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Recent content by TwoSix

  1. TwoSix

    Spoilers Star Wars: The Acolyte [Spoilers]

    Casting Carrie-Anne Moss just to kill her in the first scene was a nice surprise, but they would get more bang from their casting buck if they have her pop up as the secret puppet master in the last episode or two.
  2. TwoSix

    Pathfinder 2E I think I am giving up on PF2ER

    I mean, you CAN do that, but you have to be extremely comfortable with fast and VERY loose NPC improv while maintaining a veneer of officialness. That's how I ran high level 3.5 and PF1 with virtually no prep.
  3. TwoSix

    Pathfinder 2E I think I am giving up on PF2ER

    I feel you, man. I feel like my desired system right now would be something like a cleaned up B/X, but with 25 classes, AD&D multiclassing, and prestige classes. Tons of options, but the options are self-contained to just that character and the actual implementation of the options is...
  4. TwoSix

    Why is the Gish so popular with players?

    Multiple online sources I checked on agreed that the Steel Defender could activate a Spell Storing Item as its action, which I would activate with my character's bonus action. I would have loved an artificer that essentially had to prepare all of its spells as magic items ahead of time.
  5. TwoSix

    Why is the Gish so popular with players?

    My artificer just hit 11th level, and I’m super excited to turn my steel panther into a full time Vortex Warper via Spell Storing Item.
  6. TwoSix

    Why is the Gish so popular with players?

    Yea, that's the funny thing about the Bladesinger. It's definitely the best gish in official 5e if you play it as a gish, but it's still a good enough wizard to serve as a reminder that being a strong wizard is generally more valuable than being a good melee fighter. Battlesmith Artificer is...
  7. TwoSix

    Why is the Gish so popular with players?

    Laserllama's Magus is really good, although my preference is Kibblestasty's Spellblade. https://www.kthomebrew.com/s/Spellblade-v11.pdf
  8. TwoSix

    Spoilers Star Wars: The Acolyte [Spoilers]

    The Jedi story that they died by fire is obviously false, so the episode is strongly implying that they were killed by the Jedi. Torbin's willingness to drink poison after 10 years of isolation is also indicating a strong amount of guilt. That means there's probably another underlying cause...
  9. TwoSix

    Civilizations, RANKED!

    I didn't get into the series until Civ V, and I enjoy both V and VI, although I'd give the edge to VI. Playing on a square grid just seems weird to me. I prefer Crusader Kings III as far as strategy games go, though.
  10. TwoSix

    OSR This tells me OSR is alive and well.

    "This show has completely failed to fill me with childlike wonder! The fact that I'm 42 has nothing to do with it!"
  11. TwoSix

    D&D 5E Advanced D&D or "what to minimally fix in 5E?"

    I'd say that one of the side benefits of 5e's relative light mechanical release schedule is that it takes minimal to no investment to stay "in" 5e. I'm actively pushing a few non-5e games for a few of my tables, but I'm still plenty involved with 5e, even if I haven't made a lot of purchases...
  12. TwoSix

    OSR This tells me OSR is alive and well.

    No, but I have a pretty high tolerance (preference?) for silliness. It was pretty obvious from the get-go that the books weren't going to be about deep, coherent worldbuilding. Stuff like the Mirror of Erised is meant to make 10 year olds happy when they figure it out.
  13. TwoSix

    Why is the Gish so popular with players?

    That's more a limitation of the system. People will still try to make characters like Batman, even though any attempt will be (at best) a crude facsimile of Batman.
  14. TwoSix

    OSR This tells me OSR is alive and well.

    Two rogue sisters? Man, Stacy's mom has got it going on.
  15. TwoSix

    What are you reading in 2024?

    Yea, that could definitely be true; most of the web serials I've read have been in the progression fantasy genre (Wildbow's stuff like Worm and Pact would be the exceptions.) I'm trying to think of progression fantasy that has distinct, discrete sub-arcs, or is just shorter and tells one big...