• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Umbran

    D&D General Millennial D&D (+)

    We don't need to hide. There aren't many of us to begin with, nobody even remembers we are there, and nobody's looking for us.
  2. Umbran

    From free-range to back on the railroad--how to adjust?

    Indeed. If you create characters who have personal proclivities for following the thing through to the end, then they don't really notice the rails, and there's little issue with immersion over them. I am running The Wild Beyond the Witchlight right now, which is kind a set of small sandboxes...
  3. Umbran

    D&D General Humans are Blind

    You elide from our real world history to D&D world history, without recognition that they are likely not terribly similar. In many cosmologies, the game world, all its creatures, and its sophonts are created by deific powers, rather than developed as the result of natural processes. Those...
  4. Umbran

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    The only constant is change.
  5. Umbran

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Rule 76: Every once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies.
  6. Umbran

    D&D General Humans are Blind

    Um... no. There was a time in our evolution before we had fire, but nocturnal predators with better night vision than we existed. If fire is the entirety of our defense, then we should not have lived long enough to learn to make fire. The real answer is that natural predation almost never...
  7. Umbran

    D&D General What are humans?

    The character, you mean? Okay, let me see if I can lay out my thought process in coming up with him. This is gonna be long, so I'll put it behind spoiler tags for those who aren't interested....
  8. Umbran

    D&D General What are humans?

    It really depends on the underlying metaphysics you are choosing - it may not be a "selection" scenario at all. Over the pandemic, I was invited to play in a game online. Recognizing that online play really isn't great for the level of social-interaction roleplay, I thought to create a...
  9. Umbran

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    Mod Note: The problem here is that you are complaining about how long people hold grudges as an unrepentant defense of behavior that incites people to hold grudges. Thread closed.
  10. Umbran

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    Mod Note: "I am sorry if my joke offended you," is a non-apology, placing blame on the offended party. Unless you want to claim that you lack the native wit to realize that what you were doing was going to antagonize people, or that somehow that result was hidden from you, you are stuck with...
  11. Umbran

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    Mod Note: Hey. How about you all stop willfully and intentionally mocking people, like, right now. Please and thanks.
  12. Umbran

    D&D General What are humans?

    So, this is a general sci-fi kind of question really. One that is hard to answer solidly, because we only have the one example of technologically advanced species to go on. I note that D&D is a fantasy game. It isn't really there to ask the speculative question, "What if...?" Heck, in D&D...
  13. Umbran

    D&D General Druids and Path Dependency: Why the Scimitar Helps Illuminate D&D

    But, it isn't a "mistake", any more than your appendix is a mistake*. And maybe we should treat it like the appendix - if it ain't broke, don't fix it. It is there. Normally, it causes no issue. If, in a particular body, it causes a problem, it can be excised without minimal difficulty...
  14. Umbran

    D&D General The Problem With Paladin's Medieval Origins (+)

    You say that as if the universe/multiverse is somehow obligated to make sense to mortals, or take their "condition" into account. Gravity, for example, is a harsh mistress. It does not give a hoot about the human condition. Gravity hears your assertion, ignores it, and you fall from the...
  15. Umbran

    D&D General The Problem With Paladin's Medieval Origins (+)

    Well, maybe they can, and maybe they can't. That's kind of the point - different GMs run things differently. Indeed, it raises the question whether the characters likely aren't so well educated on metaphysics as to know, with sufficient certainty, that they can act against some creatures...
  16. Umbran

    D&D General The Problem With Paladin's Medieval Origins (+)

    The question, though, is through how many generations in the chain do we hold a work responsible for the problems of the predecessors? For how long do the sins of the fathers fall upon the children? But, the case in question is rather the opposite. Some of the original referent is, by modern...
  17. Umbran

    D&D General The Problem With Paladin's Medieval Origins (+)

    There is no one "the cosmology" for D&D. Cosmology is a setting element, and can vary from one person's campaign world to another.
  18. Umbran

    D&D General The Problem With Paladin's Medieval Origins (+)

    Indeed. If you fight without mercy, how are you different from the Evil you are supposedly fighting?
  19. Umbran

    D&D General What is the Quintissential D&D Mascot Monster?

    I don't have magic weapons or armor.
  20. Umbran

    D&D General The Problem With Paladin's Medieval Origins (+)

    Absolutist positions about gaming are also a problem. OneTrueWay and all that.