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Search results

  1. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General Tell me of "PHB" classes of prior eras!

    My hubris has struck again, and I have kinda-sorta-not-exactly volunteered to do a thing, a new alternative to the now somewhat long-in-the-tooth "Survivor" threads. But my first notion, "PHB classes through the ages," almost immediately met with some reminders that I don't actually know all the...
  2. EzekielRaiden

    D&D 5E 5e Players: How often have you been allowed to use 3PP?

    Simple question. In the games you've played (not run, played) how often were you allowed to use 3PP? Even if you didn't use it yourself. Note: You cannot change your vote. Vote wisely. Note that I am not talking about table-specific homebrew. It has to be an actual product, that someone could...
  3. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General Breadth vs Depth: Is D&D designed the wrong way around?

    To explain the possible clickbait title, D&D, even 5e, is designed depth-first, not breadth-first. Devs lay out a 1-20 framework, basic math/scaling, spell progression, HP values, etc., and then design 20-level classes to fill 20-level spaces. This creates tensions: balance across a wide range...
  4. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General If they thought they could get away with it...

    Rate the accuracy of the following statement for games you have participated in (whether as player or DM/GM/etc.): "If the players thought they could get away with it, they would cheat and/or exploit the rules." Should you have participated in many games, consider it a sort of average across...
  5. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General I DM because...

    What it says on the tin. If you don't DM, but have in the past, or are about to start, please feel free to vote as appropriate. If you are truly a "Never DM," that is, you have never done so and don't have any plans to in the foreseeable future, please vote "Actually, I've never been a DM and...
  6. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General Reconstructing Neutral: Two Scores or Four?

    So, we all know alignment has its issues. Even if you're a big fan, the utility is heavily questioned by enough people that there's a good chance you'll play with, or run for, someone who dislikes it. And the arguments themselves are legion. But it just occurred to me: Is part of the problem...
  7. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General Poll: Do DMs/GMs need to trust their players?

    People like to say, rather frequently, that players just need to trust their DM/GM. That it is strange, foolish, or self-sabotaging to play in a game where you "don't trust the DM," usually without clarifying whether that means "trust in all possible situations no matter what" or a more general...
  8. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General [Poll] Metagame justifications for in-character behavior

    Pretty straightforward: when is it okay to use a metagame justification for an in-character behavior? Since I was asked by another user to avoid true/false polling, this is a five-option poll. And since my efforts to add some color to the choices in the past have gotten rather harsh criticism...
  9. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General Poll: As a player, I am always justified in pursuing every advantage I find, no matter what.

    Pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. If you as a player see an advantage you could exploit, whatever it might be, whether in the rules or outside them, are you always justified in pursuing it? Edit: To be clear, this is not any form of cheating, in the sense of breaking any gameplay...
  10. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General Where has the antiquities dealer gone?

    I've got an extra week (possibly two) to do prep work for my Dungeon World game, and the party is on the hunt for a certain antiquities dealer, Zahara Benali. She's a relatively well-to-do woman, wealthy enough that the antiquities trade is something she does for the joy of it, but not so...
  11. EzekielRaiden

    Search appears to be broken

    Is there something wrong with the forum search? I've attempted to search for things on multiple devices, multiple browsers, and basically everything else I can test, and all searches of any kind, whether by keyword or by username, whether quick search or advanced search, consistently produces an...
  12. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General How do players feel about DM fudging?

    This is a sort of a companion thread to the other poll on fudging, which asks DMs, not players. I figure, player responses also matter on this issue. It needs no further description: whatever you consider "fudging" to be, what do you as a player think of DMs doing it? Word of warning: you...
  13. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General Should magic be "mystical," unknowable, etc.? [Pick 2, no takebacks!]

    Warning: you cannot change your vote(s). Pick one or two responses. Make sure you're confident about your choice(s) before submitting. As stated in the question: Should there be something mystical, beyond the true understanding of mortals? I have seen a great many statements over the past...
  14. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General What does "magic" mean? [Read carefully, you can't change your vote]

    This has come up plenty in various threads and forums I've participated in. Obviously not scientific, but it's the best we can do. Keep in mind, unlike most polls on this forum, you CANNOT change your vote after voting, nor can you view the results until you have voted. By "spells/etc." I am...
  15. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General "Hot Take": Fear is a bad motivator

    With that provocative title to grab your attention, let me explain what I mean. Please, as with all things of this type, keep in mind a giant neon sign that says, "OBVIOUSLY NOT APPLICABLE TO 100% OF PEOPLE." In D&D of even a somewhat "old school" bent, it has always seemed to me that the game...
  16. EzekielRaiden

    D&D 5E TCOE: Is reskinning your origin allowed by RAW?

    Exactly what it says on the tin. Do the customizable origin rules allow players to choose the aesthetic appearance and cultural details of their character, completely independent of the mechanics involved? (Possible exception for different sizes, since I recognize that's more difficult to...
  17. EzekielRaiden

    GM Needed: SR5 "Blizzard" party for a relaxed game

    Full disclosure: this is a cross-posted ad, which will appear in several different places. We're all aware that "looking for GM" requests have a low success rate, so I'm casting about in several places to increase the chance we find a great GM. Now, without further ado... It sometimes feels...
  18. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General Collaboration With Your Players?

    Forking off of the more specific threads about races in D&D, this particular component has intrigued me. Having players contribute to worldbuilding activity is something I've always seen in every game I've played. To hear that not only do some groups avoid it entirely, but a few even consider...
  19. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General "Hot" take: Aesthetically-pleasing rules are highly overvalued

    This isn't targeted at any specific game, though I'm likely to criticize both 3.x/PF1e and 5e because they are (in some sense) the "old guard" and "new hotness" on this topic. So, there are a lot of motives when designing a game, and I do not mean to comment on the spectrum of reasons one might...
  20. EzekielRaiden

    D&D 5E PrCs: Anathema, or just lack of interest? (Pick two!)

    I'm curious. The developers only released the one, and never talked about it again (much like a number of things from 5e's development history...) So it seems an open question: Was the response just lukewarm, or was it hostile? How do YOU feel about prestige classes in 5e? You may select up to...