• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Beefermatic

  1. Beefermatic

    Kuvachim Golem

    Irony of course is i made the Inerta Golem, aka, Kuvatchim Golem, years before the Black Hole Golem.💪🏼😁👍🏼
  2. Beefermatic

    Psionics, Mythic/Epic/Divine/Cosmic etc rules

    Holy shiit man, that's wild. Yeah Bypass Mental Defenses is really op. You've given me a lot to think about, I appreciate it bro.
  3. Beefermatic

    Kuvachim Golem

    Here you go, it's under the Lipika about halfway down the page. Hope you enjoy. 👍🏼 https://www.enworld.org/threads/the-pinnacle-of-hubris-i-present-to-you-thychen-the-supreme-being.514497/page-3#post-7288073
  4. Beefermatic

    Kuvachim Golem

    I made what are called Inertia Golems which were golems of pure momentum that roamed as guardians of Kuvatchim, they as they had no form and infinite strength, were able to move freely throughout Kuvatchim. I'll find the post and repost it here.
  5. Beefermatic

    Psionics, Mythic/Epic/Divine/Cosmic etc rules

    You know what one of the issues, if not the main issue is, is that one player, a telepath, is Mythic tier 2 and has Bypass Mental Defenses the Mythic power. That seems to be a catch all, and I'm trying to find a limiting factor for it because every fight is turning into a game of Russian...
  6. Beefermatic

    Psionics, Mythic/Epic/Divine/Cosmic etc rules

    Thank you very much Obly, I appreciate it bro. 😊
  7. Beefermatic

    Psionics, Mythic/Epic/Divine/Cosmic etc rules

    Hey all, sorry it's been a while since I posted, I'd like some help making some rules, feats etc for epic, divine etc Psionic abilities and powers. I'd also like some expanded base psionic rules for gods, etc and if they already exist maybe a link? I'm aware of the small amount of Psionic feats...
  8. Beefermatic

    Sub-Epic Offerings

    This is a cool class, I made a class called the Grand General many years ago that's superficially similar, if I can dig it up I'll post it.
  9. Beefermatic

    3.5 IH stuff from my old notes

    All very cool stuff! Good work!
  10. Beefermatic

    Things from my setting

    I would absolutely, I'd say that a deity should absorb a fraction of the Quintessence Elemental's energy. I think also killing a Quintessence Elemental would be an easy way to ascend a mortal being too.
  11. Beefermatic

    Things from my setting

    My only question is, what does it actually look like, it was pretty unclear. I've seen the 5th edition stat block so I know, but I mean for people who aren't familiar with this creature.
  12. Beefermatic

    Things from my setting

    Ah bro, you rock, I'm literally making a storyline with one of these in it already, lol, how serendipitous. Good enemy btw, scary af.
  13. Beefermatic

    Sub-Epic Offerings

    These are cool. Seem useful. That last one though, that's seems very strong.
  14. Beefermatic

    Enemies, Allies, and Ideas for Sidereals, Eternals, and above

    Good question, no, their immunity to magic would negate someone from being able to magically teleport inside. Transporters, like Star Trek transporters, and Abrogating the magic immunity and then normally Teleporting would work. However, though I don't have it listed, their shields also inhibit...
  15. Beefermatic

    New Special Materials Beyond Neutronium. Quark, Strange, and Black Hole Matter

    It could go either way, i think there's an argument for it basically converting your armor into a micro version of it and turning turning it into strange matter, probably destroying the non epic magical properties of it in the process. I'd honestly just leave that to dm interpretation. Really it...