• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by MazzelDazzle

  1. M

    Things from my setting

    I wait with bated breath! I know it's close! :)
  2. M

    Ideas, Questions, Mechanics and Discussions

    As soon as heavenly possible please and thank you :)
  3. M

    Rules Questions

    I'd restrict it to a narrative-based chain explosion of raging, expending and flaring up once again. It's the kind of contradiction that would tear even a lesser immortal apart. You go into improbable hyper rage but after the encounter is over, you'll be left with the consequences of digging so...
  4. M

    Current campaign setting

    Take your time! The content is always worth it <3
  5. M

    Current campaign setting

    Woohoo! Can't wait to see him.
  6. M

    Current campaign setting

    Ahhh! The return of Kiss Me! I've wondered about her ever since I saw her as the patron of Lord Capricus what feels like way back when but really, has only been a few years 😆
  7. M

    Current campaign setting

    Excellent! <3 Eagerly awaiting.
  8. M

    Immortals Handbook website back up

    I second this. At the risk of delaying all other projects, conversation materials seems like a must-have on the site! I love the supplemental stuff. I still read the old materials very frequently!
  9. M

    Epic Dragons in the New Immortal's Handbook

    Until it's confirmed, I'm going to say this too. Just because I don't want to wait for reality xD
  10. M

    Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.

    Love me some Good-aligned Undead! ^u^
  11. M

    Insanely high powered entities from my storyline/ Gods and Monsters update

    Sharing positive energy with a bump! I love your work and can't wait to see the other aspects!
  12. M

    How did YOU become an Immortal?

    I'm beyond impressed and I had no idea Thor was even in planning in 2006. Shows what I know!
  13. M

    Issue with Immortality through Spellcasting

    I'm stupid and not rules savvy but I REALLY like this means of keeping ascending through the ranks costly in a monetary sense but also an emotional one. It should never be "easy" to rise tier by tier. Even if the actual price lessens in scope as you get higher and ever, everyone has something...
  14. M

    How did YOU become an Immortal?

    That seems like the play. Not dying definitely helps. Or having plenty of access to resurrection! (if the world allows) — Try try again until you pass the test and ascend.
  15. M

    How did YOU become an Immortal?

    Holy hells, I could listen forever about the adventures of Thrin! One of my favorite readings is the IH website where you go over his origins, stats and so on as well as your thoughts on a Thor film series YEARS before the MCU was even a twinkle in anyone's eye. I also distinctly remember you...