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Search results

  1. S

    Good stronghold rules?

    Thanks for the responses so far! I'll try to respond to posts individually when I get a chance, but in the meantime this gives me plenty to think about.
  2. S

    Good stronghold rules?

    A while back my players were gifted a tract of land with an abandoned (sort of) tower on it. They've since cleared the area and one of the PCs with the Leadership feat (3.5E) has invested heavily in making it into a stronghold of sorts for the party and their followers. I at first tried using...
  3. S

    TSR TOEE: What happens when the party ignores the Moathouse?

    If you haven't read it, I suggest you might want to read the long-ago story hour by (contact): https://www.enworld.org/threads/retro-story-hour-contacts-temple-of-elemental-evil-2.25093/ That story had devious ideas galore with an enemy that advanced plans on its own agenda. While I believe...
  4. S

    OSR How much does your party use Retainers, Henchmen and Strongholds?

    Where do the TSR D&D domain management rules come from?
  5. S

    OSR How much does your party use Retainers, Henchmen and Strongholds?

    I'm not familiar with OSE and Domains as a proper noun is a new concept to me. Is there somewhere I could learn more about them?
  6. S

    Is it fun to plan a heist?

    Right. I don't see planning as a static one-time thing. I see planning as an iterative process of question, followed by activities to generate the answers, which in turn yield more questions. Part of the way to make planning fun is to make it part of the game.
  7. S

    Is it fun to plan a heist?

    I think it might be interesting if there were a heist game that had a planning phase that actually helped create the adventure, and then an execution phase that introduced various complications. Imagine the GM sets an initial scenario and a goal. The players then go through an iterative...
  8. S

    What adventure module have you pillaged the most without using the main plot?

    I've borrowed from a whole bunch of different sources, but I don't think I've used more than one thing from any one source, where "one thing" could be an entire dungeon level, for example. I've found old Paizo-era Dungeon magazines to be enormously inspiring and useful.
  9. S

    At My Most Burned-Out in 35 Years

    That's very nice and considerate to see about finding a replacement for when you don't run, but it's also not your responsibility.
  10. S

    At My Most Burned-Out in 35 Years

    Take a break. Seriously. Ask yourself why you're so afraid the groups would break up. Take care of yourself first. If the players truly value the games, they'll understand and come back when you're ready. If they don't, then it wasn't worth it to begin with.
  11. S

    When, How and What Do You Play?

    I have two games: Game #1: I'm a player. In-person at the DM's home. 5e. Meets every 4 weeks for 3-4 hours. Game #2: I'm DM. In-person at rotating homes. 3.5e. Meets every 2-4 weeks for 4-5 hours.
  12. S

    TSR Example from the worst TSR adventure module(s) ever published

    I have both played Forest Oracle with my group back in the 80's and posted in this thread. I feel... immortal old.
  13. S

    D&D General No Humans? (Well, the players... but that's it.)

    I played TMNT and had a blast. I think maybe there were technically humans in that game (it was a long time ago), but it was a fringe option if it existed.
  14. S

    Pathfinder 1E Are there compelling reasons to upgrade to PF1 from 3.0?

    I think this is a really good option, tbh. My system of choice is 3.5. I've thought about switching to PF1 multiple times, but they made a number of changes I'm not really happy about and at high levels it gets really, really heavy. So I've gradually just imported some of the changes that I...
  15. S

    TSR Tell me about I7 - Baltron's Beacon

    Oh yeah! Thanks for that. I totally got the two confused. Sorry. All my comments were in reference to I11.
  16. S

    TSR Tell me about I7 - Baltron's Beacon

    I own it, but never ran it. This is the one where you can go to the moon, right? My recollection is that the moon part was one of the potentially more interesting bits, but also the least fleshed out. I think the bulk of the adventure is around navigating a maze with some tricks/traps. It...
  17. S

    D&D General Barrowmaze, Stonehell, Arden Vul, Rappan Athuk and other Megadungeons

    Agreed, the Rappan Athuk maps are almost uniformly terrible. I've checked out multiple editions (at least 3e, 5e) and the quality is consistently bad across them, so I think the issue is core to the product, not the edition.
  18. S

    D&D General Barrowmaze, Stonehell, Arden Vul, Rappan Athuk and other Megadungeons

    I'm not sure if it counts as a Megadungeon, but I give high marks to the Tomb of Abysthor for 3.5e. It has several factions, and an interesting local region. The temple of Orcus within served as the centerpiece of my current campaign, including one near-TPK and multiple aborted assaults. They...
  19. S

    Describe your last rpg session in 5 words

    Sidequests are just wasted time or: Nobody cares about Jiminy Cricket?
  20. S

    D&D General Social Pillar Mechanics: Where do you stand?

    I literally just wrote up a scenario like this for my game last week. They had to convince an NPC of something, and if they did certain things related to the NPC's background it would give them certain benefits. For example, appealing to the NPC's good nature would grant a +2 to the roll, and...