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Recent content by kronovan

  1. kronovan

    SmiteWorks Hires D&D Beyond Founder as Chief Development Officer of Fantasy Grounds

    Glad to hear SmitheWorks will be taking that approach. I'm of an age for whom computer-based training didn't even exist in college classrooms. Despite having been a software trainer that even created CBT tutorials, I still learn more quickly and effectively from written content. It's the...
  2. kronovan

    D&D 4E D&D 4e Help me with my CBLoader

    Many thanks for the replies Garthanos and D'Karr. I'll read those instructions.
  3. kronovan

    D&D 4E D&D 4e Help me with my CBLoader

    I installed the Builder a few years ago and it still runs without a hitch, but I do recall it being a pain to install. That said, it's very slow on initial start up. My Memory is a bit foggy, but I remember having to downlaod many files and run many EXEs - believe they were dowloaders and...
  4. kronovan

    What is the most evocative art you've seen in a TTRPG?

    I'll ditto Cubicle 7's art in TOR 1e as being top quality and evocative. I found their art in Adventures in Middle Earth to equal it. The art in Ulissee Spiele's Dark Eye publications has compelled me to continue my quest to find an IRL or vitual table to play at, or find that ever elusive...
  5. kronovan

    Mike Mearls joins Chaosium as Executive Producer

    I'm aware of the controversy, but don't care to discuss or expand upon it either. With him making a fresh start with a new company, I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and remain optimistic that he's learned from past mistakes. Yes, this IMO was one of the strengths of Mearls being...
  6. kronovan

    Where Do You Get Your Digital (RPG) Books and Materials?

    I've mostly bought PDFs from drivethru and my 2nd source would be VTT DLC bought from the Fantasy Grounds and Foundry stores. I ocassionally get PDFs from a crowd funding project, but scaled back my funding of those big time a few years ago. I also occasionally buy from Humble Bundle or Bundle...
  7. kronovan

    D&D 4e Narrative books on Nentir Vale?

    I have it, but didn't mention it because I found the quality of writing in it below the trilogy and consequently never finished it. TMoN does contain a lot of lore though and I found myself reading parts of it when I ran my campaign set in the Old Hills of the vale.
  8. kronovan

    D&D 4e Narrative books on Nentir Vale?

    Ah, my bad. I was somehow confusing that adventure with a novel I'd read. If memory serves me correctly I did play in that adventure, but it was a long time ago - at least 2 decades.
  9. kronovan

    Savage Worlds vs 13th Age

    Even though the systems are different, I'd say you're right to compare them since Pinnacle Entertaiment has now published Savage Pathfinder. Classes in 13th Age are containers for powers and feats (like 4e), so in a sense there more akin to SW's archetypes with their edges and arcane powers (if...
  10. kronovan

    What keeps uninterested players showing up each session?

    I haven't played or DM'd at an IRL 5e table in my city, where all but 1, maybe 2, of the players hadn't read the PHB front -to- back. The same's been true for earlier editions of D&D rules. On the other hand, I can't recall playing at an IRL table for any other TTRPG (doesn't matter which...
  11. kronovan

    What Are Your Favorite TTRPG Genres

    Probably due to it being a genre in which players and GMs have different interpretations of what it encompasses. For a personal example, I consider Shadowrun with its mages, shamans, elves, dwarves, orcs & trolls to be much more of an urban fantasy setting with a mix of cyberpunk blended in. And...
  12. kronovan

    What Are Your Favorite TTRPG Genres

    Historical Fantasy -eras of Earth's history retold with fantastical elements- is my favorite genre. There's many unique, Basic Roleplaying, GURPS and Savage Worlds settings that come under that subgenre, like Pendragon, Mythical Iceland, Mythical Britain, Weird Wars Rome, etc. However that...
  13. kronovan

    what rpgs do car wars?

    I'll ditto Savage Worlds SWADE - I've run many a car chase and a battle using those rules, with very good results. Vehicle battles using miniatures on a tabletop with SW are also doable and I've done a fair amount of that with tanks and AFV in Weird Wars campaigns. They're a bit more doable...
  14. kronovan

    D&D 4e Narrative books on Nentir Vale?

    I've read the Abysal Plague Trilogy and I'd recommend it to anyone who looking for a story that delves into and develops some of the lore of the Nentir Vale. The 1st (The Temple of Yellow Skulls) and 3rd (The Eye of the Chained God) novels are written by Don Bassingthwaite who's my favorite D&D...
  15. kronovan

    Any Christian rpgs?

    I homebrewed my own setting that's set in the Italian Republics of the Renaissance, for which aspects and institutions of Christianity are in play. IMO it's best to treat this idea via Historical Fantasy set in an era and location where Christianity was the primary religion. And most...