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  1. R

    Phonetic D&D Monster Puzzle

    PHONETIC D&D MONSTER PUZZLE I got into puzzle-making mode again recently, and have come up with a bunch of words/phrases that can each be "deciphered" to the name of a monster from D&D. This is using the loose term of "monster," which means it can be any creature the PCs might encounter, and...
  2. R

    Time Travel on the EN World Message Boards?

    Check out this screen shot: As you can see by the time at the bottom right corner, the screen shot was taken at 2:06 PM my time. Now look at the times of posting along the right hand side of the various thread titles. At the very top, Egg Embry apparently (will have) posted from three hours...
  3. R

    Ghourmand Vale (3.5 campaign)

    Last week, my son Logan finished up a 3.5 campaign called "Raiders of the Overreach" which he'd been running since October 2019. That was his second campaign in the same game world, the first being "The Durnhill Conscripts." But we jointly decided that when we finished up his latest campaign...
  4. R

    The Ecology of the Phasm (unpublished 3.5 "Ecology" article)

    So, when coming to the decision there was no reason for me to stop writing the occasional "Ecology" article, even if they were never going to get printed anywhere, one of the ones I decided I needed to do was another Underdark one featuring Shandrilla, Javorik, and Federico - after all, I'd left...
  5. R

    Formatting Weirdness

    I've discovered something weird in going over some of my Story Hour posts. Every once in a while, whenever I use the italicize option it adds some sort of invisible "carriage return" at the end of it, such that anything following the italicized section drops down to the next line. It doesn't...
  6. R

    The Ecology of the Umpleby (unpublished Monster Hunters "Ecology" article)

    This is an idea I had for a Monster Hunters Association "Ecology" article, back in the days when Dragon magazine was still a print product and their "Ecology" series of articles used the "fiction and footnote" format. Of course, before I had even started writing it, Dragon's editorial reins...
  7. R

    The Ecology of the Giant Sea Horse (unpublished AD&D 2E version)

    What follows is one of the very first "Ecology" submissions I made to Dragon back in the day (the AD&D 2nd Edition days, to be exact). It's admittedly a bit dry, with most of the giant sea horse facts showing up as a written journal entry, and it finishes off with a new monster I had created to...
  8. R

    The License Plate Game

    Recently, my grown son and I have developed and tweaked the rules to a simple word game involving making words out of the letters on license plates as we drive around doing whatever errands we're on (usually grocery shopping or picking up fast food). The rules we've come up with are as follows...
  9. R

    Unpublished "Ecology" Articles by Johnathan Richards

    Over the years, I've posted a bunch of my rejected "Ecology" articles each as standalone Story Hour threads, with the thought that these were after all "D&D stories" if not traditional write-ups of D&D game sessions. Some of them have become rather difficult to find, as many were originally...
  10. R

    The Ecology of the Marine Scrag (unpublished AD&D 2E version)

    Hey, look what I found sitting on my computer: a rejected "Ecology" article I had submitted to Dragon Magazine back in the AD&D 2nd Edition days! This was a standalone story in the "fiction and footnote" format, detailing some observations of the marine scrag (sea-dwelling aquatic troll) as...
  11. R

    Dreams of Erthe

    The current 3.5 campaign I run as DM, "The Kordovian Adventurers Guild," has only one more session before we close it down. (We should be playing that session on 11 Jul 20.) The campaign before that, "Wing Three," ended with the PCs finding the pieces to a "universe seed," which would allow...
  12. R

    Raiders of the Overreach

    Last week, my gaming group finished up the 60-adventure "Durnhill Conscripts" campaign (Story Hour link) my son Logan had been running for the past two years. This past Wednesday, the gaming group got together and we had a session where all we did was create the PCs for our next campaign, which...
  13. R

    The Orville Season Two - Thoughts?

    Tonight was the premiere of the second season of "The Orville." What did everyone think? I thought it was pretty good. I was glad to see Alara return, as I had heard rumors that she wouldn't be back this season and I really like her character. I totally called the reason for Capt Mercer's...
  14. R

    The Poor Little Duckbunny Never Gets Any Love!

    I ran across a dual list of the most powerful and the weakest D&D monsters throughout the various editions, and - not to spoil anything, but it's not really that big of a surprise - the poor little duckbunny's being singled out again for his lack of combat prowess. Here's the link...
  15. R

    Thirteenth Doctor - First Season - Thoughts? (SPOILERS WELCOME)

    So, the first episode of the new season of Doctor Who was just simulcast around the globe. (If you missed it, BBC America's showing it multiple times for the rest of the day - I'm not sure about BBC.) In any case, what were your thoughts? (By the way, if you missed it in the thread title...
  16. R

    The Durnhill Conscripts

    My son Logan and I have decided to start up yet another campaign. We already have two active D&D campaigns going: "The Kordovian Adventurers Guild," which I DM (Story Hour link), and "The Adventures of Baabby and Sam (A Skylanders Campaign)," which Logan DMs (Story Hour link). The latter...
  17. R

    The Adventures of Baabby and Sam - a Skylanders Campaign

    This is going to be an altogether different campaign that anything I - or my son Logan, who will be DMing - have ever attempted. Some background: my wife's nephew, Harry, has lived with us since he was a mere two and a half months old. He's now 10 years old and in the 4th grade. I ran a...
  18. R

    Doctor Who 2016 Christmas Special (SPOILERS OKAY)

    So, did anybody see this, and what did you think? I thought it was an interesting take on the Superman-type superhero character - I was actually kind of surprised they played the superpowers rather straight, even if "The Ghost" gained his powers by swallowing a gem of solid handwavium. And the...
  19. R

    The Kordovian Adventurers Guild

    My gaming group had decided well over a year ago that when the Wing Three campaign (link: Wing Three Story Hour) was finished we'd start up a new one back at 1st level again. I even knew where I wanted to situate it: we'd be using the same campaign world as before (Greyhawk, as modified by my...
  20. R

    I Did Something I've Never Done Before in 38 Years of Gaming...

    ...I finished up a campaign I was DMing! Now, I've had campaigns I was DMing finish up on me before, either because they just sort of fizzled out or the players moved away or whatnot, but last weekend I ran the final planned adventure for the D&D 3.5 campaign I've been running for the past 9...