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Recent content by Evilhalfling

  1. Evilhalfling

    D&D 5E DM imposed restrictions to the game (+)

    I start a campaign in collaboration mode. What do you want to see in a game? are there things you can live without? then I worldbuild last game didn't have high elves, no orcs appeared in the 2 years it ran. the main races were human, halfling, dragonborn&kobold and dwarf. but when a...
  2. Evilhalfling

    D&D 5E Ship rules crafted with love for your scrutiny

    the old campaign ended last night, they decided not to blow up the moon. Wandering Writer — Today at 4:31 PM"OH MY GOD WE SOLVED IT THROUGH THERAPY!" someone suggested an Age of Sail game for the next campaign... I decided that 3 frigates could show up from a nation on the other side of the...
  3. Evilhalfling

    D&D 5E Ship rules crafted with love for your scrutiny

    im using rules from Saltmarsh, with the officers it suggested and more handwavy rules for combat. Mostly I'm very happy with them - instead of all the ships moving on grid with facing rules, its just sort of handwaved. While I understand lots of people like naval/space tactical games, it was my...
  4. Evilhalfling

    Spelljammer Spell Jammer speed

    can creatures attain spelljammer speeds? clearly beholders need ships. But is it case by case or blanket for all flyers? kindori (space wales) murder comments and lunar solar dragons seem like good candidates. I cant even tell what was happening in 2e.
  5. Evilhalfling

    Spelljammer Spelljammer Crew Cost

    these are the costs based on crews in The Ghosts of Saltmarsh. which has great rules fro running ocean ships and environmental hazards. like a typical crew has +4 to skill rolls, and checks are made by 4 relevant officers, an then one for the crew. My Party captured a pirate ship 4 sessions...
  6. SKYWARP.jpeg


  7. Evilhalfling

    Spelljammer WTF Spelljamming? (5e) Orbital Mechanics

    sorry it took so long to get back to this thread.. I decided I did want to ditch the 15-hour trip through the atmosphere - it's just boring and serves no purpose. instead, I was thinking like -10 miles above the surface. 2-3 hours is enough to see the tops of clouds, harassed by flying...
  8. Evilhalfling

    D&D General How Was Your Last Session?

    It was okay. lots of movement driving the plot forward, but few player choices during the session. 1. feasted with a governor, party approved to add "Dragonslayers" as title. 2. Trading run (PC plan) nearly 2000 gp in profit 2A - small sailing skill challenge while under attack by water...
  9. Evilhalfling

    Spelljammer WTF Spelljamming? (5e) Orbital Mechanics

    unless the "object" that you need to get 1 mile away from is the "atmospheric envelope" of the object, not just the surface. NASA says edge of space is 62 miles up. I will use that rather than the ship air/gravity envelope rules. Also as a side-note since a 10-ton ship provides normal...
  10. Evilhalfling

    Spelljammer Spell Jammer speed

    Yoink this is the rule I want for my current campaign. the PCs just built the world's second spelljammer, and may try shenanigans. They achieved a test flight at the end of last session, but stayed within 100' of the surface. I thought it was 15 hrs to the edge of space (62 miles/ 4 mph)...
  11. Evilhalfling

    Spelljammer WTF Spelljamming? (5e) Orbital Mechanics

    My campaign is 5e homebrew world, and has been running for nearly 2 years. The PCs have just reached level 11, and have built the [dominant civilization's] second spelljammer in history (history only goes back 500 years) They need to go blow up a moon, because of course, they do. More...
  12. Evilhalfling

    D&D General How Was Your Last Session?

    Session 16: Empire of Dawn : Bad Moon Rising Level 10. Dragon fire traps prove nearly deadly. The great bronze door was opened. (thanks to rat-hivemind companion being polymorphed into a T-REX) the gold dragon was slain. Going down hard. 543 lbs of coins were collected, hoard valued at...
  13. Evilhalfling

    D&D General How Was Your Last Session?

    Fun, full of laughter, and close combat with Pirates. Session 15: Empire of Dawn: Bad Moon. Level 10. Commissioned priests of Builders and Smiths to build a spelljammer helm, (from old plans found in session 10) He said it would take 50 days and require a core component, suggested some...
  14. Evilhalfling

    D&D 5E Control water and sea battles

    Update: the PCs didn't take control water. (either druid or cleric could have memorized it.) and per party tradition as soon as they realized who the enemy caster was they applied focused fire. and she went down hard (100 hp in one round? really guys? but it was rnd 3, and the pirates nearly...
  15. Evilhalfling

    D&D 5E Making Dragons cool again: New Dragon Traits

    @RoughCoronet0 Im surprised Animate Breath didn't make your list: it was a spell from a 3.5 draconomicon , where the dragon could transform its breath into an elemental. I always liked the imagery and free minion challenge, although it still runs into whatever elemental resistances the party...