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Release Quick Generator Extended Book Titles #1 [Ennead Games]


Quick Generator Extended Book Titles #1

Titles/Names/Topics for non-fiction books in fantasy worlds

Books can be as varied as the people who read them, from non-fiction titles about important subjects to fiction stories that cover tales and sagas of daring adventures or hopeless romantics.

Quite often, the title of the book, especially in non-fiction, is descriptive and gives you important information about what is contained within - after all, if you need to read about alchemical practises, a book that covers the mythology of a certain creature isn't going to be very helpful.

This extended quick generator PDF set of tables gives you 100 x 200 , or 20,000 possible names or titles for books. This first volume in this mini-series covers various non-fiction subjects suitable for worlds set in the fantasy genre.

Example output includes...
  • Octavio of Ashes
  • Cypher of Twisted Visions
  • Register of Closing Eyes
  • Vade Mecum of Shifting Worlds

Available now at DrivethruRPG & Itch.io (product links)
DTRPG - https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/464202/Quick-Generator-Extended-Book-Titles-1
Itch - https://enneadgames.itch.io/quick-generator-extended-book-titles-1

First-week Discounts (Feel free to share these links, Discount expires 25th December)
DTRPG - https://www.drivethrurpg.com/browse.php?discount=908ba32e44
Itch - https://itch.io/s/112292/fwd-qge-book-titles-1

Open Gaming Store & Paizo online stores very soon (store links)

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