• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Reynard

    D&D General What is the Quintissential D&D Mascot Monster?

    EDIT FOR CLARITY: THE QUESTION IS NOT WHAT MONSTER(S) SHOULD BE ON THE COVER OF THE NEW MM. NOR IS IT A QUESTION BETWEEN RED DRAGON AND BEHOLDER. THOSE ARE JUST MY CHOICES. Inspired by folks discussing possible themes for the alt cover of the 2024 Monster Manual (but not limited to that). If...
  2. Reynard

    D&D 5E Thoughts on Divorcing D&D From [EDIT: Medievalishness], Mechanically Speaking.

    The reason this thread is under the 5E tag is that I want to talk about mechanics and figure using the current rules makes the most sense from that perspective. When I say "divorcing from medievalism" I mean building a D&D in a modern-ish assumed setting (not necessarily out Earth). Somewhere...
  3. Reynard

    Paizo What news from PaizoCon?

    I haven't seen any discussion, so I thought I would start a thread. What news came out of PaizoCon? I'm especially interested in Starfinder 2E.
  4. Reynard

    D&D 5E What Do You Not Like About The 2014 5E DMG?

    People mention how bad the 2014 DMG is (and then often reveal they have not actually read it) and I am curious why you, individually, don't like it. I am a fan. I think it does its job pretty well, and I refer to it regularly when running 5E. As a corollary, whatever your issues may be, what...
  5. Reynard

    D&D General Which Edition Had The Best Dragons?

    For D&D specifically, which edition do you think had the best dragons? Why? I myself love the 2E MM in general and the dragons (and giants!) in particular. The 1E dragons always felt small and anemic to me, and 2E really ramped them up into the threats they should be. 3.x dragons were also...
  6. Reynard

    D&D 5E What Level To Hunt A Great Wyrm?

    I want to run an adventure (something like 6 3 hour sessions) focused around the PCs hunting a Great Wyrm that has recently awakened in a remote land. The king of that land tries to kill it himself and is destroyed, and his queen and heir send out the call for heroes Beowulf style. The PCs are...
  7. Reynard

    Friday Fun: Game/Adventure/Setting Log Lines, Hollywood Style, Game

    The log line is a one sentence summary of a film script intended to convey its essence, often used as or in conjunction with the elevatore pitch. "Like [blank] meets [blank]" is a common style, but not totally necessary. So, let's play a game. Post a log line for a game, adventure, setting or...
  8. Reynard

    "I'm a [BLANK] kid!"

    EDIT: THERE ARE NO RULES!!!! It came up in another thread, so I thought it would be fun to do on its own. Define yourself generationally -- except you can't say you are GenX or even an "80s Kid" or whatever. You have to define yourself based on no more than 3 defining cartoons you watched in...
  9. Reynard

    How Do You Feel About Published Adventures as a GM?

    When I was a kid new to RPGs in 1985, having discovered the Basic Set and then the Expert set, the only premade adventures we ever used were the Basic dungeon, Threshold and environs, and The Isle of Dread. These were sufficient to teach us how to make our own adventures. For the most part, all...
  10. Reynard

    The Big Thread of Unsolicited Advice

    No one asked, but we are going to give you TTRPG gaming advice anyway. This thread is for information and advice you think it is important people here. it can be directed at players, GMs, companies or anyone else. It should be legitimate advice, intended to help people get and/or do better, or...
  11. Reynard

    D&D General When did you leave D&D? Why? For what game? And what brought you back?

    I feel like it is fairly common for folks to decide they are "done with D&D" at some point (or multiple points!) and to leave for other games. It is also fairly common IMO for those same people to eventually come back to D&D. So this thread is a place to talk about our experiences leaving D&D...
  12. Reynard

    Learning How To Use Roll20

    I have been using Fantasy grounds for years, and it is my preferred VTT for anything that needs maps and tokens. However, Dragonbane is not available on FG, and I happen to have DB for Roll20 witha extra cheap bundle from earlier this year. I am looking for recommendations for tutorials and/or...
  13. Reynard

    What makes something "classic feel with modern design"?

    I was thinking about this in relation to both Shadowdark and Dragonsbane, each of which identifies itself asa classic feel with a modern design. What does that mean to you? What elements of game design are modern, and what elements are "classic"? How much of the game needs to be "modernized"...
  14. Reynard

    Art Direction: Consistent or Varied?

    The alternate PHB 2024 cover thread got me thinking about consistency in art direction for RPGs. Specifically, that cover is really great, but very likely won't look like anything else in the book (whereas the regular cover probably will). That would disappoint me, if I bought the book online or...
  15. Reynard

    D&D General "Player Skill" versus DM Ingenuity as a playstyle.

    I was looking at Eldritch Wizardry in response to another thread, but this description caught my eye: The book you now hold in your hand represents new dimensions to an already fascinating game system. This is the third supplement to DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, and was produced as a result of an ever...
  16. Reynard

    No More Massive Tomes of Rules

    After sitting down and reading through the Dragonbane rulebook last night, I have realized that I just don't want to pour through 1000 pages of rules to run/play D&D anymore. Therer is no reason that 5E (or any other edition for that matter) can't be presented in a concise, complete, robust form...
  17. Reynard

    D&D (2024) Greyhawk Confirmed. Tell Me Why.

    From another thread: Emphasis mine So, I was very, very wrong. I was sure they would have created something new with appeal directed at GenZ players. Not the first time I have been wrong. Oh well. But, I am curious why. Why Greyhawk? I mean, sure, 50th anniversary, but is that all? What does...
  18. Reynard

    Tell Me About DC20

    I have recently seen an uptick in FB ads for an upcoming KS for DC20, which appears to be another 5E variant. As I understand it, this is a game by a well known blogger/youtuber, and Patrons have had access to the game's alpha state for a while. What is it? What interesting things does it do...
  19. Reynard

    The history of actual play as entertainment.

    I am very curious about the history of actual play of TTRPGs as a form of spectator entertainment. I think we all know about CR starting as a Pathfinder game and then moving online with 5E, but they were hardly the first. Who was the first? What was the first live play podcast? Were people live...
  20. Reynard

    D&D 5E I don’t really care what rules the players use.

    It occurred to me as I was trying to formulate a response to another thread that I, as GM, don't actually care which PHB -- or combination of PHBs -- my players care to use. Or PC facing supplements for that matter. If I run 5E, I am going to use a combination of rules from the various forms of...