• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. CleverNickName

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    So if we're going to reframe the argument as "yes it's breaking the law...but which law?" I'm okay with it. The point has always been: the law is being broken.
  2. CleverNickName

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    I love that word, "Inevitable." It doesn't solve the problem, but it sure makes it sound like it's someone else's problem. There's nothing we can do about it, it's inevitable. It would have happened anyway, it's inevitable. It was only a matter of time. Eventually it would have sprung up...
  3. CleverNickName

    Our Physical Fitness

    I have high cholesterol issues, but otherwise I'm fine (not overweight, blood pressure good, blood chemistry normal). So I eat a high-fiber, low-calorie diet, and I take a niacin supplement every day. So for me and my activity level, that's 2000 calories and 40g of fiber (10g soluble fiber)...
  4. CleverNickName

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Cinnamon rolls are the superior option. By all criteria, across all boards.
  5. 1717989342964.png


  6. CleverNickName

    Shrink your collection to the essentials. What makes the cut?

    The bare-bones essentials? Right now, at this very moment? for me and my gaming group? We would need four things. The 5E core rulebooks, because that's the game we're running. "Tasha's Cauldron of Everything," because half my party is using custom ancestries and subclasses therein. There are...
  7. CleverNickName

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Ah, okay. I was really confused there for a minute. D&D hadn't changed; it's still the same ink on the same paper, on the same bookshelf in our living rooms. We were the ones who changed. And I guess that explains why LevelUp 5E was written. And why WotC is updating it.
  8. CleverNickName

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    I must have been living under a rock; I didn't think it had changed very much in the last decade. Wasn't 5E released in 2014?
  9. CleverNickName

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    I think "Red Scare" in this context is being incorrectly used to describe fear-mongering...because it sounds scarier. Pretty ironic, imo.
  10. CleverNickName

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    This "only the ignorant would disagree with me" tone is really grating. Consider this: people opposed to AI actually do know what it is, how it is used, and who it affects, and that knowledge is why they are opposed to it.
  11. CleverNickName

    Are our tastes set?

    Speaking only for myself? The rules aren't the meal, they're the plate it's served on. You need a plate in order to support the food, meals are messy without one and you can only eat very specific things without a plate. A good plate is strong enough to hold lots of food, is flexible enough...
  12. CleverNickName

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Come on people, ranked polls aren't that hard to do. Just click the little arrow. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT YOUR FAVORITE TABLE SNACKS ARE.
  13. CleverNickName

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    On a summer road trip, I drove across Kansas for two weeks one Saturday.
  14. CleverNickName

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    I've never had Pip's Original. I'll have to give them a try! No argument from me on Voodoo Donut. I put them above Krispy Kreme, but only barely...they are both garbage options.
  15. CleverNickName

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Nyeah, see, kids these days don respect nuttin! They out there puttin pineapple on peetsuh like some pink ol' Commie! I see them doin it, I sweah to gawd. It ain't American. (beat) Woah, dude! This place is putting pineapple on their 'zah! That's totally bogus! (beat) OMG, yall out...
  16. CleverNickName

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Nationwide USA: Local bakery > Dunkin Donuts > Tim Horton's > Daylight Donuts > Voodoo Donut > Krispy Kreme Portland Oregon, specifically: Coco Donuts > Blue Star > Delicious Donuts > Voodoo Donut > Krispy Kreme
  17. CleverNickName

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    American Internet culture in a nutshell. It's even worse on Twitter. "Omigod have you heard of (common thing that I just recently became aware of)?! It's the (exaggerated intensifier) of all time!!! It is so (popular new slang term)!!!!" (string of emojis)