• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Xeviat

    D&D General What are humans?

    Game systems often get away with making humans generic. D&D has traditionally made their feature "adaptable" and just given them more of what everyone else already gets. A5E gave humans some unique features, which really helps them stand out. I'm curious about discussing humans from a...
  2. Xeviat

    Planescape The Great Wheel, the World Axis, and the Abyss

    Hi y'all. For ages, I've been running games in my own setting, but I've been drawn back to core D&D due to getting a hold of the 2E Planescape books. But, I really liked some of the 4E World Axis changes as well (like Angels serve all gods, not just good ones). But, I also love all the lore from...
  3. Xeviat

    D&D General An Algorithm for DMs in Combat

    Hi everyone. I've been wanting to make a loose algorithm for DMs to reference in combat for guiding actions of monsters and NPCs. I've been running games for 22 years now, but even I could use some guidance and a tool to offload mental energy onto. I've played a few D&D style boardgames that...
  4. Xeviat

    D&D General Accidental Advantage Math from a Math YouTuber

    The unexpected logic behind rolling multiple dice and picking the highest Hey everyone, haven't been around much. Saw this video today and thought people would appreciate it. Seeing it layed out this way will certainly help with some of my testing math. This is a video from a British maths...
  5. Xeviat

    D&D 5E Max HP?

    Hiya ENWorlders! After 15 years, I finally finished "Red Hand of Doom", converted to 5th Edition! The PCs ended up at 12th level for the final fight, and hit 13th afterwards. One thing I observed after running a game from 5th level all the way to 12th level was that fights are, truly, quick...
  6. Xeviat

    D&D General Party Building Constraints: The Five-Man Band

    For my next game, we're planning to do a less combat focused game than my games typically are. To facilitate this, we're looking at using slow recovery (short rest is 8 hours, long rest is 48 hours of no more than light activity, basically a weekend). But, while we were discussing thing, my...
  7. Xeviat

    Rules FAQ How Does Stealth Work in D&D 5E?

    Stealth is a complex skill. The rules can be found in the Player’s Handbook, largely on page 177. On the surface, it seems simple: it is a Dexterity (Stealth) check opposed by a Wisdom (Perception) check. But, there is more to it than that. This is the part of a weekly series of articles by a...
  8. Xeviat

    D&D General What makes an Epic Map?

    After a few years of playing (and 15 years of trying to run the adventure), we're getting close to finishing Red Hand of Doom (I've been converting it to 5E). I'm pre-preparing, and looking to find/make a map for my final fight against the (I have made my own stats, stating her as a CR 16...
  9. Xeviat

    D&D General Decoupling Ability Scores from Offense

    Wild idea that came up while talking to my players. One of my friends, whom I've been playing with for 20 years now, was commenting someone he was playing with wasn't having fun because their character was weak. This other player is more of a casual player, but was growing disinterested because...
  10. Xeviat

    D&D 5E New Short Rest Caster Chassis (Spell Points)

    Hi everyone! Last week, I posted a thread on whether or not people would prefer if the classes were shifted to all long rest recovery or "all" short rest recovery. I made a big mistake in my polling, and really should have said "more" short rest recovery, but oh well. It's been coming in at...
  11. Xeviat

    D&D 5E Level 1 Animate Dead

    Just got done playing (as a player, not a DM!) "Rime of the Frostmaiden" as a Life Cleric, and it was fun being on the other side of the DM screen for once in a long time. One of the other players was playing a Necromancer Wizard, and I saw them be incredibly frustrated with how long it took for...
  12. Xeviat

    D&D 5E Long Rests vs Short Rests

    In Tasha's, and in recent UAs, abilities that were or would have been previously X/short rest have been turned into Prof Bonus per long rest. This got me thinking about doing away with short rests as a recovery mechanic, since I've long been struggling with inter party balance between the likes...
  13. Xeviat

    D&D 5E Buffing Level 11+ Monks

    There's a long discussion about monk DPR. Whatever you think about white room theory crafting, some people find it useful. The analysis shows that the monk is in the right ball park at levels 1-10. It's level 11+ where they start to get weak, but this isn't universal. Looking at their features...
  14. Xeviat

    D&D 5E What does a feylock patron want?

    Hey all. I need ideas on what my player's feylock's patron wants from her. Her patron is an eladrin season lord, the Summer Queen, and I've been converting Red Hand of Doom to 5E. The party has a dwarven nature cleric of Sylvanus, and currently the patron's motivation has been to stop the...
  15. Xeviat

    D&D General Changing from 5 ft squares to 1 yard/meter squares

    Hi all. I'd like to workshop an idea that would take a lot of work to implement, but I'd like to play around with the idea and see if there could be some good stuff coming from it. This came up when describing rooms, and having to make rooms significantly larger than 10 by 10 to really work in a...
  16. Xeviat

    D&D General Past Edition books in D&D5E

    What D&D books from editions past do you still use, and what for? Do you use any books from other games? For myself, I use the following books regularly still: 3.5 PHB: I use some of the skill DC tables still, nudged down to the shorter 5E scale. 3.5 DMG: Sometimes I use the magic items...
  17. Xeviat

    D&D General Seeking DM Advice: Managing Extroverted Players

    Hi everyone. Last night, my game ended up running short because someone had to leave early. No battles happened, and the session ended up mostly being the party rogue breaking into sarcophogi and taking treasure while the Barbarian complained he should respect the dead. The bard player, who in...
  18. Xeviat

    D&D 5E Flanking, advantage, and opportunity attacks

    One of my players also DMs. He's a much looser DM than I am. He uses the flanking advantage rule, while I don't, and this has been becoming a point of contention at our games lately. I have found flanking to be too easy to attain in his games (especially since I play a cleric in his game and he...
  19. Xeviat

    D&D 5E Alternative for Elves' "Keen Senses"

    Hi all. One of the houserules I have been playing with is that I give all characters and creatures proficiency in the Perception skill. This was done partially because everyone was already taking it if it was on their class list anyway, but also because I'm treating Perception more as a save and...
  20. Xeviat

    D&D General Magic Classes and Home setting Advice

    I'm finally getting back to running games in my home setting. The setting was originally created with fiction in mind, which I likely won't get around to finishing/publishing, but that's neither hear nor there. I've tweaked a number of the races/species/lineages to fit the setting (some...