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  1. Homicidal_Squirrel

    Bigby Presents: Glory of the AI

    New Dungeons & Dragons Sourcebook Features AI Generated Art Looks like Wizards has been publishing AI generated artwork in Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants. I wonder if the studio charged a lower price as it appears to be that AI had a significant input on the art. I'm a bit curious if WoTC...
  2. Homicidal_Squirrel

    Can't use "monster", claw designs, parallel lines, or green and black colors

    Looks like Monster Energy is trying to go after a gaming studio for using the word "monster" in its game title. I would assume that it would be hard for them to actually win this case as the word monster isn't something you could put a trademark on. At lest that's my assumption... but what do I...
  3. Homicidal_Squirrel

    Non-gaming hobbies

    Just wondering what kind of hobbies people have, which are not gaming related. Until about a two-years ago, I worked for a company which paid quite well but was a terrible experience. Too much stress. Too much work and the pay did not match. I basically had one job which replaced three different...
  4. Homicidal_Squirrel

    The man who killed Dracula

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIMrFnl5NiA Not sure if anyone else posted this before me. I tried searching around, but didn't find anything. In any case, looks like Netflix is making a Castlevania series. Castlevania was one of my favorite games back when I used to play video games. This looks...
  5. Homicidal_Squirrel

    Deadpool 2 Trailer (NSFW - Language)

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5ezsReZcxU Looks like Kurt Russel is playing his father.
  6. Homicidal_Squirrel

    Peter... I am your father

    I'm sure there is another thread with the previous trailers for the Guardians of the Galaxy, but I couldn't find it. In any case, looks like there is a new trailer out, and it looks pretty cool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duGqrYw4usE It looks as if Kurt Russell is playing Star-Lord's...
  7. Homicidal_Squirrel

    Avengers: Infinity War

    Looks like Spiderman is in it. Some of the concept art looks pretty damn good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAOzrChqmd0
  8. Homicidal_Squirrel

    Klingon... Newt

    Looks like the Klingons are invading. 163 new species were discovered. Some are pretty damn cool. I'm still pretty amazed that they keep finding new animals.
  9. Homicidal_Squirrel

    The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.

    Matthew McConaughey And Idris Elba are set to star in Dark Tower. I've wanted to read the books for a while, but I haven't had the chance to. Looks as if it'll be interesting. They still haven't said which of the books the movie will be based on, but it's supposed to take place in the present...
  10. Homicidal_Squirrel

    Take a Peek Into Our “X-Files”

    Take a Peek Into Our “X-Files” No, not the show. The CIA has released UFO files. I haven't had a chance to look through it, but it may have some interesting stuff.
  11. Homicidal_Squirrel

    Clover Fiel Part Deux

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQy-ANhnUpE I never saw the first one, thought trailer for the first one looked interesting at the time. I guess this time we get to see the story from the point of view of some people who have bunkered up and are starting to go a little crazy from all the...
  12. Homicidal_Squirrel

    Do Christians and muslims worship the same God?

    A professor at Wheaton College, a private Evangelical Protestant college, was suspended for saying that Christians and Muslims worship the same God. She also wore a hijab. It's interesting as I never heard that there was a questions regarding whether or not Christians and Muslims worshipped...
  13. Homicidal_Squirrel

    “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

    “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.” But keep the Syrians the hell out of here. It seems Texas is suing the federal government to stop it from re-settling six Syrian refugees. Texas isn't the only state that doesn't want any Syrian refugees, either...
  14. Homicidal_Squirrel

    At least it wasn't $115,000

    https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/12/01/how-an-84000-drug-got-its-price-lets-hold-our-position-whatever-the-headlines/ Accessibility? Affordability? Nah... it's all about the money. I don't why this company is trying to pretend as if maximizing profits wasn't their main motivator...
  15. Homicidal_Squirrel

    One + One = ?

    One hell of a mix. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBjyl1LvBF4
  16. Homicidal_Squirrel

    Shark vision

    http://www.zmescience.com/other/feature-post/animal-vision/ That pretty interesting. I didn't know that rats can move their eyes individually and see in that manner.
  17. Homicidal_Squirrel

    Grab your torches and pitchforks

    It's time for a witch hunt! I guess if you don't like the results of a scientific study you don't agree with, the best thing to do is intimidate the scientist conducting such a study.
  18. Homicidal_Squirrel

    Captain America: Civil War

  19. Homicidal_Squirrel

    One time while working IT...

    Some are really funny. Some are really creepy. This one is one of my favorites because I've known people to do similar things.
  20. Homicidal_Squirrel

    Question for you techie types

    I have a question for those tech oriented homies. I had to replace the adapter for my MacBook Air1. My case decided that it made an excellent chew toy. I had to go to a meeting today, so I rant into Best Buy real quick, and picked up a new one, but it ended up being an 85W adapter. The Air...