• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by TheBanjoNerd

  1. TheBanjoNerd

    RPG Crowdfunding News - 13th Age, The Sassoon Files, At The Gates, and more

    I might end up backing WWII B/X, if for no other reason than a WWII B/X hack seems so oddly peculiar to me.
  2. TheBanjoNerd

    Edge Studios Announces Details for Arkham Horror RPG

    It seems they cribbed the "Hits on 2+" system from Warhammer, which requires rolling a handful of d6's, so I guess I can see why they went that route.
  3. TheBanjoNerd

    Board Game Arkham Horror Getting an RPG from Edge Studio

    The Edge of the Empire takes place during the galactic civil war, the Mandalorian takes place in the aftermath of the battle of Endor and the Empire's partial collapse. That time period in SW is ripe for expansion. Given that there hasn't been much* produced during the post-Empire era, it makes...
  4. TheBanjoNerd

    Board Game Arkham Horror Getting an RPG from Edge Studio

    Oh how naïve I was when I thought that Free League's version of LOTR 5e would bring down the price of Cubicle 7's Adventures in Middle Earth on the secondary market. That's a collection of books that will most likely stay incomplete for me.
  5. TheBanjoNerd

    Board Game Arkham Horror Getting an RPG from Edge Studio

    To that end, I was a big fan of the Star Wars system FFG produced and one of the great tragedies of the FFG Star Wars RPG is that we never got sourcebooks for the sequel trilogy or any of the Disney+ series. Given how popular the Mandalorian was at it's premier, I thought for sure a tie-in...
  6. TheBanjoNerd

    Colonial Gothic: An Interview with Richard G. Iorio

    As someone whose interest in US history lies more during the time of our Civil War, does a game or setting exist that's similar to Colonial Gothic in that time period? (I've tried the Savage Worlds flavor of Deadlands, and didn't care too much for it.) The secret societies and occult against the...
  7. TheBanjoNerd

    D&D 5E Vecna: Eve of Ruin Coming May 21st!

    Why make one disappointing gazetteer when you can make seven? Snark aside, they haven't published anything for Greyhawk (in this current edition) and I can't see just their typical "mini-gazetteer in the beginning of the book" being adequate. Dragonlance fans weren't happy with how much War of...
  8. TheBanjoNerd

    D&D (2024) Take A Closer Look At The 2024 Dungeon Master’s Guide

    Chapter 8 turns out to be a re-print of the Gygax75 document
  9. TheBanjoNerd

    D&D (2024) One D&D Permanently Removes The Term 'Race'

    They could use "Kin" to replace "race" and still refer to "humankind" or "elfkind". Matter of fact, I think I just stumbled on to how I'll be referring to characters from now on.
  10. TheBanjoNerd

    D&D 5E Free League's Lord of the Rings RPG Comes To 5E

    I don't see why they wouldn't be somehow compatible. They're both 5e OGL derivatives.
  11. TheBanjoNerd

    D&D 5E Free League's Lord of the Rings RPG Comes To 5E

    I backed the kickstarter for Fria Ligan's The One Ring rpg, and the quality of the books and art was staggering. Having been a big fan of Cubicle 7's Adventures in Middle Earth, I will be eagerly awaiting these books. I'm also hoping that the release of these books will help cool off the prices...
  12. TheBanjoNerd

    D&D 5E D&D New Edition Design Looks Soon?

    Given that their new monster design skews very closely to 4e's design, and that I'm an unashamed 4e fan, I would love to see this happen.
  13. TheBanjoNerd

    Free RPG Day 2022 – The Offerings

    Admittedly, I haven't checked up on news about it in a while, but it seems like desecrating a corpse for Oni Press to produce Free RPG Day content for Rolled & Told after unceremoniously cancelling it a couple years ago. I admit my reaction is a bit strong because I really liked R&T and was...
  14. TheBanjoNerd

    Campaign Master: Finish Existing Campaigns

    Can anyone offer advice on how to aim to wrap up a campaign in a set number of sessions?