• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D (2024) Alternate 2024 DMG Cover features Lolth!

    I think she has the pale grey skin common in modern-era drow, illuminated with yellow light from whatever magical thing she's doing.
  2. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D 5E Thoughts on Divorcing D&D From [EDIT: Medievalishness], Mechanically Speaking.

    There was a 400 year overlap from the major introduction of guns in the early 16th century until the end of WW1 where melee fighting still played a major role in combat. It wasn't until the full scale introduction of squad level machine guns in the interwar years that gunfights became so deadly...
  3. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D (2024) Not enough DMs / new edition

    The key to getting more people to DM is probably to make DMing more fun. Lightening the cognitive load is one way to help that. The one area where I really think DM fun could be improved is in combat. In 5e combat the DM is basically putting on a performance where the monsters pretend to put up...
  4. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D 5E Convince me that the Ranger is a necessary Class.

    Aragorn, Drizzt and Minsc are Rangers. <--Thread ends here -->
  5. Sorcerers Apprentice

    Wizards Goes Big with Vecna: Eve of Ruin

    I haven't read the adventure, but I don't think it's going to flop. There's significant hype, and the reported issues, if any, won't be apparent to most players until the adventure is bought and paid for. Now, if it's actually disappointing, then maybe the next adventure will flop. This could...
  6. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D (2024) New D&D Edition's Player’s Handbook Alternate Art Cover Reveal

    This is so much better than the standard cover! If I can't snag this PHB I'll wait for 6e. I wasn't planning on buying the PHB at release, but it looks like wotc found a way into my wallet, the sneaky kobolds.
  7. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D (2024) New D&D Edition's Player’s Handbook Cover Reveal

    I like that it puts the adventurers front and center, unlike the 5e PHB with its random giant taking up most of the cover. But that's pretty much the only thing I like about it, the colors and composition are way too busy. And the artistic quality really isn't quite what I'd expect from the...
  8. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D General D&D Red Box: Who Is The Warrior?

    One major question remains... what gender is the big red dragon?
  9. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D 5E Why is There No Warlord Equivalent in 5E?

    In my experience, the people whom the champion fighter was made for usually end up trying to play a wizard instead, with poor results for both themselves and the rest of the table.
  10. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D 5E Who tried to end the OGL?

    Who else would it have been? Either the plan was Cock's idea or he approved of it. He'd be a truly incompetent big boss if he let someone else move forward with a major policy change like that without his support.
  11. Sorcerers Apprentice

    WotC 2024 D&D Core Rules Will Be Added To SRD In 2025

    The fact they're still talking about them strongly suggests wotc still plans to release the previous edition SRDs. If the intent was to sweep them under the rug then the SRDs would never be mentioned again.
  12. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D 5E D&D Beyond: No More À La Carte Purchases But US Customers Can Buy Physical Books

    And then they come back 3 months later and demand that you create an account with them if you want to continue to have access to the product you "bought".
  13. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D General When to know a rule?

    For most spells, I don't think it matters if the players know about them in advance, but some spells can be build defining, and learning about a spell 3 levels after you made build choices that could have synergized with the new spell can be frustrating. But seriously, 5000 spells?
  14. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D General Why does WotC/Wizkids wait 6 months for tie in minis?

    I have met a lot of incompetent managers over the course of my career, yes.
  15. Sorcerers Apprentice

    WotC Hasbro Has Invested $1B In Video Games, Including A New D&D Game

    "In half the time, with half as many developers!"
  16. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D 5E D&D Beyond: No More À La Carte Purchases But US Customers Can Buy Physical Books

    Any misinformation he spread was not due to AI. Either his "source" lied, or the "source" never existed in the first place.
  17. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D 5E D&D Beyond: No More À La Carte Purchases But US Customers Can Buy Physical Books

    That's a non-issue. It should be trivial to check that the AI modified quotes have the same meaning as the originals before publishing them. It's a clever way to protect your sources, something I'm sure we'll see done a lot in the coming years!
  18. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D 5E D&D Beyond: No More À La Carte Purchases But US Customers Can Buy Physical Books

    He never retracted anything though, even after wotc employees told him they definitely read the surveys, he maintained that his source told him that nobody read the surveys and that he had no explanation for why his source said something completely different than what former wotc employees were...
  19. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D General Why does WotC/Wizkids wait 6 months for tie in minis?

    For once, I'm inclined to think that it's just plain incompetence among the project managers.
  20. Sorcerers Apprentice

    D&D 5E D&D Beyond: No More À La Carte Purchases But US Customers Can Buy Physical Books

    I'll be extremely surprised if the VTT doesn't have microtransactions, anything else would be leaving money on the table, and Hasbro hates that. The D&D microtransactions were probably removed because they were competing with macrotransactions, and that's not good business.