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Search results

  1. Yora

    Pitch me the current RuneQuest

    I am feeling the Mediterranean Sword & Sorcery pull again. And RuneQuest is one of the names that always appears in my mind first. But I don't really know much about it, other than it being a very old game that had a lot of different edition with various side branches by different publishers...
  2. Yora

    Making changes to game systems in Foundry?

    I got the D35E game system for Foundry and it looks great. Now I want to make some changes to it, like deleting character classes and monsters that wouldn't be available in my game, and perhaps even editing the XP values needed for each level up. But when I unlock a compendium to make changes...
  3. Yora

    #Lore24 - Worldbuilding in 366 entries

    Dungeon23 seems to have been quite a big success and popular with a good number of people. But making a dungeon room every day for a full year isn't for everyone's style of running campaigns, so some of us on Mastodon have come up with Lore24. Writing a short description of one thing that is...
  4. Yora

    D&D 3E/3.5 3rd Edition Revisited - Better play with the power of hindsight?

    I've recently been going again through the old 3rd edition books Manual of the Planes, Expanded Psionics Handbook, and Lords of Madness looking for ideas for a campaign concept I am entertaining. There's a bunch of really interesting content in those books, and it occurred to me that I don't...
  5. Yora

    Adapting Dragonbane to Classic wilderness exploration campaigns (OD&D, B/X)

    I've been a huge fan of the Dungeon Exploration and Wilderness Exploration of the early D&D editions for a good while now. But I've never really been a fan of the core game mechanics of D&D, like how you make attack rolls, how you cast spells, and how characters advance by discrete levels within...
  6. Yora

    D&D 3E/3.5 Making sense of the Orcs of Thesk

    I've been diving into the various sourcebooks for the Northeast Forgotten Realms again these days, and one thing was to take another look at the various given demographic numbers given for the various regions. At first look, it appears like the modern D&D approach were all the different peoples...
  7. Yora

    D&D 3E/3.5 Retro-cloning D&D 3.0

    Back in the day when 3.5e was released, I absolutely loved it, like seemingly the vast majority of people. I dumped my old original rulebooks on ebay and was really happy with the new books that I kept using until eventually switching to Pathfinder. But in hindsight, the old 3rd Edition and 3.5e...
  8. Yora

    Dragonbane Character Advancement and Power Levels

    I've really become a fan of Dragonbane, with the rules being pretty much exactly what I've been looking for all these years. And I can't wait to take the game out for a first campaign. One thing that I really like, that greatly contrasts it from the various D&D editions I've run and played in...
  9. Yora

    Planescape Bouncing some Planescape campaign ideas

    Since I wrapped up my last 5th edition campaign 2 years ago, I've been on and off thinking about an idea for a Planescape campaign. And when the other options are AD&D and 3rd edition, 5th edition looks like a really good choice. At some point, I even made a whole bunch of conversions of more...
  10. Yora

    Player-driven campaigns and developing strong stories

    One thing that has been bothering me for years now about stories in RPG adventures and campaigns is that it overwhelmingly takes the form of a more or less complete script being written that covers all the relevant plot points and sequence of scenes before the players even enter the picture...
  11. Yora

    Setting up Space Sandboxes for Scoundrels with a Starship

    Since the original release of Star Wars, Space Scoundrels has basically become a subgenre of Space Opera in itself. And it's apparently quite popular in space adventure RPGs as well. Traveller, Stars Without Number, Coriolis, and Scum and Villainy all have it as one of their main play modes, and...
  12. Yora

    Dark Sun survival sandbox

    Yes, a Dark Sun sandbox campaign is funny. I also think that of all the D&D settings, Athas is particularly well set up for survival sandbox games. I've recently been getting back into playing a lot of Kenshi, a post-post-apocalyptic Sword Punk sandbox survival base building RPG videogame. You...
  13. Yora

    What's Pendragon like and what is it suited for?

    So Pendragon 6th edition has made it into the top most anticipated new games of the year for the third time in a row. And apparently, this year it's actually coming out. Pendragon has always been one of the games I knew existed and sounded pretty interesting and fun, but which never turned into...
  14. Yora

    I really don't think it should be called the "ORC license"

    I get it. It's a bit of a pun. It's cute. And they needed to announce something quickly as things were rapidly in motion. But I think ORC is probably the worst name for any kind of banner to unite medium and small RPG content creators under. Some people really don't care about it. Other people...
  15. Yora

    D&D General Sir Plane "Not Appearing in this Cosmology"

    Since way back in AD&D 1st edition, D&D settings generally were assumed to be part of a planar system consisting of 17 outer planes, 14 inner planes (later reduced to 6), an astral plane, and a variable number of other planes bordering the material plane. In 3rd edition it was decided to throw...
  16. Yora

    D&D 1E "The Savage Frontier (DR 1358)" - Exploring and expanding the origins of The North

    The Forgotten Realms sourcebook FR6: The Savage Frontier from 1988 has for a long time been one of my greatest favorites. I believe that it is quite possibly the best campaign setting source that has ever been published by having large amounts of highly evocative material for GMs to inspire...
  17. Yora

    D&D General Handling the Orc Horde as a key setting element

    I've been recently diving deeply into the original 1st edition box and sourcebooks of the Forgotten Realms and discovered a setting that is really quite different from what it became over the following three decades with several timeline advanced, inclusion of classes and creatures from later...
  18. Yora

    Setting the method for rolling ability scores

    Sometimes I see GMs saying that they think it's great to have the players find ways to make a character out of a randomly rolled set of ability scores and think, "yeah, that does really sound fun." I like how it mechanically communicates the idea that all PCs are just some random people trying...
  19. Yora

    D&D General Mercenary-Adventurer Companies as a campaign structure (FR and others)

    I've been recently revisiting old Forgotten Realms sourcebooks from 1st edition and early 2nd edition and again falling for the charm of the world, but then quickly running into my usual problem of really not having any ideas for how to come up with things for the players to do that allows them...
  20. Yora

    Best way to run 1st edition Forgotten Realms? (That isn't AD&D)

    Over the last years, I've come to really appreciate the originally released version of the Forgotten Realms before it got a pretty major overhaul for the new sanitized 2nd edition of AD&D. And occasionally I find my self seriously considering to running a campaign using the Grey Box and various...