• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. GuyBoy

    D&D 5E Apostles of Ruin: Enhanced Villains Eve of Ruin

    This is such a great resource! Than you, @dave2008 for your hard work.
  2. GuyBoy

    D&D General Help: Dark Tower or Vecna, Eve of Ruin?

    So I’m closing on the end of my current face-to-face campaign, running Scarlet Citadel by Kobold Press, and it’s gone well IMO, but I’m torn on what to run next ( probably around September-ish as we play monthly) and want to spend a bit of time modifying the campaigns a bit before starting. I’m...
  3. GuyBoy

    D&D (2024) Understanding "nostalgia"

    It is true that people tend to view the music of when they were about 16 as the best ever. They are mainly wrong, of course. The fact is that the best music ever was around 1979 thanks to The Ramones, The Clash, Blondie, UK Subs and other punk/new wave groups. That’s definitive. When was I...
  4. GuyBoy

    A few things I really like about WFRP

    Obviously this discussion is primarily about the system ( and I endorse the OP’s comments) but, as an aside, the system ties to the wonderful Old World setting, which is grimy, dark and wonderful in equal measures.
  5. GuyBoy

    D&D (2024) How Does Greyhawk Fit In To The New Edition?

    I was 14 when I first walked the back alleys of the Free City, battled the terrors of the moathouse and searched soaring peaks for signs of the fabled treasures of Tsojcanth. I’m 61 now, and my campaigning heart is still in Greyhawk. A good day!
  6. GuyBoy

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    Just got home from tough day at work and found this thread. Greyhawk! Today is a good day!
  7. GuyBoy

    D&D General Looking for campaign / adventure path suggestions

    Not a recommendation as such (because I haven’t run them yet) but my next two campaigns are going to be Dark Tower and Vecna, though I’m not sure what order.
  8. GuyBoy

    D&D General Looking for campaign / adventure path suggestions

    I ran Ghosts of Saltmarsh and we had a great time. As ever, I played around with a few bits, for example adding in a bit of Baltron’s Beacon in the swamp and adding a bit more political intrigue in Saltmarsh itself, but the book is well-written and fun. I’ve also played in Curse of Strahd which...
  9. GuyBoy

    D&D General D&D Class Test- Which character class suits you?

    Looks like I’m a paladin, with touches of Ranger, bard and barbarian. Pretty accurate to what I tend to play.
  10. GuyBoy

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    Might just be my misspent youth, but does anyone else remember doing the “be all and end all” at the end of house parties? Literally everything remaining, whether in bottles or half-empty glasses, would be put in a cocktail bowl, stirred and then drunk! Not sure how it links to LaNasa, other...
  11. GuyBoy

    Level Up (A5E) Representational Magic and You!

    “Name magic” and the dangers of giving one’s name to a faerie is an interesting concept, partly because our names are something chosen for us (usually by our parents) and arguably reflect them more than they do us. Perhaps giving one’s name to a faerie should allow them to control one’s parents...
  12. GuyBoy

    D&D General What is your personal Appendix N?

    In terms of books, Tolkien and Howard were certainly the most important influences, though I’d also nod towards Narnia and Dunsany’s King of Elfland’s daughter. I was also interested in various myths and legends, so that inspired too. A love of history helped too; and I’m lucky enough to live...
  13. GuyBoy

    D&D General Barrowmaze, Stonehell, Arden Vul, Rappan Athuk and other Megadungeons

    Ask for a reply and ye shall receive: I really like Scarlet Citadel as a DM. I’m not sure it’s quite big enough to class as a mega-dungeon, but it’s pretty large regardless. It has a nice little town/village nearby, which has a number of NPC stories to develop via interaction with the PCs, and...
  14. GuyBoy

    Dragon Reflections #75

    Superb edition, and another great article. Thank you.
  15. GuyBoy

    D&D General D&D Luminary Jim 'Drawmij' Ward Passes

    Very sad news. Jim Ward gave me wonderful memories of reading Deities and Demigods in awe, and of translating Gamma World to the ruins of London and South East England in order to run a campaign for my friends. Without Jim’s contribution, all our gaming memories would be a little less than...
  16. GuyBoy

    Level Up (A5E) Sunset Riders Fantasy Western! (Campaign Setting thoughts)

    Just re-read Thoreau’s Walden ( after a long time) and it occurred to me that his piece about “ the railroad rides upon us”, with the play on sleepers as dead workers, could make an interesting inspiration for an undead railway in your setting. PS I will be supporting this when it comes to...
  17. GuyBoy

    D&D General One Piece of Art V (Places)- What Piece of D&D Art Inspired You to Love a Place

    What a beautiful and evocative story. Thank you for posting this. I remember this well; I was 17 and our school D&D society would often meet in the school canteen for day-long games during the holidays, and we played this adventure. It was awesome; IIRC I played a thief. Albie Fiore wrote a...
  18. GuyBoy

    D&D 5E Quests From The Infinite Staircase

    I’d certainly love to see Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun included alongside Tsojcanth. There are also some great adventures to be gleaned from Dungeon magazine; my personal choice would be Tears for Twilight Hollow.
  19. GuyBoy

    TSR The Full & Glorious History of NuTSR

    Well, paint me orange! A failed politician with obnoxious views has over-valued a property.
  20. GuyBoy

    RPG Crowdfunding News – Purple Planet, Veil of the Eternal Night, and more

    LOVE the Pistols-inspired cover for the Mork Borg game! As a working class English kid in the late 1970s, Punk meant so much to me ( and still does), so I’ll be checking it out to play.