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Search results

  1. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    Dungeon/Polyhedron Issue 98/157: May 2003 part 5/8 Winter Fantasy 2003: The look back on this year’s big RPGA meetup is also presented positively but with signs of trouble underneath. All those attempts to convert 2e Living City material obviously became such a headache that the new owners...
  2. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    Dungeon/Polyhedron Issue 98/157: May 2003 part 4/8 What's all this then?: Another year, another big shakeup. The polyhedron editorial explains what this means again from another perspective. Sure it’s scary, suddenly having to step up the amount of material you’re producing, but it also...
  3. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    Dungeon/Polyhedron Issue 98/157: May 2003 part 3/8 Flood Season: The second part of the adventure path isn’t a record-breaker like the first one, “merely” sitting comfortably in the top ten at 36 pages long. Like the previous one, it has a linear sequence of chapters, but each has a larger...
  4. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    Dungeon/Polyhedron Issue 98/157: May 2003 part 2/8 Side Treks - Gluttony: J. Bradley Schell has another vaguely vice themed adventure for us. A cleric of Wee Jas has formed an alliance with a group of Rasts. He provides intel on good targets and buffs, watches their backs while they feed...
  5. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    Dungeon/Polyhedron Issue 98/157: May 2003 part 1/8 90 (100) pages. Hello, my eyes are up here. Proper loincloth maintenance is important if you’re planning on getting into a fight, unless you think the distraction value will outweigh the vulnerability. Or maybe she’s using magical armor...
  6. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    And we've well and truly lost any momentum. None of the previous people who joined showed up, and the only new ones were two more users with zero hours played who never engaged and something called Hashco which just rolled 99999d100 a few times to glitch the system and then left. Still not sure...
  7. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    And yet again, we have an ambiguous result. Final tally this time, 5 people with zero hours who joined but never engaged, two who did come into the chat briefly, one with a few hours play who actually talked for a bit and downloaded the rules. Maybe they'll have made a character by next week...
  8. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    More incremental progress with one more player managing to complete a character, but also a load of people with zero hours played signing up, but then never actually interacting. The two people who have completed characters did do a nice bit of in character interactions in boot camp though...
  9. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    Another partial success. Got one enthusiastic player who signed up early and had a clear concept for their character, then nothing until right before the game. 4 people dropped in during the time the pickup game function was active, 2 of which vanished shortly after, while the other 2 are still...
  10. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    V for Victory recruitment thread is up.
  11. (un)reason

    Polyhedron Minigames [Online]

    V for Victory recruitment thread is up.
  12. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    Dungeon/Polyhedron Issue 97/156: Mar/Apr 2003 part 10/10 Campaigns: After the rules stuff has been laser-focussed on creating a specific mood, the campaign advice is surprisingly broad and shallow, giving us lots of different ideas in relatively little detail. There’s the basic grunt...
  13. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    Dungeon/Polyhedron Issue 97/156: Mar/Apr 2003 part 9/10 Combat: There are a good 6 pages of tweaks to the combat rules, most once again on the gritty side. Armor has pretty much stopped being a thing, so don’t forget that defence bonus, which is admittedly on the generous side here even...
  14. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    Dungeon/Polyhedron Issue 97/156: Mar/Apr 2003 part 8/10 Skills and Feats: As usual, there are a few changes to the skills list, then a considerably larger list of new feats. New skills are Command, for getting NPC’s to follow orders that put them in imminent danger, Demolitions, as has...
  15. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    Dungeon/Polyhedron Issue 97/156: Mar/Apr 2003 part 7/10 V for Victory: After last issue padded out a short setting synopsis that somehow still wound up much shorter than a regular minigame, we return to regular service. We’re off to WWII, not as a superhero who’s actions can turn the tide...
  16. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    Dungeon/Polyhedron Issue 97/156: Mar/Apr 2003 part 6/10 First Watch: The order of things is slightly shifted around, but this continues to be long and multi-segmented. First up, promotion for d20 Future, one of the most obvious supplement choices for d20 Modern. They should have no trouble...
  17. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    Dungeon/Polyhedron Issue 97/156: Mar/Apr 2003 part 5/10 Demonblade: Time to go back to the old formula of finding an ancient artifact that goes on to cause all manner of trouble in the modern age. Only this time it’s not a giant mecha, but just your basic evil intelligent magical sword...
  18. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    Dungeon/Polyhedron Issue 97/156: Mar/Apr 2003 part 4/10 Life's Bazaar: Our first series of adventures kept each adventure regular size and standalone until the final one, which only narrowly broke the previous record for largest single adventure on top of its other achievements. In sharp...
  19. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    Dungeon/Polyhedron Issue 97/156: Mar/Apr 2003 part 3/10 Heart of the Iron God: Here’s an adventure that should have come out a few issues ago to tie in with the giant mecha stuff. It’s time for another high-tech crossover in Greyhawk. Thousands of years ago, the clergy of Hieronious built...
  20. (un)reason

    TSR [Let's Read] Polyhedron/Dungeon

    Dungeon/Polyhedron Issue 97/156: Mar/Apr 2003 part 2/10 Side Treks - Blind Man's Bluff: Even scheming geniuses screw up or can’t be everywhere. An illithid and its grimlock minions were looking for ettin brains as a delicacy. Unfortunately, the ettin they were looking for was attacked by...