• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. the Jester

    D&D General (SPOILERS for Vecna: Eve of Ruin) Are My Standards Too High for Adventures?

    So I have been reading Vecna: Eve of Ruin, and it has made me wonder whether my standards are too high, or whether it (and other 5e adventures) just really has major fundamental flaws. So specifically for Eve of Ruin, I have a number of issues with it. Do these bug other people, or am I just...
  2. the Jester

    D&D General Danger at Dunwater Question (1e version vs. 5e version)

    Hey, can anyone who has the 1e version of U2 and Ghosts of Saltmarsh tell me if how the treasure values compare between the two versions? I have GoS but haven't had U2 for a million years. Thanks in advance!
  3. the Jester

    D&D 5E Help Me Plan an Adventure Path!

    Hey guys, I am running a group that is basically playing a variety of canned adventures that I am converting to 5e. I would love suggestions for future adventures to use from any edition. The pcs have played and/or are playing the following: (level 1) the Whispering Cairn (Dungeon Mag) (level...
  4. the Jester

    D&D General Jerren Halfling Lore?

    The jerren are an evil halfling subrace from the 3e Book of Vile Darkness. Have they ever been developed further? Is there any lore for them outside of the BoVD?
  5. the Jester

    D&D General From Another Edition

    I love pulling resources from old editions- monsters, spells, adventures, etc. I convert old kits from the 2e brown books into subclasses; I update old feats; etc. What are some old edition things you brought into your game (or for that matter, for those playing older editions, what are some new...
  6. the Jester

    D&D General Is There Any Real Existing Lore for Dromites (3.5e Expanded Psionics Handbook)?

    Hey guys! The dromite is a race in the 3.5e XPH, basically a little humanoid insect dude that is genderless except for their Grand Queen and Elected Consort. They live in hives underground and form life bonds that kinda-sorta resemble human families. Has there ever been an adventure that...
  7. the Jester

    D&D 5E Boon Ideas for a God of Maintaining Cultural Norms and Resistance to Change

    So yeah, as the title says- there is a chance a pc in my game will receive a boon from a deity whose portfolio involves maintaining cultural norms and resistance to change. I have some ideas, but they aren't that closely tied to the portfolio. For context, a rough equivalent from a god of...
  8. the Jester

    D&D (2024) Things You Think Would Improve the Game That We WON'T See

    What are some changes to the game that you think would improve it that we WON'T see in the new 2024 releases? And why won't we see them? I'll start with a couple of things. In general, I think that one of my personal complaints about the upcoming revision is "power creep is creepin'". We've...
  9. the Jester

    D&D (2024) Any Word on the Next Playtest?

    Has there been any word on when the next playtest packet will be out? Has it been derailed by the recent raft of personnel being fired/laid off? Anyone have any info?
  10. the Jester

    D&D General D&D Trivial Pursuit

    I got to play D&D Trivial Pursuit on New Year's Eve. The other players were other decades-long, deep-lore-loving D&D geeks. That game is MUCH HARDER than I expected. Much harder. The questions range from easy ("what iconic monster fills a 10' x 10' x 10' space") to absurdly difficult- I think...
  11. the Jester

    Exotic Fruit

    I tried my first tejocote yesterday! I'm a fan of weird fruit- weird being relative to what you're used to, of course- and have been on a quest to try as many different types as I can for the last few years, inspired by a Youtuber called Weird Fruit Explorer. My girlfriend and I went on a road...
  12. the Jester

    D&D General Is there a word for "rule by the bearded"?

    The 1e DMG is famous for including a list of government types, including introducing the word "Magocracy". But it lacks a term for "rule by the bearded, or by the person with the biggest beard". Is there such a term? I doubt it. There should be. What would it be?
  13. the Jester

    D&D 5E Is 5e Planescape leaning into alignment?

    In the Guide to Planescape Monsters video from WotC, they talk about demons being made of Chaotic Evil, and it made me wonder: Is 5e PS where the game finally leans in to alignment? Can anyone who has read or seen it comment?
  14. the Jester

    D&D 5E Bringing 2e Gamma World PCs into 5e D&D

    So in the near (?) future, I'm going to be running a crossover game where a 5e party enters the 2e Gamma World setting, has an adventure, then eventually returns to my 5e setting with some GW pcs in tow. I want to work out a way to convert those GW pcs to a level, which they don't really have...
  15. the Jester

    D&D (2024) Druid metal armor restriction gone?

    It doesn't seem to be in the playtest. What do you guys think about this? I'm guessing the majority will appreciate this.
  16. the Jester

    D&D General One of my favorite RP moments ever last night

    All right, so I have to set this up a little bit. So one of the groups I run is in the middle of doing a series of quests for the King of Birds- basically, the Animal Lord of birds. It manifests through other birds, speaking through their mouths, etc. This quest has involved a number of very...
  17. the Jester

    D&D 5E An interesting mechanic for some spells

    What do you think about the idea of a spell that lets you recharge a lower level slot as well as producing some effect? For example: Verse of Triumph 2nd-level enchantment (bard, cleric) Casting Time: 1 bonus action Range: Self Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You...
  18. the Jester

    D&D General Cool Fey Scenarios

    I ran what I consider to be a really cool fey scenario last night, or at least the first half of one, and wanted to share. The set up is that the pcs were hired to find some missing people. The person doing the hiring had told the pcs that he thought that his son was kidnapped by a circus. A...
  19. the Jester

    D&D (2024) Leaning In To Short Rests

    All right, so it's pretty clear that the designers are currently leaning away from short rests, in large part because many groups don't use them as intended. This is a problem when some classes rely on them to keep up with those that recharge everything on a long rest; I'm sure most of us are...
  20. the Jester

    D&D 5E That was CLOSE!

    So I was playing my paladin 5/wizard 1, Alaxis, last night. He's a glass cannon, with a Con of 10 and only 42 hp at maximum. We'd seen some enemies coming; I had cast Aid on myself and two of our allies before things went down. We ended up in a nasty fight with some S3-style robots. I was down...