• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. R

    Are TTRPGs Even a "Good" Hobby?

    Not going to lie, I'm going through a hobby crisis right now. I'm wondering if I should stick with it. I'm listing my problem areas, which I seem to face weekly (if not more frequently). Do your brains work like this? If so, how can you continue to enjoy this hobby? I. Players Are they...
  2. R

    Exception-Based Design?

    To spring-board off my "RPG Exhaustion" and "Character Creation App Dependency" threads, I'm thinking about something that adds to my frustration. The exception-based design present in games like D&D 4e, 13th Age, and Pathfinder 2e. Consider the following 1st-level fighter abilities - which are...
  3. R

    At My Most Burned-Out in 35 Years

    I feel almost too exhausted to write this post. Over two years of two weekly games in different systems with only the occasional missed session. Last weekend, I ran a bonus marathon session for around 8 hours (for different players in another system). This weekend, I ran a game for a drunken...
  4. R

    Dependency on Character Creation Apps?

    I am running for two groups who are 100% dependent on character creation apps. (I'm not saying that you cannot play the systems without the apps - just that they're both complicated enough that the character sheets are very hard to parse by people who do not live and breathe RPGs.) [If you're...
  5. R

    Removing "Friction" In-Game?

    What would be the effects of literally removing friction as a way physics behaves in your campaign world? A little background. We're running a very limited campaign that will last until the teenagers leave for college. Their last quest is to get the Book of Law. The megalomaniac ruler of the...
  6. R

    D&D General Bestest, Most Epic-est Short Adventure?

    Hey everybody. I've got a quick change of plans and not a lot of time to prep. I'm hosting and running a gaming weekend in a couple weeks for a group of old college pals. Typically, we do this annually, but it's becoming more difficult with each passing year. The original plan was I would run...
  7. R

    Brainstorming One-Shot WEG Star Wars: Spaceballs

    I've been asked to run a game for a "May the Fourth" Star Wars Party. The host (who is relatively new to TTRPGs) commented "if only there was a Star Wars version of D&D..." I snatched up a few different systems in my game room: Star Wars d20, Star Wars Saga, Fantasy Flight Star Wars, Starfinder...
  8. R

    How Do You Decide What RPGs to Buy?

    I'm (again) looking through Symbaroum tonight. I picked up a set of 4 hardcovers on a Black Friday sale on an impulse, and the regret is real. (Along with the One Ring purchased on the same day - bad luck. But I normally love Free League's products.) In the core book, we have like 70 pages of...
  9. R

    Do TTRPGs Need to "Modernize?"

    I stumbled across a YouTube video about the improvement of the modern style of boardgames vs. traditional board games. He gives examples of why games like Resistance are better than Werewolf, and Pandemic is better than Clue. And it is making me think about how to apply this thought to TTRPGs...
  10. R

    How Quickly Do You Bounce Off a System?

    “Progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turn, then to go forward does not get you any nearer. If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is...
  11. R

    How Do You Maintain Campaign Interest During Long Breaks?

    My groups are experiencing some irregular scheduling during the holidays. One group (formerly weekly) hasn't been able to play two back-to-back sessions since October - due to family emergencies, holidays, etc. When we do go back, we have to catch up with notes, try to get a feel of what's going...
  12. R

    D&D 5E Active Perception Check: 5e and Me

    First, I’m starting off this thread with what might seem like a blog post. ENWorld might not be the best place for it. If it’s inappropriate for me to write this here, then I hope it will drift like a Feather Fall to the bottom of the threads. Maybe someone will “necro” it in a decade for a good...
  13. R

    Holler (SWADE) Post-Mortem

    As is my tradition, each time a game ends, I try to learn from it. This time I'm looking at the brief (7 session) plot point campaign into Holler: An Appalachian Apocalypse for Savage Worlds Adventurers Edition (SWADE). A Brief History of Me and Savage Worlds When Savage Worlds was released as...
  14. R

    D&D 5E No One Plays High Level?

    The DM's Lair posted this video recently ... In it, he discusses reasons why few people play High-Level 5e D&D. I've been DMing for 30 years (starting in 2nd edition AD&D), and I can say that the highest level reached in any of my campaigns was around 12. My wife, who discovered the game...
  15. R

    D&D 5E Best "Late Stage" 5e-Compatible Products?

    Let's assume that someone isn't planning on a) purchasing the official 2024 WotC books; and b) doesn't want to go all-in on something like Tales of the Valiant. Where we stand right now, with what has been released, what are considered some of the best 5e-compatible products? Maybe it's a...
  16. R

    D&D 4E Gamma World (7E) Post-Mortem

    As is my tradition, each time a game ends, I try to learn from it. This will be about my most recent trip into the radioactive (now) retro Gamma World 7e – based off the system for 4E D&D. I ran the adventure that came in the Core Rules Boxed Set, but spoilers will be kept to a minimum. A Brief...
  17. R

    D&D 5E Not Again! Retreater Needs to Balance 5e for 7 Players

    My wife's friends are coming to play D&D this Friday, and the number of players are growing. Keep in mind: There are 7 players - only one of whom I'd describe as "experienced." The remainder are casual players who've played around 5 times. Or never at all. They're likely going to be drinking...
  18. R

    Still Searching for "That" System

    As I posted in another thread (https://www.enworld.org/threads/what-game-systems-do-you-have.699515/), I have close to 60 different game systems. I'm still looking for a system that will fit the unique needs of my group. Can you help find my Goldilocks system? Survivable – you’re not going to...
  19. R

    What Game Systems Do You Have?

    I'm maintaining a list of different systems I have - partly to discourage me from buying more (Yeah, right!) and partly to know what I have available as options. I'm keeping this organized by listing the same game in the same line (since 1st edition AD&D and OSRIC are pretty much the same) and...
  20. R

    D&D 4E Making 4E "Survivable and Fun" for New Players

    In actuality, we're playing Gamma World 7E, but it's based off D&D 4E, so I think tips for either system will be pertinent. Our first session was a "0.5" - we rolled up random characters and had two combat encounters. The players, mostly all new to 4E/Gamma World (and basically anything NOT...