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Recent content by Lanefan

  1. Lanefan

    D&D General How Do You Handle Falling Damage?

    In either case, for falls of over 1000 feet you're still taking what should be 1-in-[a huge number] odds of survival and turning it into 1-in-20 (in your system shock system) or even better in your inspiration-death-saves system (players would hoard inspiration to cover against just this, and...
  2. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    I so have to use that as a theme song for a character someday...provided someone else doesn't beat me to it. :)
  3. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    Not that anyone's ever tried exploiting age modifiers here that I know of, but the easiest way to beat said exploits is to have starting age be randomly rolled within a range of about 17-30 years old (Human equivalent). For starting Human age we use 2d8+15, on top of which goes your class...
  4. Lanefan

    D&D General What is the Quintissential D&D Mascot Monster?

    As with the first 1e MM, there should be a few monsters on the cover rather than just one (it's a compendium, after all); and those could include any of Beholder, Dragon, Owlbear, Troll, Unicorn, Umber Hulk, and-or similar distinctive critters.
  5. Lanefan

    D&D General Need Magic Longbow Ideas

    Confused: when you say "When the damage dice of the Living Bow doubles..." are you referring to when a crit doubles the damage dice or when the two dice for normal damage each show the same number (as in two 3s, two 5s, etc.)? Soem clarity might be handy here. :)
  6. Lanefan

    D&D General Ignoring the rules!

    :( And yet if it's what the players decide to have their characters do, what choice do you have? (when this happens, if I don't have time to run two games a week I ask which sub-party they want to play first, run that to the conclusion of that adventure, then put that group on hold and run the...
  7. Lanefan

    D&D General Need Magic Longbow Ideas

    I was also thinking "self-loading", as in the bow provides its own ammunition. And that could tie in to the leaves too: each "leaf" is an arrow. The bow grows new leaves each night such that each morning it has 20 (or whatever set number you like), then each time you draw the bow a leaf turns...
  8. Lanefan

    D&D General Ignoring the rules!

    IMO that's the way to do it: unless the party is on such a tight timeline that there's no time to do anything beyond get in, get it done, and get out, why not explore the place fully given that you're already there anyway? My lot would probably try to find a way to do both via splitting the...
  9. Lanefan

    D&D General Ignoring the rules!

    The biggest difference IMO is that xp can be awarded to individual characters, as in "you get 100 xp for that encounter while you get 50 xp for keeping watch and you don't get any because you weren't there" and thus characters advance at different rates (which makes it much easier to reward...
  10. Lanefan

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Not necessarily. If there's a cart right next to where I park when I get there, it saves me having to walk over to the corral to get one.
  11. Lanefan

    Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?

    Pizza? What's pizza got to do with anything? Here I was, going by the thread title, expecting to see a reasoned discussion of the pineapple express, a well-known north-west coast (of North America) fall and winter weather pattern. Bah! So disappointed. :)
  12. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    So the game should have no left-handed characters?
  13. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Seriously contemplating an attempt at a retro AD&D

    Yes. And in any case (and in either method) the rolls can be rearranged. Thus, if I'm after a Cleric but my rolls in order are 12-14-12-10-11-18 I can put the 18 in Wisdom. With his method, the only difference is that instead of being locked in to 5d6drop2 for each roll, I can (and have to)...
  14. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    We have it that Darkness works this way, as the Darkness "originates" from everywhere in the area of effect. Light, however, originates from a single source at the effect's centre, and behaves like ordinary light from there.
  15. Lanefan

    D&D 1E Favorite Obscure Rules from TSR-era D&D

    That one makes perfect sense to me: for most abilities, most of the time, you don't and wouldn't know whether you failed due to bad luck, or because of unknown factors, or because what you're trying to do is simply beyond you. I'll narrate the result as it would look-sound to the character but...