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  1. C

    I wrote a book!

    So, I'm terrible at marketing, and I am not a fan of shameless plugs. I wrote a fantasy novel called "The Call of Chaos" and it is currently up on Amazon for preorders (the release date is November 9th). This has been a goal of mine for a long time and I am very proud of what I have created...
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    Map Making Advice Needed

    So, I wrote a book. Actually, two books, and the third has been started. I am almost ready to publish the first book but I have one thing standing in the way--a map of the realm. I am truly not an artist and cannot draw to save my life, so I am throwing this out there for advice. What software...
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    Midwest Geekfest: April 20th

    I'm part of a group that is organizing a local con of sorts. We're basically aiming to celebrate all things geek. On April 20th, we are hosting Midwest Geekfest. We are celebrating the following: Board games (bring your own or check out from the library) RPGs Comics Video games and tournaments...
  4. C

    In-game achievements/badges

    So last night I finally got my group together to do some D&D Next playtesting. Fun was had by all. Because our group does not always take everything seriously, we got into some silly shenanigans. During that time, I threw out a couple of badges. I announced "Achievement Unlocked!" and gave 10...
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    EZ Dungeons

    For anyone who's interested about the EZ Dungeons products from Fat Dragon Games, I used them in my game last night. I don't intend to use them for every encounter and definitely don't intend to use them during exploration, but for the massive battle I had created, the walls etc. worked very...
  6. C

    Epic, Anyone?

    Was just wondering if anyone planned on running an epic D&D adventure of any sort. I'd like to play in one, though I don't know if I have the time to run one myself. --CT
  7. C

    D20 Sh*t Shirt?

    I had no idea where to post this but hopefully there is a quick answer. I wanted to know if the shirt with the d20 that rolled a 1 and simply said Sh*t was still around. I was thinking about getting one (finally) and can't find any references to it.--I don't even know who produced it and if...
  8. C

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.5 Dwarves Best Race?

    Does anyone else see the 3.5 dwarf being the most powerful core player race? I used to think elves had the most advantages but it seems like dwarves might surpass them. They'll get everything they get now plus a base speed of 30, weapon familiarity and the stability bonus. There really won't...
  9. C

    Suffocating A Pit Fiend

    Let's say you have a party of adventurers. Said party encounters a pit fiend (grrrr, arrgh!). But none of the party members has any way to make a weapon blessed or holy (uh-oh!). So they go to town, hacking on the pit fiend until he's knocked unconscious from subdual damage (zzzzz...). Could...
  10. C

    Dice Rollers

    Anyone using any good PC dice rollers? I was using Dice Roll Deluxe but can no longer find where I actually downloaded it. Are there any better ones out there? Thanks. --CT
  11. C

    Death From Massive Damage?

    A friend and I have never played with the "Death From Massive Damage" rule. Why not? We always thought it was a variant rule because the only place we could find rules for it was in the DMG and that addressed a variant rule for larger-size creatures (there might be somewhere else besides the SRD...
  12. C

    Anyone *still* not gotten Dragon yet?

    I still have not yet received Dragon in the mail yet. I have a friend who has also not received his and another friend who *has* gotten it. What's the deal? Anyone else having this problem? Is there any way for me to complain to Paizo? I've checked their website and WotC's website but there is...
  13. C

    Concentration and Tumble Checks?

    My players and I all feel that Concentration and Tumble checks as written in the D&D rules are, well, too easy to make. I know there are variants out there and we're trying to incorporate them but we haven't been able to really find a suitable substitute that is fair. Specifically: Tumble...
  14. C

    How to Handle a "Character Switcher"?

    I'll see if I can make this short. During my last session, the party went up against two beholders. One of the players was hit by a ray of disintegrate and rolled a 1, so he died...so did his cloak of the firebath. At this point he starts talking about what he'll do for his next character. Now...
  15. C

    Quick Question About Spells Like "Darkness"

    The spell Darkness gives a "20-foot radius" as the area. Does this mean 20 feet up and down as well? This is kind of an inane question and probably has an obvious answer but it doesn't actually give an area or say it's a spread, emanation etc. And if it doesn't go 20 feet up and down also, how...
  16. C

    Stupid Monetary Constraints

    So I've been ready to go to GenCon ever since I bought my nice little badge. When it arrived I was even more pumped. But, a couple of weeks ago, I simply realized that, while I *can* afford it, I really shouldn't be going (got some big expenses coming up, one of which will be ongoing for quite a...
  17. C

    I'm still confused (epic & spells)

    Alright, I really need guidance. The Loremaster's progression in the ELH states that it doesn't continue to gain spells once it becomes an epic class. The assassin and the blackguard are the same way. So is the only way to gain a normal spell progression after you are epic level (assuming...
  18. C

    Does my character get spells?

    Let's say I've got the following: A 15th level character who is going to finish off his prestige class at 20th level. His prestige class grants spells at every level and is a 10-level class. He will be a 12th-level caster total (2 levels of sorcerer and 10 levels of Prestige Class). If he...
  19. C

    Rule for Waking Up?

    Just need a quick spot of help. I could've sworn that I saw official rules somewhere for trying to wake up while sleeping using a Listen check. Although, more and more, it seems like I'm making that up because I can't find them again. Are there any official rules for trying to awaken? I know...
  20. C

    Quick Q: Abilities on the Defensive?

    I'm pretty sure this has been covered before but I couldn't find it anywhere. Can you use spell-like and supernatural abilities on the defensive? I know, if hit while using one, you make a concentration check but can you actually use them on the defensive? Does combat casting help this? --CT