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  1. Cleon

    Converting original D&D and Mystara monsters

    Updating the Caprine Working Draft. So I guess we can put this thread to bed for a while and move on with some other conversions?
  2. Cleon

    Kraken Variants

    Works for me. So which of the two do you prefer, or are you proposing giving the genders different base damage for the slams? The 2E AD&D Monstrous Compendium entries for the monster didn't list a punch damage for the female krakentua, but just says "A male krakentua can attack with his fists...
  3. Cleon

    Converting Planescape monsters

    Updating the Modronoid Working Draft. Yeah, let's keep it a one-to-one link if only for the sake of simplicity. So something like. Linked Modron (Ex): A modronoid's construct parts are implants taken from a base modron that is kept alive in a helpless condition. If either the base modron or...
  4. Cleon

    Converting True Dragons

    Works for me. Updating Opal the Sun Dragon Working Draft. Note we're giving Opal the cleric version of remove curse rather than the sorcerer version (since he can get it a spell level lower using his cleric-as-arcane spell ability). Should I add a note to that effect? Opal is already immune...
  5. Cleon

    Converting Creatures from Other Campaign Settings

    Bleak One (CR #) A small, pale skinned man in dull nondescript clothes with pale, lifeless eyes and a completely hairless bald head. He whispers "The Bleak Shore" and vanishes as if he were never there. This creature is actually an intangible quasi-real illusion similar to the shadow duplicate...
  6. Cleon

    Converting monsters from Tales From The Infinite Staircase

    Fine. Updating the Slaiyith Working Draft. Happy with antimagic field but freezing sphere does little for me. How about contingency or legend lore?
  7. Cleon

    Special Conversion Thread: Lycanthropes and their ilk

    The start of that looks fine, but if we give the hybrid form wing & tail attacks I'd treat them as a size smaller than the dragon form.
  8. Cleon

    Converting monsters from Dragon magazine

    Will sort that out with the next update… …Updating the Ihagnim. There's no rule about cutting your way free in the original monster. The only method to escape that's mention is applying poison to its interior. So presumably the victim would have to do enough damage to kill the Ihagnim to...
  9. Cleon

    Converting Oriental Adventures creatures

    Updating The Keeper of the Key Working Draft with the fighter feats. So you're proposing Improved Initiative, Power Critical (chimes), Rapid Shot, Stand Still and dropping Reckless Offense as an option? That's four feats, so we still need a fifth. I'd lean towards a spell-enhancing feat like...
  10. Cleon

    Converting original D&D and Mystara monsters

    Agreed. I'd add Search to that list as it has a racial bonus in that skill. So Concentration, Know (nature), Hide, Listen, Move Silently, Perform, Search, Spot, Tumbling. Hmm… suitable comparisons would be: Elf (Int 10): Elves speak Elven, and most also know Common and Sylvan. Dryad (Int...
  11. Cleon

    Converting Creatures from Other Campaign Settings

    It would be easier if I just write up a rough draft and we tweak it from there. Will try to whip something up later. EDIT: Got distracted by life. Have to wait 'til later. :ENDEDIT EDITED EDIT: Well I whipped up a first draft! :ENDEDIT
  12. Cleon

    Kraken Variants

    I proposed that to be more-or-less close to the original, which has male tentacles doing 1d4 slam and female tentacles doing 1d8 (so a 2-step difference), while the constriction did 1d10 for males and 2d6 for females (a ½-step difference). Also, I did wonder about making the slam attacks...
  13. Cleon

    5E: Monstrous Arthropods for Fifth Edition

    Works for me. Have updated the Mystaran Dragonflies collected post. I fancy giving them another Save Proficiency and am leaning towards CON. We also need to decide on Skills. I'm thinking Perception might be enough. Next is Special Traits. I'd like to trim them down from the rather...
  14. Cleon

    Converting Planescape monsters

    Come to think of it, doesn't a Modronoid need some kind of "Modron Link" special quality since if the Modron its parts come from dies the Modronoid dies too. Also, if the Modronoid is killed the link to the donor Modron is broken and all its parts vanish from the Modronoid. Note that the...
  15. Cleon

    Converting Planescape monsters

    Updating the Modronoid Working Draft. Well there isn't any illustration in the original source, so all we have to work with is an encounter description: Hmm, perhaps… A stocky man-shaped thing covered in gleaming metallic plates. Shorter and heavier than an average human, the gaps in its...
  16. Cleon

    5E: Monstrous Arthropods for Fifth Edition

    Okay, if the save-or-half does count as 150% damage then the Challenge Ratings are a bit different than 1/2/3 if I use the First Arrangement of Breath Weapon damages: Dragonflies Combat Table Type Defensive/Offensive CRs Bite Breath Weapon Black DCR 1/2; OCR 3 (DPR 16¼ of 15–26) +5, 6 (1d6...
  17. Cleon

    5E: Monstrous Arthropods for Fifth Edition

    I think I still prefer the Challenge 1 to 3 arrangement in the post before the previous one rather than the Challenge 2 to 4 arrangement above. Mystaran Dragonflies aren't that tough of a monster. The Red Dragonfly was XP 270 in AD&D and an XP 175 in BECMI, which is not terribly formidable in...
  18. Cleon

    5E: Monstrous Arthropods for Fifth Edition

    So some sort of "Agile Flyer" style trait where it gets advantage on Acrobatics checks and DEX saves when flying? Also, I think we can give it at least one more Save Proficiency, since all Wyrmlings have Saves in DEX, CON, WIS, and CHA. Giving it 3 or 4 Save Proficiencies would require us to...
  19. Cleon

    5E: Monstrous Arthropods for Fifth Edition

    Dang it, I got the CRs for the Blue and Gold swapped over in my previous post. Should be Challenge 1 for the weakest pair (White/Black), Challenge 2 for the middle (Blue/Green) and Challenge 3 for the most powerful (Gold/Red). Just updated it. My original plan was to have each of them have a...
  20. Cleon

    5E: Monstrous Arthropods for Fifth Edition

    For the sake of argument, how about keep these creatures simple and use an extra-high regular AC like a dragon rather than a medium-high base AC plus a few AC boosting abilities like we did for the Odonatids. How about using these stats for the next draft: Dragonflies Statistics Table Type...