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  1. Beefermatic

    Psionics, Mythic/Epic/Divine/Cosmic etc rules

    Hey all, sorry it's been a while since I posted, I'd like some help making some rules, feats etc for epic, divine etc Psionic abilities and powers. I'd also like some expanded base psionic rules for gods, etc and if they already exist maybe a link? I'm aware of the small amount of Psionic feats...
  2. Beefermatic

    Chat GPT made a Time Lord!

    I worked with ChatGPT earlier to pull this off. I was trying to make Q but this was the rough draft. I liked it so much I decided to post it here. This is 85% done with ChatGPT's help, it made basically all of this, I just reformatted it to make it make a bit more sense and added some...
  3. Beefermatic

    Issue with Immortality through Spellcasting

    So, an issue I've noticed with the Divine Ascension spell is that it can be used like the Alchemy-Blacksmithing-Enchanting exploit from Skyrim. That is to say the caster could use it to transform themselves into a higher Divine Rank, then use that new level of power to simply cast the spell...
  4. Beefermatic

    New Demigods

    So in my campaign I have a floating nation of technologically advanced gods known as Shinkokku. This civilization rules over a continent of humans below called Shinto. These gods (called the Demigods in campaign) also have intermediaries called The Casted who are between god and human...
  5. Beefermatic

    Imagining 10 Dimensions

    I think these videos really can help people understand the dimensions a little better. Take a look. 10 minute version TL/DR 2 minute version Deep dive hour and forty-five minute version
  6. Beefermatic

    Ghoma, The Impure

    The Ghoma are a type of demonic elemental entity from my campaign setting. They range in power from CR 3 all the way to around CR 200. They are the footsoldiers of Vlitra, the primary bbeg from my setting, and are considered both Qlippoth, Elementals, and native outsiders and any form of...
  7. Beefermatic

    Links to various Epic Monsters, Variant Rules, Cosmologies, and Ideas for DMs and Players

    (This is a repost from another thread, I wanted it here for quick reference for people as well.) Here's a list of all the super high level stuff I find great for campaigns. Mainly monsters and such. This way it's not such a pain to sort through for people who want to use these things for their...
  8. Beefermatic

    The Hyperborean High Council: Sælune of the Obsidian Sentry

    The Obsidian Sentry are the strongest warriors in all of Hyperborea, they are the handpicked guardians of the Ultimate, and his personal Super Elite. They are all members of the High Council (Like the Senate if you will chosen of 1,000 of Hyperborea's most prominent warriors, all the most...
  9. Beefermatic

    Starship Rules at a glance

    These starship rules are meant to be used with D20 Future and D20 Modern: Future Tech starship combat rules which can be found here: http://www.d20resources.com/future.d20.srd/starships/ Starship Notes Combat is much like character combat, but starships have their own, generally translatable...
  10. Beefermatic

    Inspiration for Epic Flesh Ooze

    So, as the title suggests, what do you guys think about a giant flesh ooze made up of billions of people. I just saw a meme that outlined such a thing and I kind of got inspired.
  11. Beefermatic

    Alternate Size Penalties to Attack and AC past Titanic

    So, a problem I've long run into is the non-linear size penalty to AC and Attack. At a certain point it is impossible to compensate for as the bonuses super large beings gain are absolutely not equivalent to the minuses it receives. Thusly I've decided to post what I do to make giant sized...
  12. Beefermatic

    New Special Materials Beyond Neutronium. Quark, Strange, and Black Hole Matter

    I was looking at an old IH website thread about things more dense than neutronium (found here: Immortality) and given the very extreme properties of some of these materials I thought they should be expanded on more. I've been wanting to make a strange matter golem for a while now as what strange...
  13. Beefermatic

    Lost works from this forum

    A few years ago enworld experienced a crash that ended with a lot of very interesting creations disappearing seemingly forever into the void. It just so happens that I have at least 5, maybe more of those creations printed in hard copy format. I think it's entirely a shame those beings were lost...
  14. Beefermatic

    Current campaign setting

    Hey everyone, been a while, I have a great campaign going on right now and wanted to share the basic plot with all of you. It takes some ideas from Asura's Wrath but only loosely and that game deserves more love anyway. Lol. Here you go. My current campaign is pretty interesting. The main...
  15. Beefermatic

    Demiurges of the Universe.

    Hey all, I'm currently making a new cosmic pantheon of sorts. Bridging the gap between gods and Aspects are a multitude of powers, usually thought of as Sidereals and Demiurges, these beings of astronomical and and astrological power don't represent elements or planes but huge swaths of space...
  16. Beefermatic

    Interesting Low Epic ideas and campaign hooks.

    So I'm currently running a campaign that just a couple days ago hit epic levels. They're currently dealing with Asmodeus ascending to Godhood, and seemingly doing it the Neutral Good way, and the Good aligned characters being roped into helping him via logic and utilitarianism. The Infernal...
  17. Beefermatic

    Raagens: Elemental and baseline constituent energy dragons

    Raagens are something ive talked about often but never really defined. They're a race of beings that in my campaigns have been commonplace. They are dragons comprised of pure elemental energy and serve as flying mounts, sea mounts, and powerful enemy threats. Raagens grow in 8 Age Categories...
  18. Beefermatic

    Sub-Epic Offerings

    Hey guys I decided to post my subepic stuff here, These are the Zards, my first created race from when I was a teenager, they've gone from highly magical, to more gritty, terrifying, and 'real' I hope you enjoy. :cool: ---------------------------- Zard, CR 10 This daunting reptilian biped...
  19. Beefermatic

    Guess who's back... back again... Beefer's back... tell a friend...

    Hey guys I apologize for the extended hiatus, I was working two jobs and this unfortunately took a back burner. That said. I recently quit one job so I'm back. I know many of you were looking forward to many of my creations for some time, I apologize for making you guys wait for so long. I am...
  20. Beefermatic

    The pinnacle of hubris! I present to you Thychen, the Supreme Being

    The Supreme Being, Thychen “The Lord of Time, The Cosmic King, The Man Behind the Desk, Master of All Creation, God, The Akashic Aspect of Time and Fate” ------------------------------------- You’ve been led to a small temple, tucked away in a back alley, led by mortal mystics and monks...