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Recent content by JAMUMU


    Worlds of Design: Artifacts of Cosmic Power

    Imagine an artifact that imagines itself a network. An information network, if you will. At first it draws together the voices of the outsider, the dispossessed, the obsessed. It amplifies and directs those voices through channels that would never have been allowed to exist before the forging of...

    Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials [[SPOILERS!!]]

    Ah the details are probably too political for ENWorld. Maybe I will get away with saying that a Black british comedian recently made a few jokes about the transition to the new Doctor that hit hard.

    Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Specials [[SPOILERS!!]]

    I think this is the undermining cherry on the undermining cake. Bringing Tennant back was obviously necessary to breathe life back into the show before launching Gatwa, but it does smack of problematics. If they bring back the Master for the Gatwa run I'd love if they went back to the "monster...

    What Is Your Favorite Campaign Setting?

    OG Greyhawk, Cerilia, Lankhmar, RQ's "Mythic Earth".

    D&D 5E No One Plays High Level?

    I love high level play, by which I mean 14+. And I don't just mean with older editions but also with 5e. High level play takes D&D and pushes it out towards the event horizon. It's a chance to take things beyond what normally constitutes a D&D game. It isn't about dungeons, it isn't even about...
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    D&D General better dark elves?

    In my Greyhawk campaign there are three main drow sub-cultures. Those that worship the Elemental Eye are the extremist always-evil-hate-all-life drow. Those that worship Lolth just want to be left alone to play emo-rulers of the underdark, farm spiders and wear fabulous silk creations. The third...

    Marvel Studios' Echo | Official Trailer | Disney+ and Hulu

    Vincent D'Onofrio's Kingpin is legit the only thing that peaks above RDJ's 2008 Iron Man and the early CA/Avengers movies on my Marvel Nerdometer.

    Are Superhero films dying?

    Yes. You ever see what a .44 Magnum does to a superhero franchise?
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    Spelljammer What kind of steed does a giff paladin "Find"?

    I once played a character with the full name and title of "Gif the Giff and his Hippogryph".
  13. JAMUMU

    What RPG do you most regret parting with?

    My first edition books. Sold them off when I was a poor student and have regretted it ever since. Honourable mention goes to Over the Edge Second Edition.
  14. JAMUMU

    D&D 5E What are the "True Issues" with 5e?

    Halaster's End of History.