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Recent content by EzekielRaiden

  1. EzekielRaiden

    MichaelSomething's 4E Comeback special

    If it would be useful for folks, I have found a very convenient power macro text generator. Just gotta fill all the info in and codes up everything you need. http://4e-power-builder.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ Edit: I have finished putting in pretty much everything other than backstory...
  2. EzekielRaiden

    MichaelSomething's 4E Comeback special

    Consulting my crystal ball, it seems prewritten devils don't really do petrify, and those demons that do are...a bit ambitious as long-term enemies, shall we say. (As in, high Paragon or endgame Epic!) But a medusa or other similar creature could make sense.
  3. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General What are humans?

    Lamentably, yeah, tribalism does seem to be something we see in humans and less so in D&D races. Just about the only counter-examples I can think of are elves (drow vs not-drow, and that one's being specifically toned down over time), and gith (-yanki vs -zerai, and that one's a deep ideological...
  4. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General What are humans?

    Still doesn't sound to me like wanderlust. That sounds like trying to get-rich-quick so you can then settle down and turn a small pile of money into a large pile of money.
  5. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General What is the right amount of Classes for Dungeons and Dragons?

    Personally, I liked this being a Rogue thing. 4e called it the Artful Dodger. Edit: Huh, my 10,000th post. Surprising.
  6. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General What are humans?

    The latter makes sense to me. Pack-bonding and pattern-recognition are two of the particular quirks of humanity, even compared to other ape species, so having one or both of those produce a weakness seems apt, if one wishes to give humans one.
  7. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General What are humans?

    Nah. Halflings explicitly don't have wanderlust (Bilbo, Frodo, and other Tooks are called out for being weird about that--they really do mean it when they say "adventures make one late for dinner"), and "individual specialization" seems pretty orthogonal to their stuff. Halflings are homebodies...
  8. EzekielRaiden

    MichaelSomething's 4E Comeback special

    Have the basics of my character up (stats, equipment, skills). If I still have access to old campaign stuff, it may not take long at all to code up the powers side of things. @MichaelSomething Any thoughts on what great culture my character might be from? I've taken a Background that adds to...
  9. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    Perhaps an alternate approach: If most people never make it to level 12+ in a given game, and even when they do it takes multiple years to get there... Why not chunk the game into three separate 10-level brackets? You'd cut down enormously the amount of cognitive load new players need to take...
  10. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General What are humans?

    My concept for generalized humanity, in contrast to other species options like elves, dwarves, dragonborn, etc. is: Wanderlust. One of the things that seems to have distinguished homo sapiens sapiens from our neighbor subspecies like neanderthalensis and denisova is that our populations...
  11. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    They meant exactly what they said. Especially because they would say it. Over and over and over and over. Folks particularly loved the "Fighters shooting lightning bolts out of their arses" format, even though that literally isn't a thing. It really can't. Especially since even for people who...
  12. EzekielRaiden

    MichaelSomething's 4E Comeback special

    Bahamut, always. Which would be both of the latter two things, and at least semi-related to the first (while he's not a god of civilization proper, Bahamut does get invoked at monarchs' coronations, which implies a link to good government.) I'll probably have mine up tomorrow. Helping take care...
  13. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General New Interview with Rob Heinsoo About 4E

    And I think, at least at this time, far too many D&D fans would refuse to accept a game that lacked a Fighter than you'd gain from such a move. Dramatically, overwhelmingly more, in fact. We've already seen what people can do just with misinformation. Actually deleting the Fighter--whether or...
  14. EzekielRaiden

    D&D General The Problem With Paladin's Medieval Origins (+)

    It would seem I was slightly overstating my case, but it does explicitly say the paladin has rules about who they're allowed to associated with as part of the oath...without actually stating the rules beyond an incredibly high-level summary.
  15. paladin.PNG

