14. Erekose

    Picard Season 3

    In a Starfleet museum, it makes sense that they’d have Kirk’s starship. While it would make more sense for it to be 1701 rather than 1701-A I think there’s an in-setting reason why that wouldn’t be possible 😉
  15. Erekose

    What are you reading in 2022?

    Neil has gone on record to say that Neverwhere is the only novel he’d write a sequel for … and I vaguely remember something about him starting to write Seven Sisters but no sign of it being finished …