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Recent content by GobHag

  1. GobHag

    D&D General [+] Players, what do you like about railroads?

    I could argue that a video game can be more fulfilling for sandbox because it's so consistent, while a sandbox game is in the whims and skill of a GM(and also scheduling) but 90% of the time I can always make a dirt house, literal sand castle, an ice office, or a wooden home and make insane...
  2. GobHag

    D&D General [+] Players, what do you like about railroads?

    While I dislike my choices being retroactively made irrelevant or I'm denied of making too many choices. I'm wayyyy into just 'spicing' a story up just fine--Oh we're definitely going to Mt. Moredoom and kill the Magma King? Sure, A-okay with that. CLear direction, the lines I'm boxed in I can...
  3. GobHag

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    Power Fantasy has historically been, and will always be, popular. And even the Old-School ethos has a sort of 'striving towards' that will inevitably lead them to greatness, so deliberately designing one's own demise is strange and baffling until you realize that another way to see backstory is...
  4. GobHag

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    I agree, but to Neotrad/OC let's make that cool backstory/ability to come alive in the table. That backstory bit is there so that it comes into play, I put the fact that my dad left to fight the Lich King to either save him or to have a tragic fight with his reanimated body. Or that if I did...
  5. GobHag

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    Not to me they aren't. OC and NeoTrad are the same. A more 'tragic' take on NeoTrad is very much possible and existing, I think Deviant The Renegades is a great example of a game intending for a darker neotrad/OC. You will die, how do you make it beautiful or grotesque?
  6. GobHag

    D&D 5E Help me understand & find the fun in OC/neo-trad play...

    As someone that made a neotrad thread a month or two back, I'm more than willing to say that yes--Neotrad does have at least a bit of preplanning going on. Usually vaguely when it's far in the future but I've had my fair share of 'alright so your right-hand man is gonna confront you about your...
  7. GobHag

    "The term 'GNS' is moronic and annoying" – well this should be an interesting interview

    I dunno, I always see random encounters as time pressure and a way to spice up a journey. Having it 'make sense' is a secondary concern. Personally I despise Gygaxian Naturalism, I'm an anti-simulationist kinda guy. I think it has lead to fun anecdotes and mostly overcomplicared lore and...
  8. GobHag

    The Answer is not (always) on your Character Sheet

    Unironically yes, maybe not make the BBEG everyone's parent/family since some players just want their parent/family as just that--parent/family. If I just want a neutral world, why would I go to an RPG? IRL is already neutral.
  9. GobHag

    The Answer is not (always) on your Character Sheet

    INCORRECT! The world I present to the players are molded to fit the characters and players, I don't suddenly have their homes get destroyed by an earthquake or a random kitchen fire. They're torched by arsonists hired by mob bosses they've crossed. The appearance of neutrality is needed at...
  10. GobHag

    The Answer is not (always) on your Character Sheet

    Do I actually present a neutral game world or do I give the appearance of neutrality?
  11. GobHag

    D&D 5E The Magical Martial

    And it should be 3 arrows at level 5 at the very latest
  12. GobHag

    D&D 5E The Magical Martial

    I don't want it to be high level. Make it level 5 at most.
  13. GobHag

    What Games do you think are Neotrad?

    The art has not been created however, the sites and destination is clear but the journey hasn't been taken.
  14. GobHag

    What Games do you think are Neotrad?

    This blogpost did a great job in putting into digital paper some of the 'techniques' and 'style' of neotrad, also shows off a less RAW-abiding version of Neotrad that doesn't uses the modern games that are built for it...
  15. GobHag

    Paradox kills Chronicles of Darkness with The Hedge being the last Changeling the Lost book

    Terrible but expected news. A great shame since CofD was my second 'big' TTRPG fandom I played in, it did a lot to shape my tastes.