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Search results

  1. payn

    Poster ejection over thread closure request.

    I understand some threads needing to be closed because of the nature of the OP itself. Though, on occasion a thread is fine with the exception of a few participants that will not listen to mods. Could the mods lean towards ejecting those folks instead of closing the otherwise...
  2. payn

    The "G" in RPG

    How much game is too much game in an RPG? I think that answer is going to differ depending on the person. Personally, I have a pretty liberal definition of what role playing is. I do think many video and board games absolutely apply. In fact you have to get down to the Tetris level of game...
  3. payn

    Known IPs, settings, etc.. and you.

    Greetings, This thread is not about homebrewing from whole cloth. It is about folks that take known settings such as the numerous ones from D&D, and IPs such as Starwars, Marvel/DC, Alien, Game of Thrones, etc.. and make their own content. For folks who do this, do you cleave as close to lore...
  4. payn

    The Answer is not (always) on your Character Sheet

    Greetings, Folks have probably heard, and maybe used themselves, the phrase “the answer is not on your character sheet”. I decided to add always to the thread title because I think the phrase can be used in multiple ways. The first is to imply skill play in which the player is being challenged...
  5. payn

    Do you have a default TTRPG gaming mode?

    Greetings, I've been mulling the idea of game modes in my head for awhile. All the jargon floating around in discussions about game design and play has got me thinking about my experiences. I understand what is often called traditional (Trad) is that the GM has full control of setting with...
  6. payn

    Spoilers Shogun 2024

    Greetings! Anybody catch the premier last night on FX and Hulu? About twenty years ago I got the original series on netflix DVD by mail and it was...well it was made in the 80s. I dont recall it being culturally insensitive, just cheesy like a west meets east soap opera. However, this new...
  7. payn

    Need advice; Gluing miniatures

    Howdy folks! Working on some 3D resin prints and need some advice, tips, and tricks. I seem to have no problem gluing my minis to hex bases, but when it comes to gluing an arm or torso to waist/legs, I have had no luck. The issue is that the prints are stable but not durable enough to be...
  8. payn

    What did you give for Christmas this year?

    Greetings, I took a trip this year in November over seas (im American). I had a blast doing holiday shopping for my family. I'm calling this year Parisian Christmas. With all the excitement I thought Id share with yall. For my Mother I got her a silver bracelet in French style. For my Nephew I...
  9. payn

    Are you ready for some Football (Americano)!

    Just a few days until opener. Go Vikes and Jets! Got yo fantasy teams drafted? My first was a salary cap yesterday. Here is what I got.
  10. payn

    The better existential film?

    Greetings, Which is the better film on existentialism?
  11. payn

    Battletech Mercenaries KS Launched

    Mercenaries KS Im in for early bird (Next 48 hours) for the extra clan fighter. Jumping in at Company level for a couple additional forcepacks!
  12. payn

    What was your kelidescope order?

    Greetings, Have you had a chance to catch Netflix limited series Kelidescope? Overall, I thought it was a great idea that doesn't reach its full potential. Folks may ask themselves why Oceans 11 wasnt a series? Well, likely because some characters are just not that interesting to get their own...
  13. payn

    Witcher change up?

    Cavil out as Gerald, Liam Hemsworth in.
  14. payn

    It's live, Space Cowboys

    Anybody else jumping in? Cowboy Bebop RPG KS
  15. payn

    The Last of Us (HBO Max)

    Trailer looks great.
  16. payn

    Louise Fletcher

    She passed today. A fine actor from nurse Ratchet to Kai Winn to Frank Galhager’s mom. Every time she was on the screen it was pleasure to hate her characters.
  17. payn

    GM Partiality. To be, or not to be...

    Greetings, I am currently running a Traveller sandbox game for some friends. We just got done with a session. The results have me a little down. Not because of of any particular playstyle or rules disagreement, it was just how the dice fell and how the story played out. Here is the scenario...
  18. payn

    Payn's Ponderings> E N World Music League

    Greetings, Generating a thread to see if folks here at EN World have an interest in a Music League. What's that you say? Glad you asked and here is the site page with the deets. All you need is a Spotify account (free and un-subbed is just fine) to make your submissions. The skinny is each...
  19. payn

    2022 Fantasy Football Americano

    Greetings, Lets see those drafts. Here is my first one I was 9 out of 10 .5PPR scoring. (yeah week 7 is going to hurt....)
  20. payn

    Painting minis; getting started

    Greetings, I know many of y'all EN Worlders are mini painters. About 10 years ago I used to do a bit of painting myself. Mostly figures for PC/NPCs and monsters for fantasy RPGs. I did kickstart at least 2 and maybe 3 Reaper Bones events. I have also collected recently a bunch of Battletech...