• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Dreams of Erthe



PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 15
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 9
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 7/paladin 8
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 9
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 15​

NPC Roster:
Beetle Darkcloud, halfling ranger 5
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 5​

Game Session Date: 27 April 2024

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"Not them again!" moaned one of the drow warriors to his two companions. They had just seen the arrival of the heroes from Armaturia who had rescued them from the orcs after they had had the misfortune of getting captured. It was bad enough that they had needed the assistance of strangers to break free from the orcs, but now, when they were finally about to bring down prey so they could return to their tribe in triumph and honor, here come the powerful adventurers from another continent entirely, full of strange and wondrous magic the likes of which the tribesmen had never seen before.

"Hey guys," called out Zander Quilson from his perch upon his pachycephalosaurus mount, Pachy. "I thought that was you!"

The tribesmen, as one, made "shushing" noises and gestures at the light-skinned elf (whose skin was growing darker by the day after constant exposure to the tropical sun). He pulled his mount up close enough that they could talk in low voices, and his companions did likewise - all, that is, but Wakuren, who remained mounted upon his air element warhorse Nimbus and hovered directly above Zander like a cloud.

Looking beyond the tribesmen, the assembled heroes - and Beetle, their halfling guide across the continent of Talonia - could see a half-dozen of the flightless birds known as axebeaks. They were scattered among several clumps of thick, tall bushes, each nearing or exceeding 10 feet in height, and covered in large berries the size of a man's fist. They ignored the nearness of the three drow who had stalked them and were, as they explained to Zander, in the process of trying to pick one off without the others noticing. "Hopefully, one will remain behind if the others move on to other bushes," the leader of the three explained.

"Do you want us to lend a hand?" the elf offered.

"No!" came the triple response in unison. "We must do this ourselves," the leader explained, "to restore our honor before the tribe."

"So what's the holdup?" Zander asked.

"Those berries they're eating - they're guzzleberries," the drow leader explained, as if that was sufficient. At Zander's clueless expression, he added, "Guzzleberries are safe to eat when ripe, but when they get overripe, they become extremely alcoholic. Those eating them become drunken quickly, become easy to rise to anger and fury."

"Ah, got it," replied Zander. "Well, how about of we help seal off a few from the rest, so they can't come interfere with the one you want to kill on your own?" Talking among themselves, the drow decided this would be acceptable - in part because they wished to get this hunt over with and return to the tribe. "The slain axebeak cannot have any sign of magic upon its corpse," the drow leader warned. He wanted only the wounds from the points of their spears to be present on the slain prey when they presented it before their chieftain.

"Will do," Zander replied, casting a wall of force spell diagonally between a pair of guzzleberry bushes. It left only three axebeaks on the closer side of the wall; the other three, should they be aroused to combat, wouldn't be able to approach any closer until they found one of the two edges of the invisible barrier, and the elf sorcerer extended the wall for as far as possible in both directions. Then he called his friends over and explained the situation.

Robin began playing the song of inspirational courage on her lute, hanging back from the action with Beetle and his fastieth mount Yellow-Belly. Thurloe prodded his own pachycephalosaurus mount, Boney, forward, his enchanted bastard sword Spellslicer out and ready, but to be used defensively only. Petey flew from his master's shoulder and stabbed the closest axebeak - the one the drow were closing on themselves - and pumped sleep venom into the creature's neck, but it barely even noticed the pseudodragon's stinger at all, instead focusing its attention on plucking another fermented guzzleberry from the shrub before it and gulping it down. Xandro advanced upon his own "bonehead" mount, Ceph, casting a heroism spell upon himself as he did so as a precaution. Alewyth cast a bless spell upon the assembled heroes and the three drow hunters, the better to aim their weapon-strikes.

Creeping silently forward, the three drow advanced upon their chosen prey and the two on the edges held their spears in defensive postures to ward off any attacks from the other axebeaks while the middle one went in for the kill, stabbing the point of his spear deep into the back of the axebeak's narrow but powerful neck. It squawked in alert, the wound being much deeper than the one caused by Petey's stinger, and the other axebeaks in the area all swiveled their heads in their direction. Predictably, the three behind the wall of force all crashed into the invisible barrier and bounced off, wobbling to stay on their feet. One of the other two axebeaks on the closer side of the invisible wall spun in place to go attack the drow, but that was too much movement for it, and it collapsed drunkenly in a heap on the ground where it stood.

And then it became apparent that there were more than the six axebeaks present, as avian bodies stumbled around from the backs of the scattered guzzleberry bushes; Wakuren had Nimbus fly even higher, to the point where he could see over the bushes to the other sides, and did a quick estimation that there were about two dozen of the flightless birds in the area - a whole flock. Worse yet, among his feathered charges was a hulking brute with a thick, grayish hide like that of a rhino, sporting six insectoid eyes on its forward-thrusting head. Zander had heard of such creatures: gray renders, they were called, and they had a habit of bonding with a group of similar creatures and seeing to their personal safety. It apparently hadn't been joining its charges in their alcoholic feast, and seemed quite steady on its feet as it lumbered forward into battle. Worse, it was off to the far right of the edge of Zander's wall of force spell, so it wouldn't be impeded at all by the unseen barrier.

Wakuren had Nimbus drop to the ground and he leapt off the cloud-steed's back, shield of Cal up in a defensive position to keep the gray render from getting past him, for he was blocking the way between two guzzleberry bushes. The gray render moved up to attack and the half-orc gave him a slam with the edge of his shield, as Thurloe dismounted from Boney and slashed at the massive bodyguard with his bastard sword. "We got the big guy, you worry about slaying your axebeak!" he called to the drow, forgetting that they couldn't understand a word he said.

Zander cast an Elobar's black tentacles on an empty patch of ground at the far right of the guzzleberry bush formation, blocking that way as an access point as well. That left only a narrow funnel-point where the gray render stood fighting off the two heroes for any of the other axebeaks to join the fray. Petey, no longer interested in attacking axebeaks now that they were aware of his presence, flew back to his master's shoulder, but Zander sent him high up over the battlefield to act as reconnaissance, to warn them if any other combatants appeared. With a flap of his reddish bat-wings, the little lizard was off on his new mission.

Xandro rode Ceph up to the axebeak that had fallen to the ground in a drunken stupor and put it out of its misery with the blade of his rapier. Alewyth cast a hold monster spell at the gray render and was pleased to see it take immediate effect, freezing the brute up in mid-swipe of its sharp, black claws. At the same time, the three drow managed to slay their intended prey, only to have the second axebeak - the only one capable of reaching them - dart in and bite at the closest of the warriors with his snapping beak. The other axebeaks floundered about, running head-first into the wall of force or lining up behind the gray render, unable to advance past their protector and the nearby guzzleberry bushes, shielded as they were by numerous thorns.

Wakuren and Thurloe continued their attacks upon the helpless gray render, neither feeling the slightest remorse about hitting an opponent who couldn't (at the moment, at least), fight back. Xandro dismounted from Ceph so he could get close enough to join in the action as well. Zander, looking past the hulking brute, saw five or six axebeaks clustered up behind it and cast a second Elobar's black tentacles spell that caught them all up in the rubbery embrace of dozens of flailing appendages growing suddenly up from the ground at their feet. Their panicked squawking almost blocked out the sounds of Robin's courageous tune of inspiration, as Alewyth targeted another three she could see through the wall of force and brought a flame strike spell down upon, singeing the trio instantly with holy fire.

Fighting together as one, the drow downed the axebeak attacking them and then left it, concentrating on the first one they'd slain. Binding it to two of their spears, two of the drow lifted it up between them and started hustling back east, to the jungle drow tribe the heroes had left behind that morning, once they had completed their standard spellcasting of the new day (a heroes feast and several endure elements spells, plus Zander's traditional mage armor).

With the gray render still immobile, Wakuren raised his gauntlet of Cal and summoned forth a javelin of lightning, tossing it in such a way that it blasted through the gray render and hit four axebeaks all lined up in a row behind it, entangled by the ebon tentacles. Once Xandro and Thurloe slew the gray render where it stood, the others deemed it safe to mount back up and take the long way around the guzzleberry bushes, leaving the drunken axebeaks to flounder about until Zander's ongoing spell effects ran their course. By then, the heroes were back on their way, headed east.

Several hours later, the group found themselves traveling beside a slow-moving stream. At Beetle's suggestion, they all took the opportunity to allow their mounts to drink their fill. Wakuren, whose air element mount didn't need to eat or drink, remained in Nimbus's saddle and kept an eye out. As such, he was the first to see the half-dozen lizardfolk amble over their way. They didn't seem to be in much of a hurry, nor did they look like they were angered by the heroes' presence; nonetheless, as one, they each raised the javelin they held up into an attack position and started running towards the adventurers and their mounts. Wakuren sensed evil coming from their direction, which he realized was abnormal for lizardfolk; even the tribe from which they'd ended up taking their "bonehead" mounts had only had a single member whose aura was contaminated by the presence of evil, and that only after he'd succumbed to the curse of lycanthropy brought on by the bite of a flying pterosaur. Nonetheless, he called out, "They're evil!" to his friends below so they'd have no hesitation in defending themselves properly.

And they didn't. Robin took up her lute and began the song of inspirational courage for the second time that day, as Thurloe leapt from Boney's saddle once again and pulled out Spellslicer from its scabbard across the spellsword's broad back, slapping his mount's flank with his other hand to encourage it to back away from the approaching, stone-faced lizardfolk. But then Zander rode Pachy forward and cast a prismatic spray spell at the six attackers.

The effects were instantaneous. Caught up by differently-colored strands of the spell, two were enveloped by a flash of electricity and burned instantly to a crisp, leaving behind smoking husks of crumbling ash. Two others fell into temporary rifts to other entirely different planes of existence, swallowed up in an instant and dropped unceremoniously into their new realities. The other two were each struck by a deluge of splashing acid, burning away at their scales and causing a sizzling sound as parts of their outer bodies were eaten away. Of the six, these last two were the only ones to survive the sorcerer's powerful spell, and their faces held no expressions of pain or even mild discomfort; they just continued on with their approach, moving with as much animation as automatons or zombies.

Xandro spurred Ceph forward and leaned to the side to cut deep into the chest of one of the two remaining lizardfolk, Deathwhisper's blade sinking in to the hilt. Beetle and Yellow-Belly made their traditional "move to the back of the formation" maneuver, which wasn't so much cowardly as it was acknowledging the reality that the heroes needed him to stay alive to guide them to as close to the Forbidden Lands as he'd dare escort Mistress Andrea Jandoval. Alewyth, heeding Wakuren's warning, cast a magic circle against evil spell upon herself as she urged her bonehead Lapis forward. The dwarf's enchanted warhammer Sjondra was in hand and ready to be put to good use.

And then, heralded solely by a buzzing sound caused by their rapidly-beating wings, three giant dragonflies came winging over a hill to the north to come attack the heroes. One went straight for Thurloe, grabbing him up in all six of its legs to help bring its powerful bite to bear, and the spellsword felt the insect's mandibles dig deep into the back of his neck, just above the collar of his celestial armor. Another made a play for the unmounted Boney, while the third attacked Alewyth, astride her own mount. Boney took a hit but was too big to carry off; Thurloe managed to wriggle free from his attacker before he could be lifted aloft; and Alewyth had had enough warning to be able to avoid her own attacker's bite altogether.

Both lizardfolk surged forward to attack Xandro, and both javelins got past his guard to stab at the young hero, one in the thigh and one in the opposite side of his chest. Nimbus landed beside them and Wakuren came leaping to the ground, shield of Cal swinging into the side of the nearest lizardfolk. Thurloe. in the meantime, was putting Spellslicer to good use in keeping his flying attacker at bay. Alewyth slew her dragonfly with a swing of Sjondra crashing down upon the insect's head, while Zander took out the others by maneuvering Pachy into position to cast a single lightning bolt spell that slew both remaining giant bugs. Then Xandro slew one lizardfolk with his rapier and Alewyth downed the other with Sjondra, leaving the heroes once again without any enemies for the moment.

Panting from the vigorous exercise, Wakuren looked down at the lizardfolk corpses and noted something unusual: despite the fact that they each sported patches where Zander's prismatic spray spell had coated them in burning acid, the skin underneath the scales - to include the muscles exposed beneath as well - were all a uniform green, not the red Wakuren would have expected. Taking a closer look, the half-orc realized this was for one simple reason: these "lizardfolk" were made entirely of plant fiber!

Showing the others his discovery, Alewyth felt a chill creep up her spine. "It's that plant, from the sweat lodge vision," she said. "It gobbled these lizardfolk up, like we saw it do to me, and spit them back out once they'd been turned into plants!" The concept wasn't all that different from another plant they'd encountered, much earlier in their adventuring careers: a yellow musk creeper, whose poisonous spores slew its human victims and turned them into plant-based zombies dedicated to protecting the parent plant.

"It's likely not too far from here," hazarded Xandro. "We'd best keep an eye out for it."

"Yeah, good idea," agreed Thurloe, remounting his bonehead. Following the stream west, the group eventually passed a clump of trees and saw the massive, carnivorous plant they'd last seen in the shared vision in the jungle drow tribe's wise woman's sweat lodge: an enormous stalk, with fat pods along its base and four tendrils, with a mouthlike "head" like that of a Venus flytrap. The plant stood within a circle of close-set stone plinths, effectively boxing the plant in place, for its trunk was too large to fit between the gaps between the upright stones.

The plant stood not too far away from a low hill, and the heroes could see a cave opening in the side of the hill some 20 feet wide and about that tall. A semicircle of sharp spikes, made from tree trunks and the bones and tusks of very large animals, ringed the area before the cave opening, with the massive plant breaking up the protective ring along the northeastern side; apparently whoever lived in the cave felt the carnivorous plant provided just as much protection as a series of outward-thrust spikes, which were clearly designed to ward off large predators like a tyrannosaur or allosaurus. There was also a wooden gate along the northern section of spikes, allowing the cave dwellers access to their home and front yard.

Robin immediately began picking up the tune of inspirational courage - magical courage greatly in need by the heroes who had marveled at watching Alewyth get devoured by this plant in their shared sweat lodge vision. Thurloe advanced his mount Boney to a point about 60 feet away from the plant, after having estimating its tendrils were likely to reach no farther than about 40 feet or so. He cast a fire shield spell upon himself, choosing the "hot" option instead of the "cold" one. Zander urged Pachy up beside Boney and decided to try to take the plant out at range, using his metamagic rod to channel a maximized chain lightning spell at the moving vegetable-monster. The blast of electricity hit the bodythief plant full-on, causing it to writhe about in vegetable pain.

Xandro pulled Ceph up beside Pachy as well, on the other side of the bonehead from Boney. He then reached over and cast a heroism spell on Zander, figuring the frail elf could use every combat advantage available. Beetle, as usual, moved back beside Robin on her mount Alosaurus, while Alewyth urged Lapis forward to stop beside Thurloe. From that vantage point, she cast a summoning spell that brought forth a greater earth elemental rising up from the ground behind the bodythief plant. It stood to its full height and brought a massive, boulderlike fist crashing down at the plant.

But the plant had already reasoned out the most dangerous of the four heroes lined up outside its ability to reach with its tendrils, and had prepared to attack Zander with its corrosive spittle. A line of acid came streaking out from between its fibrous "jaws" to strike the elf in the chest and face, its caustic makeup causing him to cry out in pain. Wakuren instantly retaliated by casting a chain lightning spell of his own, targeting the main trunk and hoping to arc the electrical attack off to hit the pods at its base, in case any of them were already growing future soldiers for its defense. The blast struck the trunk but failed to arc down to the pods, leaving the half-orc to determine the pods must be mere organs of the same creature, and not separate entities as he had at first believed.

Thurloe cast a shield spell upon himself with his wand, watching as another massive creature stepped out onto the open area before the cave opening. This was a styracosaurus, built very much like the triceratops the heroes had encountered earlier before the army ant swarms invaded, only this creature had a frill of sharp horns flanking its shieldlike crest at the back of its head. It lowed in irritation at the commotion outside, reminding Thurloe very much of a dog barking at a trespasser on its master's front lawn.

Zander, not wanting a repeat of the acid bath he'd been given, concentrated on ignoring the pain of the first attack long enough to cast a wall of force spell. This one, he made 30 feet wide and 50 feet tall, covering the area immediately before Xandro, himself, Thurloe, and Alewyth. Now, any lines of acid shot their way would drip harmlessly down the invisible field of force he'd just erected. Xandro held Deathwhisper at the ready, to slice at any tendril that tried probing around the wall of force.

Just then, another figure stepped out of the cave. This one had the proportions of a human, but his skin was a pale yellow, he had green hair, and his arms and chest were covered in painted tattoos. He carried a longbow proportional to his body - and he must have stood a good 18 feet tall. He called out, in the Giant tongue (which of the heroes, only Zander could understand), "Attack, Jubak!" while pointing at the earth elemental clobbering their first line of defense, before nocking a spear-sized arrow into his bow and shooting it at the giant, humanoid figure made of earth and stone. The styracosaurus lowered its frilled head and prepared to charge.

There was more motion at the cave entrance and a female jungle giant emerged, also wielding a longbow and dressed much like her male counterpart, in a brief loincloth made of the skins of mammals. She also shot an arrow at the greater earth elemental.

Alewyth cast an empowered flame strike spell at the two jungle giants and their styracosaurus draft animal, catching all three unawares. The frillhorn dinosaur collapsed in a heap where he stood, his body burned to a crisp by the supernatural fire. The jungle giants had a better time of it, but it was apparent they'd been concentrating on the earth elemental to the exclusion of even noticing the heroes lined up on the far side of the bodythief plant, who was still getting pounded by the elemental's stony fists. But then a pair of tendrils lashed out at the elemental, as another two went flying in the direction of Xandro and Zander, these last two only to fall short of their intended prey.

Wakuren summoned a celestial polar bear just outside the ring of stone imprisoning the bodythief plant - apparently the jungle giants, realizing the advantages of an intelligent plant creating vegetable slaves dedicated to keeping it alive as a "lair guardian," had penned it in with stones too large for it to be able to lift or push aside - and it lashed out at the carnivorous plant with its sharp-clawed paw, reaching in between the stone slabs to do so. Thurloe sent Boney riding off to the north, the dinosaur wading through the stream as the spellsword cast a displacement spell upon himself, making it look like he was ducking and dodging this way and that upon Boney's saddle. Zander got in on the summoning action by calling forth a huge elemental made of burning flames; it appeared inside the giants' compound on the other side of the bodythief from the earth elemental.

The male jungle giant, Torpol, saw Thurloe (in fact, his attention was drawn to him by the way he seemed to not sit still in the saddle), and fired a trio of arrows his way in a rapid-shot sequence. To his disappointment, neither of the arrows hit the flickering human who continued riding along the stream on his bonehead.

Xandro unpacked the Dardolian Lute and, using the dire elk pick given to him by the elf queen Zarabelia, played the special tune that summoned forth a megaloceras. It appeared at the side of the celestial polar bear, and it swung its broad antlers over the tops of the upright stones to slice into the bodythief's vegetable stalk, causing it to ooze a colorless sap that had to be the creature's equivalent to blood.

The jungle giant female, Gruzelva, switched targets to fire her arrows at the fire elemental, as Alewyth cast a searing light spell at the plant, dealing it a small amount of additional damage to that being handed out in full force by the summoned stand-ins to the other heroes. But as the greater earth elemental got in another blow, the bodythief whipped its tendrils about, slaying the dire elk and lashing the celestial polar bear and the earth elemental. (It knew better than to lash out at a being composed of living flame.) Then it opened its spined jaws wide, bent its upper part over the stones, and devoured the bruin whole. The polar bear was dropped down its "throat" to land in its stomach cavity, where it was not only drenched in caustic acids but also subjected to a magical attack that ate away at its physical structure, readying the bodythief to grow a plant equivalent of the great bruin it had swallowed alive. The celestial polar bear tried its best to crawl back up the plant's esophagus and gain its way back to freedom, but to no avail.

Wakuren flew off to the side of the unseen wall of force and cast a thunder strike spell at the giants, and was puzzled when the spell failed to do a single thing to either. But that was because they had seen the half-orc casting the spell and had anticipated it; each absorbed the spell and would be able to cast it themselves at any time in the next minute or so.

Thurloe rode Boney up out of the stream and over to the gate, seeing it had a simple latching mechanism and no lock - no doubt, it was just used to keep the styracosaurus from wandering off. He pushed open the latch with his bastard sword and pulled the gate forward, opening a path inside to the jungle giants' cave opening.

From behind the wall of force, Zander cast a mislead spell on himself and told Petey to stay with the illusory elf, still riding Pachy, while the now-invisible Zander crept quietly towards the opened gate, hoping to escape the bodythief's attention. But that soon turned out to be a non-issue, as the fire elemental's flaming fists started the plant's fibrous body ablaze, killing it where it stood. That earned the elemental a furious flurry of arrows from Torpol's bow, but Xandro took the opportunity to charge Ceph through the open gate and stab at the jungle giant with Deathwhisper before Torpol could even recognize the threat; he toppled over onto his back, unconscious and bleeding out from the wound Xandro had opened in his belly. Thurloe finished him off with Spellslicer as he rode Boney into the giants' encampment. He continued on into the entry cave, which was apparently where the styracosaurus lived, given the piles of dried straw and grasses strewn about and the saddlebags propped over into a corner.

Gruzelva continued firing arrows at the blazing elemental (stopping only long enough to unleash her captured thunder strike spell at it), until Alewyth cast another searing light spell her way, blinding her enough to not be able to dodge the earth elemental's rugged fists. Then the fire elemental stepped forward and slammed her with its blazing fists, dropping her off into unconsciousness as well. "I'll finish her!" Xandro volunteered, a little miffed that the spellsword had robbed him of his kill in taking out the male giant.

The polar bear was still being dissolved by stomach acids even though the magical body absorption had stopped with the bodythief's death. Wakuren released the bruin from service, sending it back to its home in the Upper Realms, then cast a shield of faith spell upon himself as he rode Nimbus over to the cave entrance. Zander cast a haste spell on himself as he continued his way invisibly towards the gate, then backtracked and opted to go remount Pachy now that their foes all seemed to have been slain.

Alewyth rode Lapis through a gap in the stone plinths, over the bodythief's corpse, and into the courtyard. Upon her directions, the greater earth elemental stepped into the cave network and began exploring. The cave past the frillhorn's den was apparently where the jungle giants slept, as there was bedding made of piled grasses and a wooden flute as wide around as a human thigh propped up against a wall. There was an opening into a lower cave along the south wall, through which the reflections of pinpoints of light could be seen.

Wakuren rode Nimbus into the giant's den and looked into the lower cave, where his darkvision allowed him to see hundreds - no, thousands - of glittering gemstones embedded in the walls of the lower cavern. Of a more pressing concern, a vaguely humanoid creature stood in the back of the gemstone cavern, the being seemingly made of crystal and standing a good 11 or 12 feet tall.

Thurloe dismounted from Boney and followed Wakuren into the den. The fire elemental followed, and the light from its form set the gemstones blazing enough for the spellsword to see the gem-encrusted walls and the crystallis standing alone in the cavern below. Alewyth entered the cavern complex next, while Xandro busied himself outside ensuring Gruzelva wouldn't be getting back up again. The dwarf had the earth elemental glide through the solid rock and attack the crystalline being from behind; the elemental did so but its blows didn't seem to discomfit the crystallis in the least, as if it were immune to attacks from an earth-based source.

"Maybe we should try talking to it," Wakuren suggested, as Zander entered the giants' sleeping quarters. Acting as a living interpreter thanks to his permanent tongues spell, he asked the crystallis where it came from.

"The lands of earth and stone, gems and ores," it replied. So - the Elemental Plane of Earth, then, Alewyth realized as Zander translated its answer.

"Why are you here?" the elf asked next.

"Trying to find a way home," it answered. "This place reminds me of home."

"I have a dismissal spell prepared," Alewyth informed Zander, and he told the crystallis they could get it back to its home with a spell, but only if the crystalline being didn't fight off the effects. Once he was certain the creature understood, he had Alewyth cast her spell, and a rift opened up under its feet, dropping it through the planes to its elemental home.

"Now, as for you," Alewyth said, looking up at the greater earth elemental she had summoned. "Gather up those gemstones for us, would you?" That was a ridiculously easy task for an earth elemental; it just earth glided it hands through the solid rock and came back with handfuls of gemstones, as easily as if had been scooping pebbles out of a pond. Within moments, a large pile of glittering stones stood at its feet. Xandro's quick appraisal put their haul somewhere in the neighborhood of 40,000 pieces of gold.

Even Beetle couldn't complain about taking the time to harvest the gemstones and store them away in Hesperna's lamp. After all, they weren't too far from the Great Rift that ran north and south across the continent, on the other side of which stood the numerous cities of the drow, and the halfling knew the "civilized" drow used coins and gems as barter-stones for goods and services. It wasn't the way his halfling tribe worked, but he was familiar with the concept and knew these shining gems would have quite a bit of purchasing power among the drow they'd no doubt be encountering on the second half of their trip to the Forbidden Lands. He busied himself refilling water skins from the stream - and nibbling on a guzzleberry he'd surreptitiously grabbed in passing when they left the axebeaks earlier that morning.

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This adventure took us about four hours to run through. I threw in the axebeak encounter up front partly because, having made 24 axebeak standup counters for an earlier adventure, I wanted to use them more than once. And we got some closure with the three jungle drow hunters from Ilyraena's tribe.

I had put in the "sweat lodge vision" of the bodythief as a warning of just what the plant creature could do (it was from a Pathfinder Bestiary and thus nothing any of my players had ever encountered before), but I think all I really did was make them paranoid about how powerful it was, because they spent most of their time hiding behind a wall of force and throwing summoned creatures at it. As my son Logan and I are watching our way through an "Ultraseven" DVD set - in which the lead character has a set of "capsule monsters" he can summon to fight kaiju on his behalf when needed; it was the concept that gave the Pokemon creator his initial idea) - I think he saw that as a logical approach to follow. And I can't fault him, because it worked. But I wonder if the bodythief encounter would have been a bit more exciting if I hadn't given them the "sweat lodge vision" warning ahead of time.

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T-shirt worn: My green dragon T-shirt, because I didn't have anything more appropriate. But I figured the bodythief plant was big and green, just like the dragon on my shirt, so that was as close a connection as I could devise.

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PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 15​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 9​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 7/paladin 8​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 9​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 15​

NPC Roster:
Beetle Darkcloud, halfling ranger 5​
Robin the Balladeer, human bard 5​

Game Session Date: 11 May 2024

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The heroes continued their westward journey, each mounted upon their pachycephalosaurus mount but Wakuren; his "bonehead" dinosaur trotted along behind Robin, its harness attached to the saddle upon which she sat, while the half-orc rode upon his air element warhorse, Nimbus, 10 feet above the surface of the ground below. As was his wont, Zander chose to ride directly beneath Wakuren and Nimbus, using them as an impromptu umbrella to shade himself from the burning sun. For even though he, Alewyth, Wakuren, Xandro, and Robin were all sporting endure elements spells that kept them in a comfortable environment temperature-wise, the equatorial sun still tanned (and burned) easier than it did back on their home continent of Armaturia. The elf had cast his standard mage armor spell upon himself and his pseudodragon familiar Petey (and, at Wakuren's request, another such spell upon Nimbus as well) - and this after the heroes had all devoured the contents of Alewyth's heroes' feast spell, which she liked to cast first thing in the morning to get them set off on a good day's journey.

The forests around them had gotten wetter over the last several days, and as they traveled westward, they did so with a patch of wetlands directly to the north of them. This actually pleased their halfling guide, Beetle, for it gave him a familiar landmark by which to gauge their location. "Last time," he reminded his charges, "Andrea and I were on the other side of the mountains, with the wetlands just beyond the range. Once we pass this swamp, we should be able to veer north a bit and get back on track to the way I'm more familiar with."

After an hour or more traveling beside the wetlands, they found themselves approaching a small caravan from the rear. The pachycephalosaurus mounts - and Beetle's smaller fastieth mount, Yellow-Belly - were easily outpacing the slower group ahead, which seemed to consist of a dozen or so humanoid frogs and half as many velociraptors, walking in a group around two squatty dinosaurs, each pulling a wooden travois behind it, loaded with wooden crates and boxes overflowing with dried grasses and straw. "Frowny frogs ahead," warned Alewyth, using the term Princess Caroline had used for the bullywugs they'd encountered in her dreams. Of course, the heroes had encountered actual bullywugs in real life as well; early in their adventuring careers they'd encountered a small group of them in the sewers below Port Duralia. Those bullywugs had been a greenish-brown in coloration, but this batch here was a more reddish-brown. None of the heroes thought anything of it, though, figuring this was an entirely different continent - small wonder if there were taxonomic differences between the species to be found so far apart.

As the faster group got closer to the caravan, the velociraptors picked up their scent and came to an immediate halt, spinning about in place and alerting the frog-men of the presence of strangers. Fearing combat was imminent, Xandro cast a heroism spell upon himself and let his hand stray to the hilt of his magic rapier, Deathwhisper, urging his mount Ceph forward ahead of the rest of the group. Zander borrowed Thurloe's wand of shield and cast a charge upon himself, before returning it so the spellsword could do the same. Petey took flight, leaving Zander's shoulder to fly straight up until he had a clear view in all directions, to ensure there weren't any other potential threats in the area.

Two bullywugs in the rear of the caravan advanced towards the heroes, halfspears out and ready. Seeing this, Robin pulled the lute from her back and began the song of inspirational courage, having her mount Alosaurus head to the back of the formation (where Beetle and Yellow-Belly soon joined her). Wakuren used the disguise self property of his robe of blending to give himself an appearance very much like a bullywug, while casting a tongues spell to grant him the ability to speak and understand their language, figuring they'd be more friendly dealing with someone of their own amphibious race.

One of the bullywugs called out in his croaking language, "Who are you? What do you want?"

"Just travelers, passing through," Wakuren replied in the bullywug's own tongue.

"Got any eggs?"

Wakuren was a little taken aback by such a strange question, coming completely out of the blue as it had. But he covered his surprise quickly, answering, "Eggs? Nope, no eggs."

"Get off with you, then," replied the bullywug fighter, indicating with a nod of his head the odd group of bonehead riders should move past them and be on their way. That would have been fine for the half-orc - they didn't want any trouble from these strangers, after all - but with his tongues spell still active and translating all languages, he heard a perfectly understandable cry of "Hey - is there someone out there?" and another voice calling "Help us! Free us from our captors!" coming from one of the boxes in the travois of the trailing lug-beast. Again hiding his surprise, Wakuren simply nodded his understanding to the bullywug guard and rode back towards his own group, to quickly tell them what he'd heard. "I think they might have been baby bullywugs," he hazarded, since the language had sounded the same as that spoken by the bullywug guard.

As the heroes were concentrating on picking up what Wakuren was telling them, none of them noticed one of the bullywugs up by the front travois making casting motions with his webbed hands. The spellcaster, Glorpalthorp, successfully summoned a creature from another realm, having it appear completely submerged in the nearby swamp waters, where it could spring out at the others if they got too close to the caravan, which had come to a complete stop while the bullywug guard pair spoke to the representative from this other group. Alewyth urged Lapis forward, casting a detect magic spell as she did so. She was far enough away that she could only examine the two bullywug rear guards with her spell, but it was enough to see neither held any magic items, nor were they covered in any magic spells themselves.

However, despite the bullywug guards giving the heroes the okay to move past them and be on their way, their velociraptor companions had other ideas - they were hungry (they were very often hungry, no matter how much they had to eat or how recently they'd fed), and they broke off from the caravan and headed as one towards the nearest potential meal: Alewyth Putterpye and her bonehead mount Lapis. The four closest each made a bounding leap, with their wicked toe-claws out and ready to rend when they landed, but they did not work together very well, for of the four only one caught Lapis in its leaping pounce, the other three coming up short or bumping into each other mid-leap. Xandro sped Caph forward instantly, cutting a deep gash into the velociraptor that had cut open a wound along Lapis's side. He was pleased to see Deathwhisper had dealt a more severe blow to the predator than it had made against Alewyth's loyal mount.

Zander rode Pachy forward a bit - but not too much; the elf didn't want to find himself in close-quarters combat with a pack of six velociraptors! - and cast a summon monster spell of his own. Unbeknownst to the elf sorcerer, he'd inadvertently copied the same strategy of Glorpalthorp, in summoning his red slaad at the bottom of the swamp waters, so it could spring up in surprise and attack the dinosaurs and frog-men from a direction they wouldn't expect. But the red slaad, upon taking form in the murky swamp waters, was instantly attacked by Glorpalthorp's previously-summoned giant octopus, a rubbery tentacle entwining itself around the toad-thing's body. The slaad slashed at the offending tentacle with its claw-tipped hand, fighting for its very life completely underwater, where none but the octopus could see him. (Zander, in the meantime, wondered if he'd somehow fumbled the summoning spell.)

Thurloe rode up on Boney and brought Spellslicer swinging deep into the side of a velociraptor attacking Lapis; the vampiric touch spell he had stored in the blade triggered, damaging the predator even further and giving the spellsword a boost of stolen life-energy. Seeing the damage being taken by their trained guard-beasts, the bullywugs waddled to their rescue in their awkward, loping gait. The other two bullywug fighters stayed by the lug-beasts and their boxes and bundles, sending the draft dinosaurs forward again with a slap on the flank. Two of the blindheims moved along with them, the other four running over to aid in battle against the heroes.

Wakuren cast a summon monster spell and brought forth a bralani, a svelte-looking, elflike creature from the Upper Planes. The first thing she did upon arrival was cast a mirror image spell, tripling the apparent local bralani population. Then the three of them headed over to assist in the combat at hand.

Glorpalthorp ribbeted out a few bubbly syllables and cast an unholy blight spell, encompassing Thurloe on Boney, Xandro on Ceph, Wakuren on Nimbus, and Alewyth on Lapis. Of the eight targeted, only Xandro was overcome by a feeling of sickness, making him feel nauseous like he was about to throw up. The feeling soon passed, but it kept him from the combat for a short while, which the bullywug spellcaster saw as a good thing.

Under the fetid waters of the swamp, the summoned octopus got the summoned red slaad in its suckers and squeezed hard, forcing the air from the toad-thing's lungs. Despite his predicament, the slaad opened his mouthful of jagged teeth and bit deep into the octopus' rubbery flesh, causing both blood and ink to stain the already-dark waters.

Alewyth cast an empowered flame strike, killing one of the velociraptors outright and seriously harming the others in the area of effect. They snapped at her and Thurloe, no longer going for their riding mounts but seeking revenge against those who had caused them harm. (While figuring, no doubt, that after the riders were dealt with the mounts could be taken down that much more easily.) But then Xandro caught one of the predators from behind with a quick stab of his rapier, piercing its internal organs and slaying it with the one stroke. When he pulled out his blade, the velociraptor fell lifelessly to the ground.

Zander rode up, cast his arms out wide, and brought a prismatic spray shooting out at his varied foes. One velociraptor was slain instantly by a gout of acid gushing out from the sorcerer's outspread arms, while another burned to a crisp as his body was instantly engulfed in a blaze of flames. Two others vanished, transported instantly to other planes of existence. And two blindheims were also caught up in the spell, one of them affected by instant insanity and the other one not affected at all, the spell having been successfully deflected by his inherent resistance. Thurloe rode up and slashed at the confused blindheim with his bastard sword before the creature had enough time to get his bearings.

Then the two bullywugs fighters made their approach upon the scene, stabbing their halfspears at Alewyth and Thurloe. The other two, upon orders from Glorpalthorp, abandoned the caravan and went to add their own weapons to the fray. But Wakuren, sensing the bullywug spellcaster was the one in charge of this whole operation, had Nimbus charge through the air right at him, lowering himself to a foot off the ground as they neared the frog-man's corpulent form, so Wakuren could lean to the side in the saddle and bring his shield of Cal smashing into the amphibian's face at full force. It was all Glorpalthorp could do to remain standing after such a powerful blow. Nimbus kicked out at the bullywug, but he had stumbled back enough from the shield bash that the cloud-steed's attack missed. In a panic, Glorpalthorp cast a cone of cold into the faces of his two enemies, catching Wakuren full-on while Nimbus ducked under the blast of frost, evading the spell quite nicely.

Wakuren's summoned bralani, however, had moved into position and fired off a lightning bolt spell that blasted its way through two of the blindheims. The confused blindheim felt an overwhelming sense of sudden panic and fled from Zander, his course taking him almost directly behind Wakuren and Nimbus. Petey took off after him, stabbing at him with his tail-stinger but failing to penetrate his hide. The other three blindheims went after Thurloe, Xandro, and Alewyth, until the dwarf cast an empowered sound burst at the three of them that shook them up quite nicely. Xandro stabbed one in the back with Deathwhisper, ending its life, while Zander rode Pachy into position to fire off a lightning bolt spell through the other two, mirroring the bralani tactic of a moment ago.

Under the water, the octopus continued tightening its grip, but to no avail; the red slaad bit through his rubbery flesh and slew the eight-armed terror, whose body disappeared immediately upon being slain. Then the red slaad popped his head up above the surface of the water and started wading to dry land, eager to fight some landbound foes.

Spellslicer took the life - and very nearly the head - of one of the bullywug fighters, as the other one pivoted his way and tried stabbing the spellsword with his halfspear. The two reinforcements were, by this time, almost close enough to join the fray themselves.

Wakuren, oblivious to the proximity of the crazed blindheim behind him, leapt from Nimbus's saddle and raced to Glorpalthorp, slamming him again with his shield. This second blow was as powerful as the first had been, and the half-orc heard the audible snap of his vertebrae giving way as his neck-bones shattered and the bulltywug spellcaster collapsed to the ground, quite dead. Nimbus, in the meantime, had heard the crazed blindheim come up behind him and he spun around, getting off a good kick to the chin with a powerful hoof.

Back by the others, the bralani trio sent a whirlwind blast buffeting another blindheim and one of the bullywugs. The bullywugs attacked with their halfspears, and Alewyth decided to meet the attack of the one targeting her with her own weapon, the dwarven warhammer Sjondra. Xandro slew another of the blindheims with his rapier, and at this stage it was fairly apparent how the battle was going to end at this side of the combat. That freed Zander to worry about the two lug-beasts and the two blindheims trying their very best to get them out of combat range; apparently whatever it was they had in those crates and boxes was very important. Channeling additional electrical power through his ring, the elf sorcerer cast a chain lightning spell through his metamagic rod of maximize spell, sending a deadly bolt of lightning striking full-force into the lead lug-beast, then arcing off to the other one and the two blindheims. The main target died instantly, bringing his travois to a dead halt, while the other three managed to hang on to life for at least a little bit longer - although all three had taken at least some damage from the blast. Petey chose that moment to return to his master's shoulder, deeming these frog-people too bothersome for him to try to poison with his sleep venom.

Rising up from the swamp, the red slaad came hopping over to the still-crazed blindheim, killing him with one swipe of his claws. At the same time, Thurloe took down one of the three remaining bullywug fighters with his bastard sword. The last two focused their attention upon Alewyth and Xandro, fighting for all they were worth - almost as if they feared fleeing more than they feared death. But the human rogue and the dwarven priestess gave back as good as they got, stabbing and slamming with their own weapons of choice.

Wakuren raced up to one of the lead blindheims and snapped his neck with the edge of his shield of Cal in a lateral swing. Nimbus tried kicking at the remaining lug-beast - a creature Andrea's notes on dinosaurs referred to as a "moschops" - but didn't seem to deal a whole lot of damage to the thick-skinned reptile. It snapped at the cloud-steed in irritation, catching a mouthful of fluffy cloudstuff that exploded out of the sides of the lug-beast's snapping jaws like a smoker exhaling after a long draw on his pipe.

The bralani trio sent another blast of wind at a bullywug fighter, as Alewyth bashed at him with Sjondra. Xandro abandoned the fight at the back end, sending Ceph speeding forward to go aid in ensuring the second lug-beast didn't escape with its travois. Zander and Pachy followed alongside. But the sorcerer's summoned red slaad was already on the scene, lashing out with his claws and teeth and slaying one of the two remaining blindheims. After that, with only one blindheim, one bullywug, and one lug-beast remaining of the entire original caravan, the heroes made quick work of them. "They were all evil," Wakuren informed the others, after the fact.

Now with access to the contents of the crates and boxes, the heroes saw they all contained eggs of various shapes and sizes, carefully packed in straw to keep them from being damaged during transit. All, that is, but for a small box with air holes poked in its sides; it was from here the pleas for help had come. "Hold still, I'll have you out in a moment," promised Wakuren, pulling open the box, which had been nailed closed. Inside were three tiny, humanoid tree frogs of bright coloration - quite different from the drab reddish browns of the bullywugs, blindheims, and velociraptors.

"Thank you," replied the largest of the grippli. "One of the bullywugs said they had captured us alive to start a breeding colony of grippli, since our eggs are soft and jellylike and cannot be easily transported."

"What's with all of the eggs?" demanded Alewyth once Wakuren and Zander had translated the grippli's words.

"We do not know," admitted the grippli. "But we have seen these egg-gathering expeditions come by our lands before. A group of our tribe followed them once, and saw where they take the eggs they have stolen. It is not far from here, a large structure of stone, with great doors at the front, and in the back, the den of shining evil!"

"'Den of shining evil?'" asked Zander. "What's that?"

"We do not know - it is a cavern, below the ground, that glows with a unnatural, reddish light. We can show you the way, if you wish, but we will not enter it ourselves."

"Who runs this operation?"

"A pair of elves with horns," replied the grippli. "We have no other word for them. One is a male, one is a female. They have many dinosaurs who serve them, as these did - a spiketail and a pair of great carvers. And both of the elves with horns can cast spells."

"Very well then," replied Wakuren, as Robin and Beetle joined them on their mounts. "We will travel to this den of shining evil and have a look for ourselves." But before they resumed their travel, the half-orc cast a mass cure light wounds spell on the assembled team, healing up the worst of their damage.

The grippli directed the heroes to the "den of shining evil" - a walled structure of solid stone, with a massive set of wooden gates along the middle of the front wall. A pair of familiar-looking guards stood at attention on either side of the gates, the lights blazing from their eyes identifying them as blindheims. According to the grippli, once the gates were opened - say, to allow in a caravan of lug-beasts carrying loads of stolen eggs - there was an open area just behind, with numerous gates and doors on all three walls. The door at the very back led to a natural cavern with stone steps leading down, and that entire area was suffused with an eerie, reddish light.

Zander sent Petey to do an aerial reconnaissance around the fortress. Upon his return, he reported back that there was just the one set of gates leading into the fortress, there were open-air pens up at the front containing a stegosaurus ("spiketail," according to Beetle), a megaraptor ("great carver") and three velociraptors ("clawfeet"), and a moschops ("lug-beast"), and another pen that seemed to be empty save for a small, shedlike structure with a roof. Other areas further back were also covered with roofs, but these all seemed to be single-story affairs.

"We go in stealthily," Wakuren decided. "You all get into the lamp, I activate my ring of invisibility, and then I air walk us all into the courtyard past the main gates."

"I like it," Thurloe declared. He generally liked plans where others took the risks and exposed themselves to danger. He was the first to touch his hand to the magic lamp and say the command word that shunted him inside its extradimensional interior.

"I'll be watching from inside," Alewyth reassured the half-orc. Once inside the lamp, she donned the headband that allowed her to see through the gem Wakuren wore on his brow for that very purpose.

Once the heroes were all inside, Wakuren bid Nimbus to watch over Beetle and the other mounts, then faded from view and walked through the air past the blindheim guards and into the courtyard, as planned. Then, one by one, the heroes started exiting the lamp and going their separate ways to explore.

Xandro picked a door that Petey had said led to a roofed shed in an otherwise empty pen with a muddy pool of brackish water in the back. It turned out to be a small bedroom, with a simple cot in one corner and a closed chest in the opposite one. Opening the chest, Xandro found a ceramic bowl and a spoon which radiated magic, as well as two blocks of magical incense. Other than a wooden holy symbol of Galrich, God of Water, hanging on a peg on one wall, the room was otherwise empty. A door led to the muddy pen, but Xandro didn't even bother opening it, as Petey had said the pen was empty. But judging from the contents of the room, he guessed the bedroom belonged to the bullywug spellcaster and the others of his race and the blindheims likely wallowed around in the muddy pond when not otherwise occupied. Of course, those days were now over, given they'd all been slain, but the two blindheims on guard duty at the raised platforms by the gate likely shared the pool once they got off shift.

Zander and Petey exited the lamp next, only they did so under the protection of a greater invisibility effect brought on as a side effect of having cast a mislead spell while still inside Hesperna's lamp. The elf wandered south, toward the door that led to the den of shining evil. Thurloe was out next, after having cast a protection from evil spell on himself. Then came Robin, who followed Xandro into the bullywug leader's quarters to see what he had discovered.

Wakuren cast a protection from evil spell on himself as well, after having determined both blindheim guards had auras reeking of the taint of evil. He did so in a low voice, so as not to be overheard by the guards, whose backs were turned to him up on their perches. Then Alewyth exited the lamp - she'd taken the time to remove the headband allowing her to see through the gem on Wakuren's brow - and cast a spell of her own: wall of stone, which stretched across the two sets of massive gates facing each other just inside the enclosure, one holding the fiendish stegosaurus and the other the megaraptor and three velociraptors. The wall of stone was shaped like a squared-off "C," five feet above the surface of the ground and supported in the middle by a stone column reaching to the ground. That configuration prevented either of the gates from opening into the courtyard, effectively sealing off the five dinosaurs and rendering them incapable of being let out to disturb the heroes as they explored the area, looking for the "elves with horns" who ran this place. Of course, Alewyth took absolutely no precautions against being heard, and sure enough, as her magical stone structure manifested into place, the blindheims looked down from their perches at the intruders below and behind them, and the obviously powerful magic they had at their command.

Then, looking briefly at each other from across the opposite sides of the front gates with eyes that sent out beams of coherent light, they wordlessly came to the same conclusion and scrambled over the front wall, hanging by their webbed hands until dropping to the ground and bounding away at top speed.

Xandro came back out of Glorpalthorp's living quarters and opened the next door. It was a roofed structure, with an L-shaped corridor that held three smaller pens whose walls didn't reach the ceiling. Two were empty, but three contained a half-dozen serpents with wings that were held close to the body, as if the half-fiend vipers had yet to learn to fly. After popping his head over the top of the wall to look at the vipers, he opted not to disturb them for now, as they didn't look like they had the opportunity (or immediate inclination) to hurt anyone.

About that time, the door directly across the courtyard from the one Xandro had just entered opened up, and out stepped a robed figure carrying a wooden quarterstaff. The man's skin was a bright red and a pair of horns sprouted from his brow. "Where is that blasted caravan?" he grumbled to himself. "They should have been--" At that point, he saw Xandro standing in the open doorway to the newborn pens, and turned his head to see Alewyth, Thurloe, and Robin and stopped mid-sentence. "What?" he sputtered, surprised at seeing intruders this far into his fortress. He hurriedly backed into his room and slammed the door. Thurloe, the closest to the door, could hear him pounding on an interior wall in the room from which he had momentarily stepped out - apparently warning someone else in a nearby room that there were intruders present.

Zander and Petey, still invisible, moved closer to the door and the sorcerer cast a summoning spell that brought forth a blazing fire elemental some 32 feet tall. It reared back, ready to snatch up either of the "elves with horns" should they appear. (Zander decided the term was likely the grippli description of a tiefling, if they'd never seen one before.) Thurloe approached the door next to the one the robed tiefling with the staff had used, and he pushed it open. The room looked to be roughly triangular in design, but there was nobody in the part he could see. (That, it would turn out, was because the female tiefling whose bedroom this was had been warned by the knocking on the wall of intruders, and she had popped into the bathroom at the back of her chambers, where she cast a quick protective spell upon herself.)

Playing the song of inspirational courage on her lute, Robin exited Glorpalthorp's quarters and stood just outside the doorway, looking up at the massive fire elemental whose body was crackling with flames. Then Wakuren went charging into the door the male tiefling had used, kicking it open with a well-placed boot. He was still invisible, but the tiefling saw a brief outline in the dust and flying shards of wood caused by the half-orc's violent entrance into his personal quarters, and he fired off a baleful polymorph spell, cursing aloud when it failed to turn Wakuren into a snail. The tiefling druid, Quintacus, hurriedly retreated to the back of his room as Xandro ran up to Wakuren and cast a heroism spell on the half-orc. Alewyth followed up with a bless spell cast upon the entire group, including the fire elemental.

Zander cast an Elobar's black tentacles spell into the female tiefling's room, covering it in writhing appendages, but the lack of cries or screams told him they had been unsuccessful in capturing the other half of the tiefling duo behind the egg thefts. The fire elemental, much too large to enter either of the tiefling's rooms, cooled its heels just outside, ready to pounce if either showed their red-skinned faces.

Thurloe, however, was able to enter the tiefling female's room and take a look around to see that she wasn't there. There was only one other door in the room, on the far side of the tentacles, so she was either in there or she had turned herself invisible or teleported out or something. Then something told him to check out the ceiling, and sure enough, there was a snake-lizard thing with glider wings stretched on either side of its limbs clinging to the ceiling. They had a brief moment of eye contact before the nagasaur leaped at Thurloe's face, biting him on the bridge of the nose before he could fend it off with his bastard sword.

In the next room over - also triangular in shape - Wakuren charged at Quinticus, but rather than bash him with his shield he rather touched the man's robes, casting a bestow curse upon him as he did so. The half-orc had been hoping to turn him mute, so he'd be less likely to be able to cast any additional spells, but the druid managed to overcome the intended effects.

Out in the courtyard, Alewyth cast a magic circle against evil spell on herself and approached the side-by-side bedroom doors, unaware that the female tiefling, a sorceress named Lucrixia, had cast a dimension door spell from her bathroom and teleported to the front of the courtyard, where she frowned in disbelief at the wall of stone keeping the northernmost pens closed and the dinosaurs behind them out of play. Fortunately for the tiefling, none of the intruders was facing her way, and none noticed her sudden presence in the courtyard. Which suited her just fine, as she prepared to cast one of her most powerful offensive spells next....

Xandro followed Wakuren into Quinticus's bedroom, casting an expeditious retreat spell on himself as he did so. That way, he reasoned, he would be able to catch up with the druid if he made a break for it back outside into the courtyard. That was exactly what Quinticus desperately wanted to do, silently cursing himself for not having had the presence of mind to plant his quarterstaff in the ground when he first saw the intruders, so he could cast a changestaff spell immediately thereafter and have a treant fighting them off while he and Lucrixia regrouped and figured out the best way to deal with the threat. Now, he had to find his way past the armored orc and the round-eared elf with the light skin, and he figured the best way to do that was as something much smaller and faster than his present form. Wildshaping instantly into a bat, he flapped past a startled Wakuren (who swung his shield of Cal at him but failed to connect) and Xandro (who was much quicker with his rapier and cut the bat's side as he flew past), making it outside his shattered doorway before being swatted by a massive elemental made of burning flames. Fortunately, the blow was a glancing one and it barely singed the bat's fur, failing to set him ablaze.

However, a sudden beam flashed out of nowhere and struck Quinticus's bat body, draining him some of his personal vigor. Zander remained invisible after having cast the enervation spell at the bat. Then the elemental swatted at the bat again, sending Quinticus on an erratic course but still managing to both stay airborne and avoid bursting into flame himself.

There was a lot of commotion going on out in the courtyard behind him, Thurloe could tell, but his full concentration was on the flapping nagasaur in his face, trying to bite him again. He finally managed to catch it with the edge of his sword's blade, and the reptile fell to the ground, dead. At the death of her familiar, Lucrixia gave a cry of anguish and cast her prismatic spray spell, and for the first time in their lives, the heroes got a taste of what it was like to be on the receiving end of what was rapidly becoming Zander Quilson's favorite attack spell.

A violet beam struck the fire elemental and it immediately popped out of existence, swept completely off the Material Plane and onto a random Outer Plane - exactly where, no one had any way of determining. Alewyth gave a cry as she was suddenly engulfed in searing flames, having been struck by a red ray; the pain lasted only for a moment, leaving her singed but still alive. Zander was struck by a beam of pure yellow and was fried by a massive blast of electricity which caused his teeth to rattle, his hair to stand on end, and then his limbs to give way as he lost consciousness and fell to the courtyard ground; his invisible form was momentarily lit up by the force of the blast. Petey managed not to share in his master's fate by dint of dodging the blast at the last moment, perhaps subconsciously picking up the tiefling's thoughts at her magical attack strategy. But poor Robin took the worst of the spell's brunt, being hit by an orange ray that ate away at her body with a powerful, corrosive acid. Her song of inspirational courage stopped in mid-chord as she fell lifelessly to the ground.

Wakuren rushed out of Quinticus's bedroom a moment too late to find himself targeted by the prismatic spray spell, but he had been focusing on the escaping bat-druid in any case. Summoning a javelin of lightning in his right hand - the one wearing the gauntlet of Cal - he let fly, piercing the bat's chest and slaying the druid outright. Quinticus flopped to the ground, dead, his body returning to its natural form as life left his body. It was only then that Wakuren saw that the same fate had just happened to Robin, and heard Petey's telepathic cries that Zander was down and dying.

Alewyth cast a bane spell upon Lucrixia, but the tiefling managed to overcome its intended effects. Xandro sprinted out of the room and ran over to the tiefling, moving behind her in preparation of trying to stab her in the back when her attention was focused on those before her. A little voice in the back of his head wondered why Robin had stopped playing her magical song, but he failed to see her crumpled and steaming body lying in the dirt by Glorpalthorp's room.

Petey, still invisible and eager for revenge, dashed through the air at Lucrixia, stabbing out with his tail-stinger and pumping sleep venom into her system. He snarled in irritation when she failed to fall over in an immediate slumber. Thurloe cast a displacement spell on himself, once again focusing upon keeping himself safe from harm over taking down his group's enemies. (Anyone trying to argue with him over his tactics would get the same answer back: he was better able to focus on offense once he knew defense had been taken care of. It never persuaded his friends that his tactics were wise, but he stuck by his assertations nonetheless.)

Lucrixia moved away from Xandro, lining up her next spell for maximum effect. Patey stabbed at her again but missed this time, to his increased irritation. But then Wakuren, unsure of the invisible Zander's position, cast a mass cure light wounds spell that targeted all of his allies within range as he ran towards the tiefling. It was enough to awaken the elf from his unconsciousness, and he took the opportunity to cast a haste spell on himself, Petey, Xandro, and Alewyth - the only members of his team within immediate range of the spell's area of effect. He even managed to stab at Lucrixia as she stepped past him, oblivious to the fact he was even there, but then fired off a cone of cold spell at Alewyth, Wakuren, and Xandro, catching Petey in its midst quite unintentionally (for the pseudodragon was still protected by the greater invisibility spell effect caused by Zander's mislead spell). This time even the little reptile was affected by the spell, but none of the heroes dropped as a result of the sudden blast of frost sent their way.

Alewyth, teeth gritted to keep them from chattering, responded with a blindness/deafness spell focused upon stripping Lucrixia's sight from her. But then the dwarf learned what defensive spell the tiefling had cast upon herself before using dimension door to move to the courtyard: spell reflection, which rebounded the priestess's spell right back at her, causing Alewyth to go blind. As her world turned dark - a rare experience for a dwarf blessed with darkvision - Alewyth cursed the fact that she knew the words to the remove blindness spell but had not chosen that as one of the spells she had prepared for the day. Unless Wakuren happened to have prepared the spell himself, she was now blind until tomorrow, when she could pray to Aerik for a new set of spells. (Besides the remove blindness spell, Alewyth knew she'd also be praying for a resurrection spell for poor Robin, caught up in a fight beyond her own abilities to handle.)

Xandro stabbed at Lucrixia with his rapier Deathwhisper, causing blood to spill from her lips as he pulled the blade out of her back. Zander scrambled backwards to get out of immediate range - Wakuren's mass cure light wounds spell had roused him back into consciousness, but the cone of cold spell had almost taken him out again. Then Thurloe ran up and attacked the tiefling with his own blade, Wakuren bashed her with his shield, and Alewyth - damned if she was going to let a little thing like being totally blind stop her from aiding her friends in battle - cast a summoning spell that caused an earth titan - a greater earth elemental, with fists the size of boulders - to rise up from the ground. It slammed down at the tiefling, causing her to fall forwards, and then another stab with Deathwhisper and Lucrixia was no more.

With their foes dead, the group went through the room with the newborn pens and entered the den of shining evil via a set of natural stone steps leading down into a roughly oval cavern. Sure enough, the cavern was lit by a reddish light, seemingly coming from a "hole" in the air above them - Wakuren surmised it was a coin-sized rift to an Outer Plane of pure evil. Arrayed along the cavern's outer edges were crates and crates of eggs, each protected by dried grasses and straw - the same as the caravan had been bringing back to the fortress. The heroes smashed the eggs with fervor, then Alewyth commanded her elemental to bring the ceiling down upon the cavern. When it was done, the small gate to Abyssia had been buried under tons of stone, preventing anyone else from picking up where the tieflings had left off.

"Now what?" asked Alewyth, when the others returned to where she'd been sitting. "There are still the dinosaurs in the pens to deal with."

"No point in dealing with them," argued Thurloe. "They can't get out, so they'll starve to death where they are. Better yet, the megaraptor and velociraptors will get to have it out and start eating each other for a bit, so they'll outlast the stegosaurus."

"Still, it seems cruel, to let them starve like that," countered the dwarf.

"They're evil," Thurloe reminded her. "They're only getting what they deserve. And then, when they die, they'll go off to dino-hell or whatever and they'll look back on their final days of starving to death in their pens with fond memories." Alewyth wasn't convinced, but she also realized the futility in them risking their lives to slay dinosaurs that Fate would deal with in any case.

Zander dismissed his Elobar's black tentacles spell and they did a quick search of both triangular bedrooms, unearthing an ancient tome detailing the ritual of bathing eggs in the light from Abyssia to grant the beings growing within the fiendish properties of those who dwelled in such vile lands; the book was in some language indecipherable to any of the heroes, and it had apparently been indecipherable to Quinticus as well, for he had a special helm that allowed him to make sense of it. The heroes burned the tome but kept the helm of detect magic and comprehend languages. There was also a vial of oil of timeliness, which had apparently been partially used to keep the book from aging any further; Xandro applied it to Robin's body to keep it from decaying until Alewyth could return her to life the following day. In Lucrixia's room they found a decanter of endless water, which she apparently used to restock the pools of water in the open-air pens when the rains failed to do so. Other than a few healing potions and a vial of stone salve, that was all the tieflings had of value among them; they apparently had no use for coins of gemstones.

One by one, the heroes re-entered Hesperna's lamp, Xandro popping back out with a blanket with which to wrap Robin's body before returning back inside. Then standing alone in the courtyard, Wakuren whistled for Nimbus and climbed up onto the cloud-steed's broad back when he appeared. "let's get back to Beetle and the other mounts," he said, and Nimbus rose in the air to do just that.

- - -

It took us a good four and a half hours to run through this adventure, the fight against the caravan taking us from noon until about 3:00 PM. Harry was upset at Robin's death, but I told him we'd handwave it such that she had earned enough XP to advance to 6th level, so that when Alewyth cast the resurrection spell the following day, she'd still be 5th level (as she had been when she died). He still wasn't happy about it - he doesn't like it when bad things happen to "his" characters - but he eventually accepted it.

Incidentally, I don't think any of the players picked up on the fact that having a pair of tieflings imbuing dinosaurs (and other creatures that hatch from eggs) with the half-fiend or fiendish template explains the origins of Cunning-Devil, the fiendish tyrannosaurus they slew to gain Beetle's services as a guide. But Cunning-Devil, once he had grown to a sufficient size, shook off any loyalties he felt to Quinticus and Lucrixia and went off on his own.

- - -

T-shirt worn: My "Chaotic evil means never having to say you're sorry" T-shirt, due to the alignments of a good chunk of the foes in this adventure.
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PC Roster:
Alewyth Putterpye, dwarf priestess of Aerik 15​
Thurloe Pulver, human fighter 3/wizard 3/spellsword 9​
Wakuren, half-orc cleric of Cal 7/paladin 8​
Xandro Silverstrings, human bard 6/rogue 9​
Zander Quilson, elf sorcerer 15​

Game Session Date: 25 May 2024

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It was the middle of the night in Talonia, and the five heroes were all asleep inside Hesperna's lamp. Their minds, however, had traveled to the Dreamlands, where they'd each been met by their personal moogle guide and ushered down the Corridor of Dreams, a seemingly endless series of connecting passageways filled with doors, until they came to the door that represented the personal dreamscape of Chrysos Arkaurum. Chrysos was a gold dragon and currently the head of the Council of Dragons that had taken over a temporary leadership role now that the Queen of Dreams had been slain, but as usual, he appeared in his humanoid form: a distinguished-looking, scholarly male elf. His dreamscape had taken on the appearance of a conference room adjoining his impressive study, filled with dusty books and ancient tomes. Seated around the conference table with him were the other four members of the Council of Dragons.

"We have discovered a problem requiring the attention of experienced dreamwalkers," Chrysos informed the five heroes assembled before him. "As you know, the Dragonmind is a voluntary telepathic link shared by sleeping dragons, allowing us to communicate across the miles while we sleep and scheme. We have discovered an anomaly in the Dragonmind: there are five members who cannot be contacted, despite all efforts."

The elven scholar looked over at Mogo. "We asked the moogles to look in on them in their private dreamscapes, and that's when we discovered their dreams had been invaded by a new kind of hypnalis viper, of the type recently used by the Nightmare King to put his sleeping victims into dream comas."

"It's true, kupo!" interjected Mogo. "They're bigger than the normal kind, too, kupo!"

Chrysos continued. "The dragons on the Council have entered the dreams of the five current victims and saw for ourselves the hypnalis vipers lairing there, but as we are not experienced dreamwalkers we lack the ability to interact with these creatures. We can, however, tell you the following about them:

"First off, as Mogo said, these hypnalis vipers are much larger than the type with which we are already accustomed – at least double in size.

"Next, they do not seem to be doing anything in particular other than basking in the dreamscape. However, in each case, the viper was beginning to take on the characteristics of the dragon into whose dream it was trespassing: their scales taking on the same coloration, and already wings had formed from their backs. I believe, given sufficient time, they may well become duplicates of their specific dream victims.

"Finally, each dreamscape, not having yet been tailored by the dreamer, is a replica of the lair in which the dragon slumbers. The five dragons are represented by each of the standard chromatic species: black, blue, green, red, and white. I do not believe it matters in which order you attend to these vipers, but we request you go into each of the five dreamscapes and slay the hypnalis vipers lairing there. If the pattern holds true, we believe that may release the dragon victims from their imposed coma and allow them to be restored to their normal sleep, at which time they may be able to be contacted over the Dragonmind.

"Once you have defeated all five vipers, we will see what we can do about tracking down where they came from and if there are any more of them ready to inflict mischief upon innocent dreamers."

"Seems fairly straightforward," observed Wakuren.

"Mogo can direct you to the dreamscapes in question," Chrysos affirmed. "Please report back here when all five have been taken care of." The five dreamwalkers and Mogo took their leave.

"Where to first, kupo?" asked Mogo. Talking it over briefly among themselves, they decided to tackle these mutant hypnalis vipers in reverse alphabetical order of the types of dragon whose dream they were inhabiting: white, red, green, blue, and then black. There was no particular rhyme or reason for doing it in this order, merely a whim on the part of Xandro. But while Alewyth had suggested they could each take on one dreamscape alone - after all, if anything happened to them here in the Dreamlands they'd simply get woken up in the Mortal World, with no harm done - Thurloe argued they'd have a better time of it with a series of individual five-against-one battles in their favor. "If they turn out to be pushovers, then maybe we can split up into smaller groups to take on the others," he offered.

"Here's the white dragon's dream, kupo," said Mogo, stopping at a particular door. "The dragon is named Galligorta, and she can take the form of a goliath - but in her dream she's in her white dragon form, fast asleep, kupo. The dreamscape is an ice cavern, hidden behind a frozen waterfall, kupo."

"Hang on, before we enter the dreamscape, I want to try something," said Wakuren. He cast a resist cold spell upon himself, but attempted to expand it into a non-existent (to his knowledge, anyway), more powerful version hypothetically called mass resist cold, which would affect all five of the dreamwalkers. After casting the spell, he asked around if anybody felt any different. Upon seeing all four of his fellow dreamwalkers shaking their heads, the half-orc said, "Well, it was worth a try."

"Lucid dreaming techniques have a better chance of working while inside a given dreamscape, kupo," offered up Mogo. But Alewyth dug around in her extradimensional storage case and passed out potions of resist cold to Thurloe, Xandro, and Zander, while using the gourd of white face paint to place the appropriate runes in her face and arms to protect herself in the same manner. Best of all, since this was all in the Dreamlands, they weren't actually consuming these items - when they woke back up in Talonia the "real" versions of their magical protection would still all be intact. Alewyth and Wakuren each cast a magic circle against evil spell upon themselves, while Thurloe made sure he had a protection from evil keeping him safe. Zander cast his standard mage armor spell and declared himself ready to go.

Thurloe opened the door and stepped inside Galligorta's dream. He ended up with the frozen waterfall at his back, which let a feeble bit of sunlight inside the roughly hemispherical chamber. In the center of the room lay the white dragon, fast asleep, while behind her reared a white-scaled hypnalis viper with a pair of folded dragon wings growing from its back. Numerous icicles hung from the cavern's ceiling some 20 feet overhead. The serpent glared at the spellsword with unblinking eyes, and Thurloe cast a scorching ray spell directly at it.

Beside him, Wakuren entered the dream, already casting a shield of faith spell upon himself. Zander entered next, waiting for the other two dreamwalkers to enter the dream so he could cast a single haste spell and catch everyone in its area of effect. Alewyth was the next to appear, and she also struck out without hesitation, casting a flame-based spell - in her case, a flame strike that had holy fire shooting down from the frozen ceiling to encompass the hypnalis viper's form. (She was careful to ensure the spell didn't touch the sleeping white dragon, even though the priestess realized this was just a dream - it was a force of habit on her part.) Finally, Xandro entered the dream, already playing his song of inspirational courage on the Dardolian Lute, to boost everyone's morale. Seeing all five of them in place in the dreamscape, Zander cast his haste spell, and Xandro, with practiced ease, made sure his ability to move faster didn't alter the tempo of his song.

The half-dragon serpent did not appreciate the fire-based attacks it had overcome and retaliated in kind. Opening wide its serpentine mouth (exposing a pair of wicked fangs in the process), it belched forth a cone of sparkling ice crystals, encompassing all five dreamwalkers in a layer of frost. However, to its disappointment, the heroes seemed less than discomfited by the icy blast of its developing breath weapon.

Thurloe raced forward to the sleeping dragon, his bastard sword out and ready to strike the viper if it made any move at him, while he cast a protection from evil spell upon Galligorta, thinking it might protect her from having her draconic abilities drained (or merely copied?) by the massive hypnalis viper. The serpent made no move against the spellsword, well aware of the sharpness of his blade. But while Thurloe looked for any signs that his spell was having any effect, its usefulness was not readily apparent - the dragon did not suddenly wake up, nor did the viper seem like anything was blocking its ability to slowly become more and more like its unconscious host.

Wakuren cast an air walk spell upon himself and stepped into the air. He walked around the perimeter of the cavern, lining himself up behind the viper. Unfortunately, he miscalculated the serpent's reach when it suddenly darted out at him, mouth open and curved fangs glistening with venom. The half-orc found himself bitten, the fangs piercing his skin, and being wrapped up in the coils of the serpent's sinuous body. but the hypnalis viper was in for another disappointment, for Wakuren had partaken of a heroes' feast spell in the Mortal World that morning, as had all of the heroes, and thus even in the dreamscape he was immune to the effects of poison and venom alike.

Zander aimed his metamagic rod at the white viper and channeled a maximized scorching ray spell at it. With his advanced expertise at casting arcane spells, he was able to send out three gouts of flame as opposed to Thurloe's two, and with the power of his rod these flame-blasts were the most dangerous a mortal caster could bring into existence. The serpent hissed in pain and surprise, but managed to maintain its hold on Wakuren's struggling form.

Alewyth brought down another flame strike on the front half of the hypnalis viper - this one empowered to dealing additional damage - after ensuring Wakuren wouldn't also be in the spell's area of effect. That, at least, was one advantage of fighting a much larger hypnalis viper than they were used to!

Xandro raced forward with his magic rapier Deathwhisper out and ready to deal damage. And it dealt plenty, cutting a long gash along the viper's serpentine body, slicing it open like a sausage. He paid for his insolence by becoming the viper's next target, and he wasn't fast enough to avoid its darting bite, but once again the morning's heroes' feast prevented the creature's venom from harming him, and its body wasn't big enough to constrict both Wakuren and Xandro at the same time. So Thurloe, calling forth a dose of extra strength from his torc of the titans, brought his bastard sword Spellslicer crashing down upon the serpent's muscular body, nearly cutting it in two. The vampiric touch spell he'd loaded into his blade earlier activated, flooding the spellsword's body with stolen vigor while the hypnalis viper shuddered and died.

The death of the dream's intruder allowed Galligorta to awaken to consciousness, and she was less than thrilled to see a group of five adventurers intruding into her personal lair, even if it was a facsimile in the Dreamlands. But before she could fight off the intruders, the Dragonmind sparked to life and Chrysos explained what was going on to the startled white dragon. The five heroes exited the dream by opening the door Xandro was able to locate, and they were once again standing in the Corridor of Dreams, with Mogo hovering in the air waiting for them. "That's one down, kupo!" he exclaimed. "Red dragon next, right? - this way, kupo!"

Wakuren and Alewyth cast healing spells on those who needed them as the moogle led the group to the location of the next dreamscape with an advanced, half-dragon hypnalis viper intruder. Alewyth pulled out another drow gourd, applying new face paint to herself after casting a protection from fire spell upon Wakuren. Zander was the first one through the door, which he immediately realized had been a mistake, for his haste spell had expired and he wanted to cast another one on everyone, so he should have let the others precede him into the dreamscape. But it was too late now.

Looking about, he saw a natural stone bridge spanning across a pool of liquid magma some 100 feet or so below. The bridge led to a wider, open cavern at the far end, in the middle of which lay a sleeping red dragon. This, Mogo had explained on the way over, was the red dragon who used the name Durok Stoneforge when in his male dwarf form. Behind the slumbering dragon reared a red-scaled, winged serpent, the hypnalis viper already halfway to taking on its victim's own powers and abilities.

Thurloe entered the dreamscape beside Zander and immediately activated the fly ability of his celestial armor - there was no way he wanted to get dropped into the magma below! Wakuren appeared next to the spellsword, and tried once again to cast a protection from fire spell not only upon himself but also upon Thurloe and Zander. However, his attempt at altering the dreamscape - even on just such a personal scale - through lucid dreaming failed, and the spell ended up affecting just himself, as normal.

Xandro entered next, back to playing the song of inspirational courage on his lute. When Alewyth appeared, she tried casting a hold monster spell upon the red hypnalis viper, to no effect. But now that all five dreamwalkers were present in Durok's dreamscape, Zander cast his haste spell. But even as he did so, the serpent struck forward, opening and flapping its draconic wings, powering itself halfway across the length of the bridge just to its side. It opened its massive maw and blasted forth a cone of fire, catching the five bunched-up heroes to various effects. Zander retaliated with the same strategy he'd used against the white viper, this time channeling a maximized cone of cold spell through his metamagic rod, covering the viper's head and half of its length in frost.

Thurloe tried to use the serpent's moment of discomfort from the sorcerer's spell to fly past it, but the viper registered his presence and snapped out at him, catching him in its powerful jaws and pumping him full of useless venom. Nonplussed at the venom's ineffectiveness, it coiled its serpentine body around its prey. Struggle as he might, Thurloe was unable to wrest himself from his captor's grasp.

Wakuren, air walk spell still in effect, ran through the air and slammed his shield of Cal into the great serpent's head. Xandro ran across the stone bridge, slashing out with Deathwhisper from the serpent' opposite side once he got within range. Alewyth cast an empowered searing light spell at the viper's unblinking eyes and the reptile, partially in automatic reaction, belched forth another blast of fire from its mouth, even though only Zander, Alewyth, and Xandro were within range. As Thurloe dimension doored himself 10 feet to the side of the serpent's coils with his anklet of translocation, Zander blasted it again with another maximized cone of cold spell. Wakuren smashed his shield into the serpent's head again, and a final stab from Xandro's enchanted rapier caused it to fall lifelessly into the pool of magma below.

Once again, Chrysos's rapid explanation over the Dragonmind to Durok as he woke up prevented the red dragon from attacking the heroes trespassing into his personal dreamscape. Wakuren cast healing spells while Alewyth passed around healing potions to those who needed them, and then the dreamwalkers met Mogo back out in the Corridor of Dreams, so the moogle could lead them to the green dragon's dreamscape. The green dragon, Mogo explained, used the name Drunikka Lone-Oak when in her elven form. Her dreamscape, he further explained, took the form of a circle of upright stone plinths in a forest clearing, with the dragon sleeping in the center.

Zander entered the dreamscape first, finding himself standing in a forest clearing, just outside the ring of stone plinths rising up some 20 feet into the air. The green dragon Drunikka slept in the middle of the ring of plinths, and a green-scaled hypnalis viper had its serpentine body wrapped around one of the upright pillars, its wings spread out above it to provide some shade as it looked down at its sleeping victim, who was unaware of the draining occurring simply by the viper being there in her dreamscape.

The elf wasted no time worrying about renewing haste spells; he immediately cast a chain lightning spell up at the hypnalis viper's head, using a charge of his ring of mystic lightning to further empower the spell. The blast struck the viper in the head and although it didn't arc to any other foes (as there were none to target), the sorcerer felt quite happy with the damage he seemed to have done with the blast.

Alewyth entered the dreamscape next, attacking with a hold monster spell. Unfortunately, the coiled reptile managed to shake off the intended effects, and thus was none the worse for wear. Thurloe entered the dreamscape next, taking the opportunity to cast the "cold" version of the fire shield spell upon himself, making sure if the viper bit him it would pay for the effrontery. But the viper retaliated in a slightly different method, by belching forth a cloud of acidic vapors that encompassed all three heroes to trespass into the dragon's dream thus far. Their exposed skin stinging from the caustic cloud, they winced in pain but held their ground.

Xandro was the next to enter the dreamscape, and he ended up right next to the plinth the hypnalis viper was coiled around. Taking advantage of the opportunity, he sliced deep into the serpent's exposed scales, eliciting a hiss of rage and pain from his victim. Then Wakuren appeared on the other side of the same plinth, and he brought his shield of Cal slamming into the other side of the creature's powerful body.

Zander blasted the viper with another chain lightning spell, while Alewyth cast a healing spell on the elf to help seal up some of the scars on his body caused by the acidic breath weapon used against them a moment ago. (It was well known that the frail elf was the least hearty of the five adventurers, and often needed healing spells much sooner than any of the others.) Thurloe deemed it safe enough to cast a lightning bolt spell of his own up at the viper, which had turned and struck down at Xandro, catching him in its jaws, raising him up into the air, and transferring him to a loop of coils rising up from the top of the plinth around which it had been curled. Then it squeezed its muscular body, trying to crush Xandro's lungs until he could no longer breathe. But Xandro still had Deathwhisper in hand, and he managed to stick its point against the viper's scaled body and push for all he was worth, getting the blade to slide in between a pair of scales and penetrate the muscular coils. Wakuren gave it another bash from his shield for good measure, and then Zander cast a cone of cold spell up at the viper's head, killing it outright. The coils, which had already begun to loosen as the creature tried to avoid the point of Xandro's blade, released him altogether as it flopped forward, landing awkwardly across the green dragon's sleeping form - which quickly rose as Drunikka awakened from her enforced slumber at the hypnalis viper's death.

"We're not the enemy here!" Xandro quickly said to the dragon as Chrysos came in over the Dragonmind to calm her down. Once again, Wakuren and Alewyth supplied healing to those who needed it after this last battle, and the five dreamwalkers exited Drunikka's dream to rejoin Mogo in the Corridor of Dreams.

"Three down - only two more to go, kupo!" replied the moogle, fluttering down the hallways to reach the next dream in question.

"The blue dragon is called Callandrixia Sparkeyes, and she sleeps on the top of a rock formation in the desert, kupo! She can also take on the form of an elf woman, but right now she's a dragon, just like the others, kupo!"

Once again, Zander was the first to step through the door and enter the dreamscape. He was on the very edge of the rock formation and he made the mistake of looking down to see how high up they were; given he was several hundred feet up in the air, he started pinwheeling his arms frantically to keep from plummeting over the edge. But he cast a displacement spell upon himself, hoping to keep himself from being bitten until the rest of his friends showed up, for there was a blue-scaled hypnalis viper on the other side of the sleeping blue dragon.

Xandro entered the dreamscape next, fortunately a bit further in towards the center of the rock formation than Zander had managed, so he didn't need to worry about toppling over the edge. He decided to charge the viper with his rapier, but he had counted on taking the serpent by surprise and that was not the hand Fate dealt him. Seeing the approaching human run around Callandrixia's sleeping form, the viper struck out like a cobra and caught the rogue in its mouth, venom pumping uselessly into his body. But as had happened before, Xandro found himself passed into a loop of coiled, muscular serpent-body and crushed nearly to death. (He was glad this was just a dream, and the Dardolian Lute strapped to his back would suffer no real harm from the events unfolding in the blue dragon's dream.)

Alewyth materialized onto the rock formation next, and cast an empowered flame strike spell down upon the hypnalis viper - whose body was big enough she was able to ensure only the snake was targeted, and that the part holding Xandro pinned was outside the spell's area of effect. Then Thurloe arrived, and as usual took a moment to see to his own safety, by casting a bear's endurance spell upon himself to enhance his ability to take damage and keep fighting. Finally, Wakuren arrived and air walked over to the hypnalis viper's head and touched it, casting a bestow curse spell on the viper. Unfortunately, as happened sometimes, the spell had no effect - and thus the serpent was not robbed of half of his attacks through magically-induced indecisiveness. But Wakuren was bitten in retaliation for the very attempt; once again, the hypnalis viper's body wasn't long enough to wrap around both Xandro and Wakuren so the half-orc was spared.

Zander cast a cone of cold spell at the viper, ensuring none of his friends and fellow dreamwalkers were in the area of effect. Xandro poked at the blue-scaled viper with his rapier, the same as he had done when caught in the coils of the green hypnalis viper. Then Alewyth ran up to it and touched its body, channeling a harm spell through her fingers and into the reptile. This time, the viper was not so successful in shrugging off the spell's effects, and it was weakened to the point Thurloe was able to finish it off with a simple magic missile spell.

"One more to go, kupo!" said Mogo in greeting upon their return. "This last one is a black dragon named Slugorth Mireson, who spends a lot of time in the form of a male human, kupo!"

Thurloe was the first to enter the dream this time, and he found himself waist-deep in murky, black water. A mound rose up from the center of the half-submerged cavern, and upon the mound lay the black dragon. But of the hypnalis viper, there was no sign of it in the shadow-filled cavern, with only the feeble light of phosphorescent fungi to provide illumination. The spellsword rose up out of the water, using his celestial armor's ability to allow its wearer to fly, and by hanging out by the ceiling was able to see the brackish water all around the dragon's sleeping mound - but there was no viper in evidence.

At least, not until the waters started moving and the black-scaled hypnalis viper rose up out of the water directly below the flying spellsword and snapped its jaws around his legs, then wrapped him in the coils of its body. Zander entered the dream next, also up to his waist in the water, but his elven vision allowed him to target the flying viper with a chain lightning spell. However, even though he hadn't designated any secondary targets, the fact the viper's lower body was still in the water and it had Thurloe wrapped up in its powerful embrace meant the electricity coursing through its body from the elf's spell ended up rattling the spellsword's teeth and he got a half-dose shot of energy.

Xandro popped into the dream next, and had the good fortune to be standing next to the black hypnalis viper. He stabbed out with Deathwhisper, driving his blade deep into the serpent's body. Alewyth was the next to enter the dream and, not liking having brackish water rising up to her chest, activated her butterfly brooch and flew erratically into the air. Then came Wakuren, and he simply air walked his way over to the reptile's head and slammed it with his shield of Cal.

Thurloe used his anklet of translocation to dimension door himself 10 feet away from the viper, escaping its crushing coils. Seeing its prey escape, the viper retaliated by spitting a line of acid from its mouth onto Thurloe. With steam emanating from his burning skin, the spellsword lost consciousness and fell back into the water. The other dreamwalkers looked over at him in concern for a moment, then shrugged it off - this was only a dream, so he'd either snap out of it on his own and wake back up or he'd be slain in this dream and be forcefully awakened back in the Mortal World, and in either case it made more sense for them to press their attack upon the hypnalis viper.

Zander summoned a red slaad, and upright-walking, humanoid frog with enormous claws and a mouth full of wicked teeth. It swiped at the hypnalis viper, but the creature dashed its serpentine body out of the way just in time to avoid its claws. But it couldn't similarly avoid Deathwhisper at the same time, and Xandro stabbed his blade deep into the snake's flesh. Alewyth managed to finish the beast off with a powerful blow from her dwarven warhammer, Sjondra. The hypnalis viper fell into the black water and was soon lost to sight, as the black dragon started awakening, surprised and concerned to find four strangers in his lair. Once again, Chrysos explained things over the now-functioning Dragonmind, and the four heroes made their exit from the dreamscape, Wakuren dragging an unconscious Thurloe along with him.

"Excellent job, kupo!" declared Mogo. "You guys can take the rest of your dreamtime off, and return to your own personal dreamscapes if you'd like - I'll report your success to the Council, kupo! And we'll see if we can't find a way to track down where those nasty hypnalis vipers came from, kupo!"

It sounded good to the dreamwalkers.

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Joe had finished his semester of college by this session, so he got to run his own PC (Zander Quilson) for a change, who he's decided to make into a full "glass cannon" - big, powerful spells and almost no hit points to back him up.

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T-shirt worn: My black T-shirt with a green dragon.

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