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Recent content by TDENMARK


    D&D (2024) New D&D Edition's Player’s Handbook Cover Reveal

    Gosh the 3.0/3.5 coves were just awful. Even though I generally like that edition, the covers blew. I actually quite like the new PHB cover. Tyler Jacobson is an amazing artist and did a great job. Think of how many hoops they made him jump through and how much over art direction he must have...

    D&D General Dungeoneering Maps

    Every era has a harbinger that represents the Spirit of the Age. At the end of the reign of the Eldritch Lords the darkest Harbinger, named Hyjel arrived who represented pestilence. Hyjel, whose name means cancerous rot in the foul tongue of demons, built a sinister spire that spread cancer...

    D&D General Dungeoneering Maps

    yikes! so many. I could write a book. It all boils down to keeping the players from skipping all the good stuff you put on various levels of the tower.

    D&D General Dungeoneering Maps

    I've got quite a few I've drawn, I really enjoy them. Have you tried running a tower adventure? I find there are certain challenges in a world where magic can make people fly.

    D&D General Dungeoneering Maps

    Tower of the Amaranthine Wizard Tobias Ealdwil, known as the Amaranthine Wizard delved too deeply into eldritch lore, his mind became consumed with psychotic thought and he fell into a bizarre nightmare. His apprentice was eaten alive by an alien monstrosity summoned from the unknown depths of...

    D&D General Dungeoneering Maps

    link to full rez version

    D&D General Dungeoneering Maps

    Here is the Tower of Xthar'Drim drawn in isometric. Looking at the flat top down maps wasn't entirely clear on how they interconnected, even with the aid of the sideview. This should help. link to full rez version

    D&D General Dungeoneering Maps

    2/2 link

    D&D General Dungeoneering Maps

    Tower of Xthar'Drim A Sword & Planet adventure for Warriors of the Red Planet. Xthar'Drim was a rogue Jedak who defied orders and broke away from Helium to form his own city state. He took the tallest tower in the ruins of an ancient city whose name is long forgotten, but is called Kith Drangor...

    D&D General Dungeoneering Maps

    Rift of the Elemental Lord A rift to the elemental plane of ice has opened nearby that leads to an Elemental Lord's abode. link

    D&D General Dungeoneering Maps

    A tomb for a long forgotten god-king was hewn out of solid rock. Is it filled with treasure? Or death? Most likely both. link to full rez version

    D&D General Dungeoneering Maps

    An attempt to make a symmetrical dungeon: vertical and horizontal. This was originally designed for a Sword & Planet adventure for Warriors of the Red Planet. I'm still working on the encounter key, but here is the map. The idea is a remnant of an ancient civilization live in the ruins of their...

    D&D General Dungeoneering Maps

    Bookmark Dungeon I've made a lot of these over the years. I like to use them as bookmarks in a Monster Manual, I populate them with monsters in the same spread so I don't have to flip around during the game. Great for one shots and short adventures. Doors are left as blank open doors so you can...

    D&D General Dungeoneering Maps

    Deth Daekas was the student of an Eldritch Lord, but he never achieved the level of proficiency as his master. So he sought other methods to increase his power by finding and modifying artifacts. He passed before completing his work, his tower is said to be filled with unique magic items of...

    D&D General Dungeoneering Maps

    The Einfaldur dungeon is a maze of corridors under the city, some of which have been abandoned and are now home to rats and other vermin. The adventurers must make their way through this labyrinth, avoiding or confronting both guards and criminals, to find and rescue a captive ally. link to...