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Search results

  1. Celebrim

    D&D General [+] Players, what do you like about railroads?

    I mean, I can't speak for others, but I suspect this turns on what you consider a railroad. I suspect a lot of referees are saying, "I run an adventure that goes from A->B->C and my players willing engage with it. " Because I know a lot of EnWorld posters have expressed the opinion that any...
  2. Celebrim

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    Agreed. I don't know what they did, but if this is the basis of your objection, are you saying that if they fed the input directly into the training program without making two copies of it on the computer (indeed potentially just feeding it into a service of some sort and thus never making any...
  3. Celebrim

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    Seems to be splitting hairs but I'm happy to say "accessed" in place of "obtained' in that sentence without changing it in anyway. The key point is that a copy of the information is copied to and from a whole series of computers before it lands on the computer of the accessor and often stays...
  4. Celebrim

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    Oh? That's not a contradictory statement. I'm not going to reveal proprietary information about my company either. My unwillingness to do so is not a confession of wrongdoing. And also, that statement doesn't mean what you seem to think it does. I agree that if copyright law in the USA...
  5. Celebrim

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    I'm not sure how they did it but the key point is that as far as I know they obtained all the data legally. The point I was making was that merely obtaining an electronic copy doesn't violate copyright or everyone's browser cache would make them a felon. Fair enough. At least I admit you...
  6. Celebrim

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    I don't think it's hijacking at all. I think that the philosophical implications here are central to understanding this and why analogies about meat and sausage are so much self-serving self-deception. I think it's important to address what it actually is, rather than living inside an...
  7. Celebrim

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    We are impoverished linguistically here. I had believed that Gottlob Frege had fully described language until I started playing with Chat GPT 3 and realized that I was witnessing the intelligent production of language without either the sense or reference of the words. (It certainly lacks...
  8. Celebrim

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    No, they are not. At the very least, it's not obvious that they are. If I check a book out of a library, and read it to my child, it's not theft if either I or the child learn something from that experience. If I can later produce an original summary of the events of the book, that's not...
  9. Celebrim

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    The problem with analogies is that unless there is a one to one and onto relationship between the analogy and the thing that it is supposed to represent, then the analogy exists to confuse and obfuscate truth and not illustrate it. And this is just such an analogy. It exists entirely to keep...
  10. xwing.jpg


  11. Celebrim

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    That the brain doesn't use gears or pendulums can be observed. That it doesn't use say NOR and NAND gates isn't something I'd be willing to state concretely. That it doesn't use some approximation or variation on a statistical model is not something we can yet observe because the structure of...
  12. Celebrim

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    So what? There is no obvious reason why they should be. Again, if the text and images had been produced by a human without a tool, then they would be obviously unique and creative works. So how does the fact that a tool was used change the fact that the results are unique and creative. If it...
  13. Celebrim

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    Given that we haven't a clue how the human brain works, that you would confidently declare that amazes me. How the heck do you know what method the human brain uses? Go ahead and win a Noble prize and a lot of other acclaim by revealing such secrets of the mind. That's not clear to me at...
  14. Celebrim

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    I mean, from the image it is obvious that a major corporation did in fact train their AI on Disney copyrighted and even trademarked content, so I feel like you have a non-argument. As for a selling point, your statement "We took official, commercial copies of these elements of the Disney...
  15. Celebrim

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    I just asked a leading image AI to create me an image of Steamboat Mickey. I'd say it had a pretty good idea of what the mouse looks like. Now, for legal reasons I used a public domain prompt since the old school Mickey is now available, but I'm sure this would work for any variation on...
  16. Mickey.jpg


  17. Celebrim

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    I don't agree with that description at all. The legal standard of fair use in the USA is whether or not the work is transformative. The work is clearly transformative. As a practical matter, everything that gets uploaded to the internet gets copied millions of times as an inherent aspect of...
  18. Celebrim

    The AI Red Scare is only harming artists and needs to stop.

    I'm rapidly getting to the point where any company that announces it won't use AI art I will boycott. I really just can't take the Luddites. Go smash some typewriters or something.
  19. Celebrim

    Revisiting AI as a GM Support Tool

    It depends on what you want it to make and how picky you are. My problem is that I have a tendency to imagine this all in my head, and I want the image creator to be able to take my visual description and make something that looks vaguely like what I imagined. It's pretty lousy at that...
  20. Celebrim

    Are our tastes set?

    I started with 1e, moved to 3e and I'm pretty happy there. Just like nothing moved me away from my 1e house rules until 3e came along, it's going to be really hard to move me away from my 3e house rules. I also run D6 and BRP. But I had a ton of fun with Goblonia a few years back at a...