• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Nebulous

  1. Nebulous

    Roll20 Purchases Demiplane

    oh, you saw that. Yeah, it looks quite good from what I've seen. Roll20 is really trying to up their game. I know a lot of people hate it, but I have personally had very few problems the past 4 years. If not for Roll20, the pandemic would have ended my gaming for years.
  2. Nebulous

    Roll20 Purchases Demiplane

    They're currently about to roll out the Alpha I think for their revised 5e sheet. It's going to be compatible for DnD 2024.
  3. Nebulous

    D&D 5E New Monster Manual Cover

    I like the cover.
  4. Nebulous

    D&D 5E Advanced D&D or "what to minimally fix in 5E?"

    I will add, the Concentration mechanic for bad guys is so terrible, they get about a round of spells before it's cancelled. I honestly miss the 3rd edition Skill where you can get better at focusing through pain and distraction. In fact, I think the entire skill system in 5e needs an overhaul...
  5. Nebulous

    A Preview of The Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons: 1970-1977

    This is absolutely 100% not something I need, but it is unfortunately a solid 110% something I want.
  6. Nebulous

    D&D General The 13th Age 2nd Edition Kickstarter Has Launched

    I had the 1st edition but never played. It looked good. I might give this one a serious look as an alternative to 5e.
  7. Nebulous

    D&D General Why does WotC/Wizkids wait 6 months for tie in minis?

    Not everyone interested in Planescape is going to run in the first 6 months it is released. People will still be running it in 6 years, long after the set is out.
  8. Nebulous

    D&D 5E Spelljammer 5e Campaign Recaps

    SJ Session #17 https://app.box.com/s/9cdj2pf6aqndipls41ohqni51tafwkl1
  9. Nebulous

    D&D 5E Spelljammer 5e Campaign Recaps

    SJ Session #16 https://app.box.com/s/hglgp2bhtf1fn25rt2y99y41gbpinfb3
  10. Nebulous

    RPG Evolution: The AI DM in Action

    I don't see how current AI can replace a human DM. We aren't there yet technologically. The AI can't account for random things the player says or does, especially the more "outside the box" ideas someone might come up with, or a long string of rambling roleplaying it would react to. As an...
  11. Nebulous

    D&D 5E Spelljammer 5e Campaign Recaps

    SJ Session #15 https://app.box.com/s/guos38d3hr1vycmxxbum2zc3tz20aldq
  12. Nebulous

    3PP Release New 3PP Release: Paradigms of Skill: Expanded Skill Criticals

    Oh, these are neat. I'm not using Level Up as a whole, but I cannibalized parts of it, including the skill crits.
  13. Nebulous

    Trailer Alien: Romulus | Teaser Trailer

    Looks good!! But trailers are notoriously deceptive. However, Fede did the Evil Dead remake, which is a balls to the wall violent horror film, and Don't Breathe is excellent too, so I do have some hope.
  14. Nebulous

    D&D 5E Where Does The Multiversal Vecna: Eve of Ruin Visit?

    yeah, I defaulted back to the phlogiston and spheres and kept the 3e astral plane intact.
  15. Nebulous

    D&D 5E Spelljammer 5e Campaign Recaps

    SJ Session #14 https://app.box.com/s/jp07a4bcmh1pz8tytxaz2cxdzojautna